» Juvenile Fiction » breaking glass, KLeena Girl [popular e readers .txt] 📗

Book online «breaking glass, KLeena Girl [popular e readers .txt] 📗». Author KLeena Girl

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from now on and Sebastian had even offered to bring her to her aunt’s, when he had the time.
With her eyes closed, Serena leant against the car’s window. To signal the other boys that she was asleep, Lucas made a quiet hush sound. His gaze wandered over to the young girl, her expression drowned in exhaustion. Gently he tucked the strands, falling into her face, back and spread out his jacket over her shivering form. When she began to stir, he softly whispered, „It’s alright, Serena, just sleep. I’m here for you.”

* * *

It was September, 18th – one day before Lucas’ birthday. Serena and David had finished their party plans and the party had already begun. The invited guests and the birthday boy himself were already drinking and dancing in the living room of the Newman’s house. It wasn’t nearly as big as the Newton mansion, but Serena was very familiar with it, since her friend Jenny lived in here, as well. It was nearing midnight and Lucas’ friends made a countdown. „…3…2….1…0…Happy Birthday, Lucas!” They all cheered. The boy, who just turned 16, was showered with presents and congratulations by the people around him. David patted his shoulder and Serena went to embrace him, whispering an honest ‘happy birthday’ in his ear. Lucas smiled.
Most of the guests had already left, when it was around 3am in the morning. Jenny, David, Sebastian, and André, they all sat together around the small round table in the living room, telling jokes or sharing the latest gossip. Lucas had asked Serena to go outside with him. Again, the Newman’s garden wasn’t nearly as big as David’s, but nice. It was dark outside, but the lamps in the house shone bright enough to the outside. „So”, Lucas started, „I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful gift.”
Serena shrugged. „It’s from Dave, too. I guessed you’d like to have an own bass guitar. So you don’t have to use that old one from school all the time.”
Lucas blushed. That was strange. He never blushed. „You’re right. I am.”
She eyed him suspiciously. „What did you want to tell me? I mean, why are we out here in the garden?”
He blinked back, words caught in his throat. Her gaze changed to a questioning one.
„Well, if you’ve got nothing to say, I’m going inside again. I hope you don’t mind – “
The brunette turned to go, but he grasped her wrist slightly, brushing the paled scars by accident. „Don’t go, Serena!” He replied. It sounded like a command, though it was meant as a request. „Please.”
Serena was confused. Why was Lucas acting so strangely? Or was he just drunk? „Lucas, I don’t understand – “
But she was lost in mid-sentence, when a pair of soft, warm lips was pressed against hers.
Serena’s eyes went wide and she didn’t react. His lips were silently begging for entrance, but she couldn’t move at all. She hadn’t expected this. Her mind was blank. It took her even a few seconds to realize what was happening. And when she did, she made a decision.
With force she pushed him away, disconnecting their lips as well. Lucas stared at her, fear in his eyes and his hands held up in a defensive pose. Serena touched her lips and stared at him. „What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She yelled at him. He tried to excuse his behaviour and to apologize to her, but when he came nearer, she shouted again. „Get away from me!” He stopped and watched dumbfounded, as she hurried away. He could see her bursting through the living room, with the others looking all shocked after her.

* * *

„You left so quickly last night”, David said, as he sat down across Serena at the table. „Would you like a bagel?” He took his and coated it with black cherry jam.
Serena stared at her breakfast and sighed. „Davy?”
„Lucas kissed me last night.” She said it like it was something terrible.
„I know”, he answered, taking a bite, „I’ve seen it. We all have seen it.”
„Oh no”, she gasped and took her head in her hands, „what should I do now? I don’t know how to react.”
„Well, how do you feel about him?”
„He’s a friend. He’s nice. You’re a friend, too.”
„But do you have any other feelings for him?”
„Yes, but I don’t think it’s love.”
„What is it then?”
„I don’t know. Maybe gratefulness?”
„Anyways”, David cleared his throat, „it’s your choice. You’ve gotta talk to him.”
Serena nodded slowly. „Alright, but what’s your position in this whole thing?”
„You mean what I think about you and Lucas together?” David thought for a moment. „Well, you’re my best friends, seeing you two together might be weird. But then again, Lucas is a good guy and you’re like my little sister. I just want your best.” He smiled. „I’m happy, when you are.”
„Aww”, Serena said with a hint of amusement in her voice, „that’s so sweet of you. Thank you, brother.” Before she turned to go, she bent down to give him a little peck on his cheek. Then she headed towards the Newman’s, with the decision still to make.

* * *

A nervous feeling crept up her chest, but she tried to push it down again. She rang the door bell and waited impatiently.
Mr Newman opened and looked surprised at her. „Good morning, Serena.”
„Good morning, Mr Newman.” She fidgeted before she continued. „Is Lucas there?”
Lucas’ father smiled. „He is, but we’re about to go to the synagogue.”
Serena gasped. „Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. I forgot. Maybe I’ll come by later.”
„Don’t worry. That’s alright, my dear.” A female voice said and Mrs Newman appeared next to her husband. „Would you like to come with us?”
Serena smiled embarrassed. „That would be nice. But would that be okay with you?”
„Of course”, the woman answered, „We belong to a liberal community after all. So it won’t be a problem. Come on, let’s go to the car. Robert, would you call the kids?”
„Sure”, Mr Newman replied and disappeared in the house again.
Mrs Newman instead walked into the garage with the young girl, who nervousness still hadn’t vanished. „Mrs Newman…I don’t think I’m wearing appropriate clothes”, she said unsure of herself, as she looked down herself, facing her black jeans and her green pullover. „I don’t want to attract attention.”
„You look fine”, Mrs Newman told her and gestured for her to enter the car. „And you can call us by our first names, dear. My name’s Maria and my husband’s Robert.”
Serena smiled happily. „Thank you, Mrs New – Maria.”

* * *

Serena hadn’t thought that a family could be like this and that visiting a house of God could be so…fulfilling. She was still awestruck, as Lucas opened the car’s door and helped her out. Lost in her thoughts about the recent event, she had almost forgotten why she’d come here in the first place.
„Would you like to go to the park? I’ll just bring my kippah into the house, ask my parents and come right back here, okay?”
Serena nodded and waited. He was back within two minutes and took her hand. „Let’s go.”
They started to walk in silence, no one of them was sure about how to bring that special topic up.
„It’s good that my family are liberal Jews, otherwise simple walking like this wouldn’t be allowed.” The 16-year-old laughed. „But my parents aren’t so strict with the rules anyway. I mean most of them they dismiss and Jenny and I are allowed to eat most anything.” He wore a faraway look in his warm, brown eyes. Everything about him was warm, Serena mused silently, his eyes, his lips and his body walking right beside her much smaller form. „My parent would even agree to let us marry someone non-Jewish.”
Serena giggled. They had already entered the park and she knew it was time to reveal the things they had to talk about. „Lucas, well, I guess you know why I want to speak with you.”
The two stopped and he turned around to look at her delicate face. She was desperately trying to tear away her gaze from his, but she found herself unable to.
„I didn’t want to hurt you last night.” She told him, leaving open whether she meant physical or mental pain. „And if I did, in any way, I’m sorry.”
„You don’t have to be”, Lucas relented. „It was me who took you by surprise. It wasn’t my intention to scare you off.”
Her small lips curved into a smile. „You didn’t. And I’ve made up my mind.” She laid her arms around his shoulders and pulled them closer together.
„You’re my friend, Lucas. And I can’t thank you enough for saving my life, even twice. You are awesome and I’d like to give us a try.” Suddenly she averted her eyes, „But I can’t promise you anything. Don’t expect too much, for I don’t know how this will turn out.”
Lucas pulled her chin up gently. „That’s okay. Serena, I love you. You’re all I care about. And of course, I will consider your feelings and won’t force you to anything.”
„Then kiss me.”
And this time it was a real kiss. His lip touched her gently and the contact sent sensations running through their bodies. Carefully he deepened the kiss, marvelling at the satin texture of her lips. She pressed her lips against his, holding them there, before her patience left her. She wanted more. He answered her thirst by gently nibbling at her lower lip. Shyly, Serena opened her mouth more, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth, before caressing it with her own. They stayed like this for several moments. Blood pulsed excitingly through their veins, letting them feel more alive than ever before.
This has to be the best day ever, Lucas decided in his mind. It was not only Sabbath, but his birthday, too. He felt great and he definitely didn’t wish for anything to change.

* * *

„I will never understand how you can actually believe in a higher power”, David grumbled, as he set the table in the big living room of the Newton mansion.
„Me, neither”, Serena chirped in, carrying a tray with glasses. In the corner, where an old oriental lamp used to stand, was now the magnificent Christmas tree with a size of about two metres. The boys had bought it, while Jenny and she had decorated the plant just this morning. „Instead of praying so much, you could rather help me out here”, she exclaimed, as she lit up the last candle on the Hanukah. „Besides, it’s so funny that your family is Jewish, but you do celebrate Christmas with us.”
„It’s funny that you two atheists celebrate Christmas at all, when it’s a Christian holiday” Lucas replied before kissing her forehead. „And the prayers are for you, my dear.”
„For me?” Her face changed to confusion. „What do you mean?”
Lucas smiled honestly, „I’m praying, so nothing bad will ever happen to you. Somebody has to look out for you, and since you aren’t religious, it’s my responsibility to pray for your well-being.”
„You’re crazy”, the brunette laughed, but sealed his lips with a quick kiss, „but sweet. Thank you.”
„I’ll help Jenny in the kitchen”, her boyfriend declared and stood up.
„He really believes in that stuff, does he?” David grinned and handed her the last Christmas gifts and cards for her to put under the tree.
„Let him”, she answered cautiously, „I think it makes him happy. And if he is, I am, too.”
„It’s awkward”, he said suddenly, his mind far
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