» Juvenile Fiction » Falling For You, Ana Fuentes [i read book .TXT] 📗

Book online «Falling For You, Ana Fuentes [i read book .TXT] 📗». Author Ana Fuentes

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going to get in trouble” I say out of breath, and that seems to be the point where he finally understands what is going on.
“Wait WHAT?!” he chokes out. He snaps out of his ecstasy trance, and I have the old Dylan back. His shoulders slump, and he lets out a ragged breath. He bites his lip and looks up at me with those hazel eyes of his.
I feel myself losing my concentration, my brains starts to malfunction. And I find myself losing my footing, and suddenly I’m falling.
It all happens in a blur. Too fast for my brain to take ahold of what is happening. It all passes by my eye sight in a second.
Dylan stands up. Well tries to. But ends up failing.
I, on the other hand am still falling.
At the last second as a way of protection I’m guessing, Dylan puts up his arms. Maybe to stop my falling. But it seems that his action only worsens things.
I end up falling on top of him, while my feet decided to knock aside a rack of cleaning supplies. Causing a big ruckus.
I don’t even have time to scream, because in that second the door opens, and the outside light spills in. Blinding me.
I hear a squeak, and I find myself squinting at the light. Wondering what made the noise. When it all comes into focus I see a girl, staring at us like we’re a fire breathing dragon in the middle of an ice storm.
Her eyes wide, and her mouth open in an “o”. And then it hits me. I’m on top of Dylan. Dylan has no shirt on. We’re hiding in a DAMN janitors closet.
A janitors closet for crying out loud!
Of course she’ll be looking at us weirdly.
I’m one hundred percent sure of what she’s thinking right now. And that is “OMG! They had SEX?!?! In the janitors closet?!”
Fuck. To make things worse I think I know her. Triple Fuck.
I scramble off Dylan, and hastily try zip up my hoodie. I stand up, and hold my hands out to the girl.
“It’s-it’s not what it looks like” I exclaim, feeling heat curse into my cheeks.
I see Dylan stand up, and the girls eyes wonder off me. Suddenly on Dylan. And then Dylan turns around to face her.
I see her expression change.
“Amy?” he asks.
Her face flushes bright red, and for the first time I actually notice who she is.
Her light brown hair, those hazel eyes.
Ahh Shit.
Dylan’s little sister.
“Dylan?” she stammers. Then she turns to look at me again. “Zoin?”.
I feel frozen, unable to move. I become aware of the fact that its WAY to hot in here.
“Uh……hi Amy” I say, and instantly I regret saying that.
“ZOIN?” she asks again.
“Uhhhhhh-” I find myself at loss for words, but thankfully Dylan saves me from making an even bigger fool of myself.
“Listens Amy” he says, “This is not what it looks like. I swear we were ju-”
She steps back in horror, “You two were having sex!” she exclaims.
“NO!” Dylan and I yell at the same time.
I take a step away from Dylan, and Dylan picks up his shirt from the ground. He puts it on hastily. On the meantime Amy continues staring at us weirdly.
“Amy listen to me we were NOT having sex” I explain.
Amy just shakes her head and turns to look at Dylan. She points a finger at him, “YOU promised mom!” she yells.
Dylan holds his arms up in an exasperated motion. “And I kept my damn promise!” he replies.
Amy takes a step toward us, “Dude! You just banged Zoin in a janitor’s closet!”
I open my mouth and take a step toward Amy, “I’m standing right here!” I say.
Dylan grabs fistfuls of his hair, “I DID NOT BANG ZOIN!” he yells.
“Riiiiiiiiiiight” she says.
“I’m not lying!” he exclaims.
Amy turns to face me and raises her eyebrows, “Is that true?” she asks me.
“YES! Its true!” I reply
She scrunches up her eyebrows “Then what were you doing here?” she questions.
I feel my face go beat red, and I instantly turn to look at Dylan. I notice his face is bright red to.
Amy turns to look at Dylan. I notice Dylan starts to get really uncomfortable. After a couple of seconds Dylan finally opens his mouth.
“Uhh we were, uh you know uh doing uh stuff” he says.
“Doing what?” she questions again.
“Uh you know, um kissing” he finishes.
I don’t know if it’s possible but as he said those last words I notice he got even redder. Yes more red. Like a bright red brick wall.
To be honest it was funny. If it wouldn’t have been this awkward I would have laughed.
“Gross” she says in disgust.
Dylan glares at her, and I roll my eyes.
“Aww come on Amy, like YOU haven’t kissed anyone” I retort, crossing my arms over my chest.
This time its Amy’s turn to blush. I feel a smile come to my lips, and when I turn to look at Dylan notice he’s smiling too. It seems to me both of us are enjoying seeing Amy in a uncomfortable situation.
“O-Okay” she stutters, “I think I’m leaving now. Bye.” She finishes and walks away.
I turn to face Dylan, and smile awkwardly at him.
“I guess I’m gonna go now, see you later man” I say.
I start walking away, but at the last second Dylan grabs my arm and holds me in place. I turn to look at him and hold my breath.
“Wait Zoin” he says.
“Yeah?” I ask.
He takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry for my sister” he finishes.
I feel myself blush, “Oh yeah about that. It’s okay, I mean it wasn’t your fault.”
He lets out a little laugh, “Yeah, but still. It was awkward you have to admit that.”
I smile “Haha yep, it was awkward”
We stay there for a full minute in that position. Until Dylan breaks the silence by letting go of me.
“Ah okay, see you later” he says, then he gets out, and walks away to his first period class.
“Yeah, bye” I murmur, but it’s a little too late considering the fact that Dylan was no where in hearing distant.
I let out a sigh, then walk away to my first period class. English.
Okay so that was not weird. I get pulled into a janitors closet by my best friend and then we have a full make-out session. Then to make maters worst his SISTER walks in on us, while I’m on top of him. And she accuses us of having sex!
What the hell.
I would NOT have sex in school.
How stupid does she think I am?
Gahh, this is making my head hurt. And now I feel tired.
Make-out session wears me out. Haha I’m tired because of that.
I stop in front of my English class, and take a deep breath. I also use that time to check my phone.
I’m 20 minutes late. WTF?
I shake my head and put my phone back in my jeans. I grab ahold of the handle and open the door.
My worst nightmare comes to life in that moment. EVERY head in the room turns to look at me. Including Michaels.
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention I have this class with him?
Oops my bad.
The teacher, Mrs. Lee turns to look at me, and raises an eyebrow.
“Second time this week” she says turning her back to me.
And then as if the spell is broken, all heads turn away. All except Michaels. He continues staring at me. I make my way to the back of the class, because that’s where my seat is. Unfortunately Michaels seat is in the middle, and to make matters better. We sit on the same row.
Yep, so I have to pass by him. Lucky me.
I let out a sigh, and make my way to my seat. I try my best to ignore Michaels stare, but when I pass by him I cant help but meet his eyes.
He smiles at me. And my heart does a little dance. I feel heat curse up to my cheeks and I speed up to my seat.
When I get there I sit down and instantly I feel a buzz in my jeans front pocket.
Probably from Dylan.
I take out my phone and what I find surprises me.
-Why were you kissing Dylan?- (Amy)
I stare at the message for a full minute. Not sure what to think about it.
I mean Amy texted me. Asking why I kissed her brother. Gahh, this is just great. I take out my English notebook, and open it to yesterday’s note’s. I decide to text Amy back.
-Uh, to be honest I don’t know- (Me)
I put my phone back in my pocket, and a second later a note appears in my desk. I look around, but nothing seems out of the ordinary. No one is looking my way.
Uh that’s weird.
I pick up the note and unfold it.
Meet me at the study hall after this class
I look up from the note and I notice Michael looking back at me. He smiles at me, not a cocky boy smile, but a nice smile.
The type of smile that turns your insides to Jell-O.
To be honest I cant help but smile back at him. After that I look away, and act as if I’m writing something on my notebook.
The rest of the class passes by in a blur, and next thing I know its almost time to go. Only two more minutes. I grab my notebook and shove it inside my backpack. Along with the note.
The bell rings and everyone stands up. They all march to the door including me. Once I’m out in the hall, I make my way to my locker. I take out my French homework, and put it inside my backpack.
You see, French is my next class. But it doesn’t seem that I’ll be going straight there. I have to make a stop somewhere else first.
The Study Hall.
I make my way there silently.
What would Michael want to talk about? Is it about yesterday?
Oh shit. I just remembered. I gave him an erection.
Fuuuuck. What can I say to that.
When I get to the Study Hall, I bite my lip and look in through the window thingy in the door. I notice its empty.
Gahh just my luck. I let out a breath and step inside. I close the door behind me, and take a seat in one of the benches attached to the walls.
I take out my IPod and turn it on. In a second Bulletproof Love by Peirce The Veil is making its way into my ears and to my brain.
I feel a smile touch my lips, I close my eyes and lean back.
And wait for Michael to come.
Less than a minute later, I hear a door open and close. Followed by footsteps.
I debate in my mind opening my eyes, or leaving them closed. In the end I leave them shut.
I hear the exhale of breath followed by “Hey.”
I open my eyes, and find myself face to face with Michael. His deep brown eyes boring into my own.
I feel my throat close up and my heart speed up. Suddenly there isn’t enough breathing air here.
I open my mouth slightly, then close it and open it again, “Uh hey Michael,” I say. I pinch my hip and mentally scold myself for what just happened.
Michael nods, and tilts his head to the side. He moves away and sits next to me. His thigh touching mine.
I feel a blush come to my cheeks, and I look down pretending to be interested with my rainbow-colored shoelace.
Well to be honest my shoelace IS pretty intoxicating. I mean just the fact that its multicolored. That makes it beyond cool if you ask me.
“Sooooooooo,” Michael says, bumping his thigh lightly against mine.
I smile and look up at him, “Hey, again”. Ah, shit why did I say ‘hey’ again? So stupid sometimes.
He laughs and leans against the wall “Is that all you can say?” he asks me.
I blush
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