» Juvenile Fiction » Animalia, Cristian Johnson [classic literature books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Animalia, Cristian Johnson [classic literature books .TXT] 📗». Author Cristian Johnson

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high showing those antlers. “I’m no baby I just feel it's not right to go in the alleyway.”

He proceeds to walk down the dark alley with Chris trailing behind him slowly as he looks upwards of the alley seeing birds on the clotheslines. As they both walk down the alley it continues to get ominous and cloudy, you can see the clouds above making it darker and gloomier. The slender buildings make it look very intimidating.

Luke lifts his head and starts to smell the air. “Your right Chris something seems awfully fishy from this familiar stench here.”

“Oh man…*sniff*, *sniff* it just smells like someone pissed.” Chris says he tries to cover his large nose with his two front claws but fails to even touch his chin.

A trash can falls nearby, the lid rolling and rumbling on the ground. Both friends jump back startled and look at the lid on the ground. Then a strange shadowy creature leaps out of the darkness and back into it.

“Did.. did you see that?” Luke asks, looking closely at the lid on the ground.

Chris nods. “Yeah, I could’ve sworn that was a cat? I think.”

They continue to walk down the alley, more sounds of cluttering trash cans and birds flying away can be heard. Then both realize it's a dead-end, a large green dumpster container is blocking the exit point to the back entrance of the restaurant.

“Hey, Luke you mind pushing this dumpster so we can finally get out of this place.” Chris asks.

“Sure I got ya Chris,” Luke replies smiling.

As Luke begins to push the dumpster some movement is seen at the top of the rubbish. Suddenly, a fat orange tabby cat jumps out and hisses at Luke. He begins to back up as Chris walks forward to see what's going on. A chorus of meows erupt as they view from all around them that they are surrounded by cats.


Chapter 3: Felidae

Two friends are ready to face the reality of the world they woke up into. They must venture out and see what their new world offers. While they are in amazement of all the abundant plant life they now meet the others that call New York home. Now Chris and Luke are in trouble, a sudden clash of what seems to be kittens. Will our new heroes find a way to overcome this adversary or will they fall to a “catastrophe” of events


The tabby stares at Luke and Chris and says “Aye yo, man what the hell are you doing man, this is my alley… my home. I WANT YOU TO GET OUT NOW!”

“Hey... Hey... it’s all good here, we're just trying to get past this alley that's all.,” Luke says nervously.

“Leave him alone, you lump head just move already,” Chris says.

“Well just because you're hungry you think you can walk up to my alley. It doesn't belong to you. I'm afraid you two are going to learn something new today.” The cat replies then it jumps down to the ground.

The fat cat lets out a loud meow, suddenly dozens of cats start to swarming the alley. They jump from windows, some from doors and even on top of the rooftops looking down ready to attack. Hissing and growling they start to surround Luke and Chris.

Luke begins to back up some. “Um... Chris… you gotta do something here ...I'm too young to get mugged.”

Chris looked at the situation and he knew it was better off to be hungry. He would be in a worse shape if he stayed around. “Wait...We will leave, just please don’t harm us.” He tells the cat.

The orange cat signals the other cats to stand down with his paw. “Well that’s more like it. I’ll let you two leave, but promise to not come back here ever again, or next time you won’t be so lucky.”

Luke and Chris turn around and begin to walk out the alley slowly. The other cats continue to follow them staring at them as if there were pieces of food. The large tabby cat also follows, to make sure they leave his alley.

Chris begins to walk slower and leans in toward Luke whispering “New plan ok, on my mark I’m going to dash for it ok, just run if they start chasing you.”

Luke looks down the alley and toward the cats “Bwuh-wait hold on…you plan on going in and getting the food now? “

Chris shakes his head. “Nevermind, Luke forgot what I said, just stay here. I got this alright.”

He takes a deep breath and turns around and makes his way toward a garbage can. He notices that the cats stop and just stare at him. He then knocks it down with his tail. The cats immediately arch their backs and hiss at Chris.

The orange cat frowns at Chris, “I thought I told you douche-bags to leave and not to come back here again. This is my alley, this place belongs to me.”

Chris stays his ground and stares down at the cat, “What if I decided if I am going to stay right here instead of...fatty.”

The cat shuffles closer to him growling at him “What did you just call me boy... do not piss me off, or you are going to regret your life scaley head.”

Chris begins to mock him “Oh, look at you, you're just acting like an adorable little kitten who didn't get some milk… is that what you want? Some mama milk for your diabetic body.”

The orange cats’ anger gets the best of him as he instantly jumps on Chris's face aiming for his eyes, “YOU PICKED THE WRONG ALLEY FOOL!!”

Chris is blinded by smelly fur as he staggers back and falls from the weight of the fat cat. The cat begins to gouge Chris’s eyes out but has trouble penetrating the eyelids, it does break some of the skin of his face. Chris tries to stand up but then starts to feel more pain around him as he feels tiny pointy teeth on his body and swift burning from the scratches. He didn't notice that most of the cat’s crew pile on him trying to end his life. Chris roars in pain and tries to wiggle the cats off but it is no use, they are latched on and are pinning him down. From the corner of his eye, Luke sees cats run through his legs and he begins to follow them leading to the mass frenzy that is on his buddy.

Luke begins to mash his way trying to get rid of the cats off Chris’s buddy screaming, “LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE, YOU JERKS.”

Multiple cats are discarded out from the pile as blood is spraying throughout the alley walls. The orange cat sneaks off away from Luke as he begins to climb out of the dumpster away from the battlefield. Chris is now bleeding heavily filled with gashes and teeth marks all over his body, he tries to stand up but falls again on the ground.

“Thanks...buddy…” Chris mutters slowly before laying his head on the floor.

“I’ll get you out of this Chris I promise just hang in there.” Luke tells Chris.

More cats start to appear and try to get through the ivory shield of Luke’s horns that are coated with blood. He continues stabbing and hurling many cat corpses across the alley. The large orange cat looks at Luke’s exposed neck and gets ready to pounce on him. Chris opens his eyes again hearing only the sounds of flesh being torn and cats’ wailing as Luke is nearby defending his life. The orange cat starts to run and jumps on Luke’s lower leg biting into it. Luke yelps as he is stunned and the other cats start to bring him down. Unlike Chris Luke doesn’t have hard skin to protect him much...the cats are gashing Luke much faster.

The orange cat is now walking towards Chris grinning at the fall of both of them. “I told you, you should have left when you got the chance and now you are paying the consequences. You know you really worked me up for a meal. Thanks for making it easy jackass!”

Chris with his eyes barely open looks at Luke getting killed by the cats around him and knows he has to help. He can do it, he will do it. His eyes roll to the back of his head, the dark green cat-shaped iris against the pale white pupils seem to glow and he gets a burst of energy. He lets out a large breath then gets up with no problem on his feet. He grumbles for a bit and gives out a large shriek to the crowd of cats. The cats look at him with an intimidating look while Luke is breathing heavily bleeding from the side of his body and his back legs.

The orange cat looks at Chris and starts to walk back screaming, “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR….. GET HIM!” The other cats dared not to move or strike Luke as they stared at their leader in terror. “I SAID GO KILL HIM...WHY AREN’T YOU GOING TO FIGHT HIM!!?” He screams at this crew again.

Something has changed in the air, the alley cats once the attackers do nothing and get away from Luke. Running away and hiding back into the darkness of the alley.

The orange cat looks at the other cats and starts to run away, “You are all just a bunch of wimpy cats..if you won’t do it, I’ll just do it myself.” Suddenly he lunges at Chris and goes for his neck, but misses. Those quick reflexes make Chris open his mouth and shut his jaw on the skull of the cat. His obliterating fangs pierce the skull of the cat into his brain, blood and other fluids drain out quickly. The cat’s body goes limp as it finally dies, its eyes stare out into nothingness as it gazes to one side of Chris’s jaw oozing blood into his mouth. Chris opens his jaw open and realizes the cat is stuck on his teeth. The unique slight curving of his teeth keep the dead carcass of the orange cat in his mouth. He raises his forelimbs grasping the rough fur of the cat puncturing the skin with ease. He then pulls and tugs, and gives a violent jerk to the body and head. The seams of skin, tissue, and bone connecting the neck to the cat's skull rip off. He decapitates the orange cat's head easily. The head falls to the ground, with bits of loose veins spurting blood all over the ground. Chris struggles for a bit but then clamps down crushing what is left of the orange cat and swallows down whole. He looks at the other cats who are now stiffly urinating in place. The urge of hunger is strong, and he can’t help it; it's all instincts for him. He then goes with his instincts and pounces on the pile of cats. Cats start to dart away from him, but it is no use Chris is running behind them at remarkable speed snatching them into his mouth, although most of the small creatures that Chris is chewing on are not enough to finish them off completely. He grabs the dangling cats that get stuck in his

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