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Voynich manuscript and Codex Rohonczi have been known for decades or even centuries as previously not decrypted books with unknown content.

When recovering the dead Bartleby, the coroners happened upon a letter hidden inside the poor souls coatpocket. It was a queer letter, and was almost tossed to the flame, but, by happenchance, this letter came into my possession. Upon reading the tale, I have found, in my heart, that poor Bartleby's story must be told. Here I present to you the document in its full, unadulterated form.

INTELLINOTIONS is an e-magazine of PETALS. It is published as a fortnightly in English and has the following segments: COVER STORY AUTHOR INTERVIEW BOOK REVIEW, GUEST SPEAKS, MUSIC AND MELODY, ARTICLE NOTIONS : NIBS IN MOTION, TOUCHING TALES AND SOUL SINGS. Originally it had started off with 5 segments but with growing popularity and on public demand, it has been introducing new segments .

This guide was created through collaboration with Celtic Studies professors Máirín Nic Dhiarmada and Joanne Fahy, with the aim of providing students and visitors with a carefully-selected list of resources to help them increase their proficiency in the use of the Irish language (Gaeilge).

Ash is a quiet boy of 15, after his mother died his life became complicated he now calls himself Ormod meaning sad.he and his dad now life in Corsica. living a life full of sadness and hate. will things finally get better in their life's ? I hope u find it interesting and please comment on what u think of it good or bad.

thats all about a life may be of yours and ofcourse its mine there's bgirl she's a writer dancer and a stydying gal.. can't say anything more just read it . plzzz

This book is for all ages, but better for the younger croud. It can help anyone learn their ABCs no matter how old. We assure you that this is a good book for children.

This book is basically a rant/mental breakdown journal. I think it's kind of a funny idea for a book now that I think about it.. But basically, I'll just be logging every other day about how I feel and I might tell you a bit on what's going on (the rant part). Sometimes I might be happy, or unsure about everything or I even might record a mental breakdown of mine. Book is still in progress, obviously. I hope you enjoy.

Some of the enriching traditions of Tamil Nadu are still alive in the rural regions of Tamil Nadu. Every year during annual festivals of the local diety, the villagers bring these traditions to life.