» Juvenile Fiction » I Wish.., Jessica Pham [carter reed TXT] 📗

Book online «I Wish.., Jessica Pham [carter reed TXT] 📗». Author Jessica Pham

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took a moment for us to realize what she did, but it was too late, she had already read the headlines as we ran up to her on the couch. I studied her face, her mouth formed an ‘o’ as she read the article. We all waited for her reaction.
“Da fuq…?” she muttered. “And they think this is true?” she turned to us. Well, the boys, not me. She was still avoiding me. I couldn’t help it, when she said that, my heart gave a jolt. She doesn’t want

it to be true? It didn’t make sense. Why would I have that kind of reaction to what she said? Maybe because you like her… or maybe even love…

A little voice in my head said. I pushed the thought away. No way! I mean, that kiss was amazing, but I can’t like her! She’s a Directionator, for crying out loud!
But that doesn’t change that fact that she’s sweet, outgoing, sarcastic, annoying, and can stuff ANYTHING in her mouth and not get fat..
“Apparently.” Zayn answered. “There is

that one photo of you two kissing…” Louis pointed out. Everyone whipped their head around and gave Niall a glare. He was

the one who uploaded that photo online.
“Sorry?” he mumbled.
“Just forget it. Nothing happened.” I said when I finally found my voice. I carefully avoided looking at Amber’s face when I said that. I didn’t want to see her reaction.
It was hard enough saying it.
Suddenly, the newspaper slammed against the table. I looked up, and Amber was storming out of the living room.
“C’mon, man!” Niall complained, he pushed off the couch and followed after Amber.
“Dude that was cold..” Zayn said. And then followed Niall.
“You shouldn’t have said that.” Liam looked at me, disappointed. Then he walked in the direction of the boys.
“She didn’t deserve that.” Louis gave me a look and walked off with the boys.
“But SHE was the one who didn’t want this to happen! It’s not my fault!” I protested.
"No!" Jimmy protested.

Chapter 15

 (Harry's P.O.V.)


Ack. This is baaaad. Amber hasn’t been out of her room in hours, and that’s sayin something. She’s usually in the kitchen rummaging around looking for food.

 The guys have been giving me the cold shoulder. Of course they’d side with the lady…it kind of hurt, seeing that we’ve known each other for about a year. Yet they still chose her over me.

 I was currently in the kitchen, drowning my sorrows in Capri Sun. I swear, my mouth feels like crap. It’s like someone took a bottle of super glue and dumped it down my throat, and then shoved a bunch of fruits down for good measure.

 That’s how weird my mouth feels. I didn’t want to slur my words when I talk to her, so I didn’t drink any beer. Beer breath is probably a huge turn off for girls.

Is it possible to get drunk from Capri Sun? Yeah, probably; my eyes were crossing and I felt a huge headache coming on.

 I went to the fridge and downed some water. What was wrong with me? I never let a girl get to me! I’m Harry Edward Styles, for crying out loud! Date, do, and then dump were my motto.

 Niall walked in the room, completely ignoring me. He shoved his shoulder against mine as he headed to the fridge; I stumbled back in surprise. Luckily, the cup of water didn’t spill.

 “What’s your problem, man?” I seethed. “My problem? MY PROBLEM?” He scoffed.

 “Yeah!” I tilted me head, challenging him.

 “Are you kidding me?” he raised an eyebrow. I only stared at him with my jaw clenched.

 “My problem is that you can’t appreciate what you have! There’s a beautiful girl in that room,” he pointed in the general direction that her room was in, “and she’s crying her eyes out because of you. See, this is what you ALWAYS do. You hump and dump. You don’t even consider what the other person is feeling! And before you complain and say that you don’t hump, it’s an expression. I don’t know why, maybe it’s your looks, but you have girls falling at your feet everywhere you go. You BASK in the attention and take advantage of it. You want my advice? March up to her room and apologize like you mean it. Because I swear to you, if you don’t do it, you’re going to regret it. She’s too good for you, man. She’s strong willed, lovable, hilarious, and she doesn’t take advantage of the attention she gets. I can name a lot more, but I think you get the gist. She’s perfect and different, yet she still fell for your charms.” Niall spat and walked out of the kitchen with a pile of food in his arms, leaving me standing there, completely speechless.

 “You think I WANT this to happen?” I shouted after his retreating form. He ignored me and kept walking.

 I sighed and messed up my hair in frustration. Well I screwed up, big time; but it wasn’t my entire fault either! SHE was the one that pushed me away. SHE was the one that rejected me and said that she couldn’t do it. They couldn’t exactly blame it all on me!

 But, I have to be the balls in this relationship- or whatever Amber and I have. If not, we’re not going to go anywhere. I quickly finished the water I was drinking before Niall came in and tossed the cup in the sink.

 I shook my shoulders to relieve some of the tension. I went to Amber’s room and stood there, in front of the door like a fool. Before I had the chance to wimp out, I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

 “What?” came the reply.

 “Room service!” I hollered in a falsetto voice. “We’re not in a hotel, Harry.” She stated bluntly. Her voice sounded so close, as if she was right behind the door. I breathed out a shaky breath and leaned my forehead against the door with my arms bracing myself on the doorframe.

 “I’m so sorry.” I croaked.

 All of the times we spent together ran through my head. I only knew her for a short period of time, but already; we shared so many memories. I smiled at one distinct memory, when everyone was in disguise. Louis and I were dressed as princesses and girly girls. Then we had to run for our lives because the paparazzi were chasing us. The smile dropped off of my face when I realized that she was silent throughout my trip down Memory Lane.

 “Amber?” I asked quietly, not wanting to anger her any more than I already have.

Suddenly, the door whipped open, smacking my face in the process. “Ouch.” I groaned.

She barely opened the door, only enough to fit her petite body through and hide the room from my view. She didn’t move or anything, she just stood there in the doorway and sighed.

 “What do you want, Harry?”

 “Uh…” I said dumbly, not expecting her to open the door at all. She looked horrible; her eyes were pink and swollen, her cheeks were blotchy. Her hair looked like tumbleweed, and her clothes were creased and baggy. I took a closer look at them and realized that they were Niall’s.

 That struck a spark of jealousy. What’s he got, that I don’t? Why does she have to wear HIS clothes? Why can’t she wear MINE instead? Oh wait, because she’s mad at me.

 “Well?” she drawled. Instead of answering her, I just stood there, shuffling my feet anxiously. “If you ain’t gonna say anything intelligent, then feel free to leave.” She snapped and started to close the door, but I quickly stuck my foot between it.

 “Who said I came here to talk?” I asked mockingly. Craaaap, why did I have to say that? I’m supposed to be apologizing, not making her mad! Geez, I am NOT good at this. Apologies are SO not my thing.

 “UGH!” She groaned and slammed the door on my foot; my shoeless, vulnerable, and innocent foot.

 “OWW!” I shrieked, perfectly impersonating a girl. I hopped around on one foot and squeezed the other tightly with my hands. Man, who knew that doors could be that deadly? I whirled my head around and gave her a scathing look.

 “I… was just… kidding.” I muttered through my clenched teeth. The pain, oh the pain. I might not be able to live… tell mum I love her. And Zayn that I was the one who put green dye in his shampoo. Oops. “Well, you shouldn’t have said it.” She said with her head held high.

 “Why can’t you take a joke? Geez woman, now I know why you’re single.” I yelled. Okay, so that might’ve been a low blow. I let my foot go, completely forgetting about the pain.

 “You’re just jealous that people like me more than you!” she shot back.

 “Wait, who’s the star with millions of fans all over the world?” I tapped my finger on my chin and pretended to ponder about it. “Oh wait, it’s me.” I said with sass.

 “Touché, but at least I don’t sleep with anything with boobs and legs!” she retorted.

 “That was lame. But you know what? I bet you’re not even a virgin.” I smirked.

 “I AM!” She shrieked. “Nu uh.” I childishly shot back. Boy, was I enjoying this.

 “Screw you, Styles.” She seethed, her face was beet red. “I know you wanna, but I don’t think you know how, seeing that you claim to be a VIRGIN and all.” I know, I know, I’m supposed to be apologizing and graveling at her feet, begging for forgiveness. But this is WAY more entertaining on my part.

 “You…” by now, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that she’s beyond furious. I wouldn’t be surprised if steam started blowing out of her ears right about now. I couldn’t help it, I had to tease her a little more, “You… what?”

 She gave a battle cry and swung the door open all the way and rugby tackled me to the ground. I didn’t even see it coming. Her fists connected themselves to my chest as she repeatedly bashed into my man boobs. I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t a turn on.

 “Woah there!” I said, while trapping both of her small wrists in one of mine, effectively stopping her. “Hold your horses.” I teased. She struggled against my hold, screaming colorful words at me. It was so colorful; it could’ve made a ghetto unicorn jealous. It was pretty entertaining, but I had to get her to shut up before one of the maids call the cops.

 So I did the first thing that came to my mind; she stopped struggling and stared at me, astounded. I was a little shocked, myself. I mean I usually don’t do these kinds of things to girls.

 “You… PINCHED ME!” she screeched.

 And then the swearing and struggling started up again. I chuckled at her angry face; it was so adorable! “You…” she seethed and then proceeded to kick me in the shin. “Think this is FUNNY?” she slammed her face into mine, making our heads collide.

 “Oww.” I groaned, using my free hand to rub my forehead. “Not my best idea..” Amber mumbled. We both scrambled up from the floor.

 “No shit, Sherlock.” I

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