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Book online «Criminal Psychology, Hans Gross [motivational books for students .txt] 📗». Author Hans Gross

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Chance, 159;
and law, 161;
theory of, 160.
Change, in effect, 12.
Character, correlated with crime, 55;
and promises, 58;
and religion, 387;
and laughter, 396.
Character-units, somatic, 69.
Child-murder, 358.
Children, 364;
as subjects of, physiognomics, 87;
justice in, 365;
sexual differences, 366;
as witnesses, 366;
in city and country, 367;
senses of, 367;
representation in, 368;
time-sense of, 368;
practical and unpractical, 369;
delinquency of, 371;
egoism of, 371;
memory of, 270.
Choulant, 1.
Cicero, 165, 265.
Circumstances, irrelevant to proof, 114.
Claparède, 49, 50, 227.
Classes, the conscienceless, 17.
Clearness, and brightness, 199;
influences of background on, 199.
Color, 204;
existence of, 205;
disappearance of in darkness, 206.
Combe, 487.
Comparison, influence of bodily conditions on, 381;
and inference, 170.
Conceit, causes guarded statement, 8;
caused by sexuality, 325;
influence of, on knowledge, 328.
Conception, 221;
basis of, 225;
subjective nature of, 225;
influenced by environment and training, 228;
feminine, 333.
Concomitants, accidental, and cause, 127.
Condillac, 188.
Conditions, influence of on language, 291;
constantification of, 11.
Confession, 31;
and secrets, 31;
motives of, 32, 109, 114;
begins judge’s work, 33;
not proof, 33;
uses of, 34;
suggestive influence of, 36;
how offset, 36;
truth of, 114;
partial, 110;
accusing, 112;
reliability of, 114.
Connection, logical, and experience, 142.
Consequences, and knowledge, 184.
Conservatism, of woman, 340.
Constantification, of conditions, 11.
Contact, reaction-time to, 218.
Contraction, of brow, 97;
significance of, 98.
Contradiction, insurance against, 7.
Conviction, self-developed, 68.
Copernicus, 222, 223.
Corre, 2, 307.
Correctness, formal vs. material, 4;
influence of effort on, 142.
Cotta, 84.
Cournot, 153.
Cramer, 427, 492.
Crime, objective, 3;
and desire, 68;
and need, 57;
and woman, 310.
Criminalist, 2.
Crooks, underestimated, 428.
Cruelty, related to bloodthirstiness, etc., 77;
and sex, 77;
and epilepsy, 78;
feminine, 355.
Custom, influence of on visual perception, 203.

Dallemagne, 2.
“Dark” perceptions, 228.
Darkness, vision in, 204.
Darwin, 44, 46, 51, 73, 74, 76, 84, 87, 88, 90, 92, 99, 104, 237, 287, 330, 410, 411.
Deafness, 211.
Debierre, 410.
Defiance, 94.
Deformity, evil results of maltreating, 70.
Dehn, 213.
Dekterew, 416.
Delboeuf, 433.
Delbrück, 479.
Delinquency, juvenile, 369;
influence of puberty on, 370;
exaggerated accounts of, 370.
Deprivation, 95.
Derision, 95.
Descartes, 188.
Desire, 67;
and crime, 68.
Despine, 411.
Dessoir, 492.
Dialect, 293.
Diehl, 21, 259.
Dietz, 436.
Dilettantes, 393.
Dimension, third, and image, 235.
Discursiveness, help against, 19.
Dishonesty, in women, 341;
causes hypocrisy, 343.
Dispositions, 234;
and habit, 408.
Distribution, equal, and probability, 133.
Disturbance, factors of, 21.
Dorner, 192, 260, 403.
Dream, 481.
Dress, 82, 83.
Drill, 410.
Drink, quantity of, 490.
Drobisch, 180, 269, 282, 283, 374.
Drucker, 492.
Drugs, influence of on sense of touch, 215.
Duality, of causal problem, 118.
Duchenne, 85.
Duplication and imitation, 415.
Dying, memory of the, 274.

Ebbinghaus, 259, 260, 262, 265, 271.
Eckartshausen, 1.
Education; by examples, necessary, 24;
dangers of, 386;
of jury, 24;
one-sided, in witnesses, 392.
Effect, 11.
Effort, influence of on correctness, 142.
Ego, influence of dual nature of, 252.
Egoism, potent in law, 25;
important in examination, 26;
criterion of veracity, 28;
of children, 371;
of foolishness, 401;
and prejudice, 413.
Ellis, 2.
Eloquence, of judge, 163;
and jury, 164;
of pleaders, 164.
Emotionalism of woman, 359.
Emotions, 283;
effect of, 100;
gradations in, 284;
how to judge, 287.
Engel, 85.
Ennui as submerged sexuality, 324.
Envy, 419.
Epicurus, 160.
Erdmann, 232, 248, 396, 399, 400.
Error, and avocation, 65;
how excluded, 13.
Esprit de corps, 64;
and evidence, 65.
Esser, 102, 405.
Estimation, of optical magnitudes, 428.
Eulenberg, 421.
Events, psychical, and physical processes, 42.
Evidence, conditions of taking, 7;
method of taking, 7;
effect of persuasive, 36.
Examples, education by, necessary, 24;
dangers of, 251.
Excellences characterise, 252.
Exceptions and rules, 134, 135.
Exner, 166, 174, 228, 230, 237, 238, 263, 377, 428, 441, 471.
Expectation, influence of, 251.
Experts, 14;
are human, 14;
their opinion of judiciary, 37;
and rules of inference, 133.
Exposition, influence of on meaning, 290.
Expression, incorrect forms of, 296.
Expressions, emotional, 43;
inheritance of, 43;
contradictory, 43;
Darwinian principles of, 88;
danger of mistaking, 89.
Eyes, closing of, 89.

Factors, of disturbance, 21.
Facts, why overlooked, 250.
Fainting, cause of, 76;
of women, 344.
Fallacies, 177;
the pathetic, 398.
Fancy, and memory, 264.
Far-sightedness, and myopia, 201.

Fatigue, and misunderstanding, 473.
Fear, described, 74;
and innocence, 420.
Fechner, 188, 200, 220, 378, 437, 448, 458, 465.
Ferrero, 215, 315, 339, 480.
Ferri, 2.
Ferriani, 364.
Fichte, 259.
Fick, 150, 191.
Figures, memory for, 268.
Fink, 302.
Fischer, E. I., 160, 191, 197, 221, 377.
Fischer, Kuno, 352.
Flournoy, 450.
Foderé, 436.
Földes, 179.
Foolishness, 253, 399;
Erdmann on, 400;
egoism of, 401;
intellection of, 405.
Foot, 104.
Forgetting, time of, 271.
Form, of life, 67;
and inference, 168;
visual perception of, 201.
Freud, 161, 268, 467, 481.
Friedmann, 416.
Friedreich, 45, 52, 77, 309, 323, 370.
Friendships, of women, 353.
Fröbel, 20.
Function, feminine, defines woman, 304.
Funded thoughts, important, 21;
difficult to discover in jurymen, 22.

Gall, 84.
Galton, 215, 259, 410.
Gassendi, 188.
Geiger, 240, 288, 296.
Generalizations, mistaken, 178.
General view, importance of, 55.
Germany, 1.
Gerock, 161.
Gerstäcker, 53.
Gessmann, 85, 101.
Gesticulation, observation of, 49;
compared with writing, 49.
Gesture, 43;
importance of, 44;
nature of, 45;
relation to voice, 48.
Giraudet, 85.
Girls, as witnesses, 366.
Gneist, 5.
Goethe, 25, 156, 239, 247, 249, 387, 388, 464, 468, 479.
Goldschmidt, 5.
Goltz, 85, 348.
Grashey, 115.
Gratiolet, 87, 88.
Grohmann, 1, 283, 370.
Gross, O., 176, 179.
Guggenheim, 7.
Gurnill, 180.
Gutberlet, 181, 182, 391.
Gyurkovechky, 69.

Haacke, 410.
Habit, 406;
and skepticism, 127;
and skill, 407;
and disposition, 408.
Hair, rising of the, 73;
turning white, 73.
Hall, 367.
Hallucinations, distinguished from illusions, 455;
causes of, 456.
Hand, the,

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