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less crime.


Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845), Quaker prison reformer and philanthropist



Reason is the life of the law.

No, the law itself is nothing else but reason.


Edward Coke



I've knowingly helped a number of guilty men.

But what they must pay me

is punishment enough for anyone.


Lee Bailey, lawyer



A lawyer will do anything to win.

Sometimes he will even tell the truth.


Patrick Murray (1956- ), English screen actor



To laugh, to lie, to flatter, to face four ways

in court, to win men forgiveness.


Roger Ascham (c. 1515-1568), English scholar and writer



A man between two lawyers

is like a fish between two cats.


Benjamin Franklin (1705-1790), inventor, statesman, and philosopher



A lawyer can rob more

than a thousand men can with guns.


Mario Puzo (1920-1999), American author and screenwriter



Bad rules are the worst leaders.


Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish stateman and philosopher

in a speech at Bristol, prior to the Late Election (1780)



Rules were made to be broken.


Christopher North (John Wilson), (1785-1854), Blackwood’s Magazine

(April, 1829), ‘Noctes Ambrosianae’ number 49




55. Freedom



Oh Freedom,

what liberties are taken in your name!


Daniel George (details unknown)



Stone walls do not a prison make,

and metal bars do not make a cage.


Richard Lovelace (1618-1658), English poet, To Althea, from Prison



As we are liberated from our own fears,

we liberate others.


Nelson Mandela (1918- ), former President of South Africa



No one can be perfectly free

if all are not free.

No one can be perfectly good

if all are not good.

No one can be perfectly happy

if all are not happy.


Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), English biologist and political theorist,

Social Statics (1850), part 4, chapter 30



Over time, and across the Earth,

freedom will find a way.


George W. Bush (1946- ), 43rd President of the United States

speech to UN General Assembly, September 21, 2004



The history of free men is never really written

by chance, but by choice; their choice!


Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1969), army general & 34th U.S. President



I disagree with what you say, but I will fight

to the death to protect your right to say it.


Voltaire (1694-1778), French writer, historian, philosopher



We think birds in cages are singing,

but the truth is that they are crying.


John Webster (c. 1580-c. 1625), English dramatist

The White Devil (1612), act 5, scene 4



Liberty is always business that is not finished.


Title of annual report of the American Civil Liberties Union, 1956



All human beings are born free and equal.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights



They are slaves

who fear to speak for the weak.


James Russell Lowell (1819-1891), American poet, critic, and diplomat



Slavery is against the laws of God

and the rights of men.


David Hartley (17-5-1757) English philosopher,

and founder of the associationist school of psychology




56. Animals



The more one gets to know of people,

the more one likes dogs.


A. Toussenel (1803-1885), French writer, L’Esprit des bêtes (1847)



From troubles of the world, I turn to ducks.

Beautiful laughable things.


F. W. Harvey (1888-1957), English poet



A cat will look down on a man.

A dog will look up to a man.

But a pig will look you straight in the eye

and see his equal.


Winston Churchill (1874-1965), former British Prime Minister



A dog is for life, and not just for Christmas.


National Canine Defence League



Good people think about

the feelings of their animals.


The Bible, Proverbs 12:10




57. Music and Art



My music is best understood

by children and animals.


Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Russian composer, Observer, 8 Oct. 1961



Music, the greatest good that humans know,

And all of heaven we have below.


Joseph Addison (1672-1719), English writer and politican



Whether I was in my body or out of my body

as I wrote it, I know not. God knows.


George Frederick Handel, of the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ in his Messiah



Music is feeling, not sound.


William Stevens (1879-1955), American poet,

Peter Quince at the Clavier (1923), part 1



Why should the devil have all the good music?


Rowland Hill (1744-1833), English preacher



I dream my painting and then paint my dream.


Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch painter



Art is a jealous mistress.


Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American writer and lecturer



As the body cries for food,

the hair cries for flowers.


Author unknown


Better the rudest work

that tells a story or records a truth,

than the richest without meaning.


John Ruskin (1819-1900), English art critic and philanthropist



It is interesting, but is it art?


Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), English writer,

The Conundrum of the Workshop, 1892



Artists can colour the sky red,

but those of us who aren’t artists

must colour things the way they really are

or people might think we’re stupid.


Jules Feiffer (1929- ), American syndicated cartoonist



The artist is not a different kind of person;

every person is a different kind of artist.


Eric Gill (1882-1940), British scuptor



Every artist puts his brush in his own soul,

and paints his own nature into his pictures.


Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), American preacher and abolitionist



Dance is a rhyme,

of which each movement is a word.


Mata Hari (1876-1917), Dutch exotic dancer



A dance is measured walking,

as a rhyme is measured talking.


Author unknown




58. Travel



A trip is best measured in friends,

rather than miles.


Tim Cahill, travel expert



A good traveller has no plans that he cannot

change and is not deeply interested in arriving.


Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism (about 500 BC)



When you travel, remember that a foreign

country is not there to make you comfortable.

It is there to make its own people comfortable.


Clifton Fadiman (1904-1999), American author and media personality



There is always something new out of Africa.


Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), Roman author, Natural History



A traveller without observation

is a bird without wings.


Moslih Eddin Saadi (1184-c. 1283), Persian poet



The French complain of everything, and always.


Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), French revolutionary military hero



A Boston man is the east wind made flesh.


Thomas Gold Appleton (1812-1884), American writer and artist



When you’re travelling,

you are what you are right there and then.

People don’t have your past to hold against you.

No yesterdays on the road.


William Least Heat Moon (1939- ), American travel writer

of part Osage Nation origin



The world is a book;

those who do not travel read only one page.


St Augustine of Hippo (354-430), Roman philosopher and theologian



No one knows how beautiful it is to travel

until he comes home

and rests his head on his own pillow.


Lin Yutang (1895-1976)

Chinese writer and inventor



Travel is a part of learning.


Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English lawyer & statesman, Of Travel



I do not travel to get to a place.

I travel to travel.

The important thing is to move.


Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), Scottish novelist and writer,

Travels with a Donkey (1879), ‘Cheylard and Luc’




59. Change



Progress is impossible without change,

and those who cannot change their minds

cannot change anything.


George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish playwright



The key to why things change

is the key to everything.


James Burke (1936- ), British author, TV producer, and historian



A new broom

sweeps clean.


Irish proverb



Nothing carries more power to change

than little acts of human kindness.


Jamie Winship, American missionary and writer



Vision without action is just a dream.

Action without vision just passes the time.

Vision with action can change the world.


Joel A. Barker, American public speaker and video maker



In this world nothing can be said to be sure,

apart from death and taxes.


Benjamin Franklin (1705-1790), inventor, statesman, philosopher



At twenty a man is full of fight and hope.

He wants to change the world.

When he is seventy he still wants to change the

world, but he knows he can't.


Clarence Darrow (1857-1938), American lawyer



Can the leopard change its spots?


The Bible, Jeremiah 13:23



We all want to change others;

but who wants to change himself?


Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian writer and Christian anarchist



Change your thoughts and change your world.


Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993), American minister and author



To change your thinking,

and follow one who shows new truth,

makes you no less free than you were

before hearing the new truth.


Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180 AD), Roman emperor from 161 AD

Meditations book 8, section 6



Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.


Jesus, Matthew 3:2



If you put new wine into old wineskins,

the skins will explode.

You must put new wine

into new wineskins.


Jesus, Matthew 9:17



Nothing is more dangerous than a plan,

when you do not have a second one.


Alain (Emile-Auguste Chartier), (1868-1951), French philosopher ,

journalist and pacifist, Propos Sur la Religion (1938), number 74



The bamboo survives

by bending with the wind.


Bruce Lee (1940-1973), Chinese actor,

director and martial artist



Sometimes in the winds of change

we find our true direction.


Author unknown




60. Computers and other Inventions



The question of whether a computer can think

is no more interesting than the question of

whether a submarine can swim.


E. W. Dijkstra (1930-2002), Dutch computer scientist



There is not a flower or bird to be seen,

only a small window on which lines are moving,

while the child sits without moving,

pushing at the keyboard with one finger.

No smells or tastes, no wind or bird song.


John Davy, on arguments against teaching through computers



The danger from computers is not that they will

one day get as smart as men, but that we will

one day agree to meet them halfway.


Bernard Avishai (1949- ), Israeli writer and business consultant



You can use the best computers

to gather the numbers,

but in the end you have to set a time and act.


Lee Iacocca (1924- ), American businessman



The computer can’t tell you the emotional story.

It can give you the right numbers,

but what’s missing is the eyebrows.


Frank Zappa (1940-1993), American composer, singer, film director



I shall make electricity so cheap that only the

rich will have enough money to burn candles.


Thomas Edison (1847-1931), inventor and scientist



In all big companies, there is a fear

that someone, somewhere is having fun

with a computer on company time.


John C. Dvorak (1952- ), American columnist and broadcaster



On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.


Peter Steiner, cartoonist, The New Yorker, July 5, 1993



Ours is the age that is proud of machines that

think, and afraid of men who try to.


H. Mumford Jones (1892-1980), American writer, literary critic,

and professor of English at Harvard University



I find television very good for learning things.

Every time someone turns it on

I go into another room and read a good book.


Groucho Marx (1890-1977), American comedian and film star



There is no need for any one person

to have a computer in their home.


Ken Olson (1926-2011), American engineer,

and co-founder of Digital Equipment Corp.


I think there is a world market

for maybe five computers.


Thomas Watson (1874-1956), chairman of IBM, 1943



Heavier-than-air flying machines

are impossible.


William Thomson (1824-1907), British mathematician and physicist



Men travel faster now,

but I do not know if they go to better things.


Willa Cather (1843-1947), American novelist who wrote of frontier life


It takes hundreds of nuts to hold a car together,

but it takes only one of them

to destroy it on the highway.


Evan Esar (1899-195), American humourist, Esar's Comic dictionary




61. Humility



Being perfect is reached,

not when there is nothing left to add,

but when there is nothing left to take away.


Antoine de St. Exupery (1900-1944), French writer and aviator



If you have put your foot in your mouth,

it is probably not the time to try to dance.


R.M. Lynch (details unknown)



If I only had a little humility, I'd be perfect.


Ted Turner (1938- ), American media mogul and philanthropist



He that lifts himself up will be put down,

and he that humbles himself will be lifted up.


Jesus, Luke 14:11



The only true wisdom

is knowing that you know nothing.


Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher



Anger makes many problems for you.

Pride stops you from fixing them.





A proud spirit goes before a fall.


The Bible, Proverbs 16:18



I know nothing

but that I know nothing.


Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher,

in Diogenes' Lives of the Philosophers, book 2



It is difficult to find a person

who can weigh the weaknesses of others

without putting his finger on the scales.


Byron J. Langenfeld, details unknown



You will not grow at all

if you think you know it all.





If you help others, forget it.

If others help you, remember it.


Chilon (c. 6th Century BC), one of the seven sages of Greece




62. Leftovers



History repeats itself.


Author unknown



A place for everything,

and everything in its place.


Mrs. Beeton (1836-1865), Book of Household Management (1861)



What is the town if not the people?


William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Coriolanus act 3, scene 3



The world is made of stories, not atoms.


Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980), American poet and poltical activist



Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing.

Let us hold close one special day.

Let us get back our childlike faith again.


Grace Noll Crowell (1877-1969), American poet



They bite the hand that feeds them.


Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish stateman and philosopher



Don't be too sweet, or they will eat you up.

Don't be too bitter or they will vomit you out.


Jewish proverb



Three o'clock is always too late or too early

for anything you want to do.


Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), French writer, philosopher

and activist, Nausea (1938)



If you go shopping when hungry, you are likely

to buy things that you do not need.


American Heart Association Cookbook



How different, how very different

from the home life of our own loved Queen!


comment overheard at a performance of Cleopatra

by Sarah Bernhardt, 1924



This is quite a three-pipe problem.


Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), Sherlock Holmes



Why should you mind being wrong

if someone can show you that you are?


A. J. Ayer (1910-1989), British philosopher



Be not overcome of evil,

but overcome evil with good.


The Bible, Romans 12:21



Someone, somewhere, wants a letter from you.


slogan for the British Post Office



Maybe, just maybe.


slogan for the British National Lottery



If you want to get ahead, get a hat.


slogan for The Hat Council



A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


line with all the letters of the alphabet in it



The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.


The Bible, 1 Corinthians 15:26



All is well that ends well.


William Shakespeare (1564-1616), English playwright




















Publication Date: 03-16-2016

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