» Literary Collections » Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, David Livingstone [novels for teenagers .TXT] 📗

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good climate and quiet English comfort, I got rid of an enlarged spleen from African fever. In November I came up the Red Sea; escaped the danger of shipwreck through the admirable management of Captain Powell, of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Company's ship "Candia", and on the 12th of December was once more in dear old England.

The Company most liberally refunded my passage-money. I have not mentioned half the favors bestowed, but I may just add that no one has cause for more abundant gratitude to his fellow-men and to his Maker than I have; and may God grant that the effect on my mind be such that I may be more humbly devoted to the service of the Author of all our mercies!

Appendix. -- Latitudes and Longitudes of Positions.

[The "Remarks" column has been replaced, where needed, with remarks listed below the corresponding line, and inclosed in square brackets.]

Positions. Latitude. Longitude. Date. No. of Sets South. East. of Lunar Distances.

d ' " d ' " W. E.

Manakalongwe Pass. 22 55 52 . . . 1853, Jan. 26

Letloche. 22 38 0 . . . Jan. 28

Kanne. 22 26 56 . . . Jan. 31

Lotlokane, where the first 21 27 47 . . . Feb. 11, 12

Palmyra-trees occur.

Hence path to Nchokotsa N.N.W.,

thence to Kobe N.W.

Kobe (1st group). 20 53 14 24 52 0 Feb. 18, 19

Kama Kama, from whence 19 52 31 . . . Mar. 2

traveled in magnetic

meridian (1st group).

Fever Ponds (1st group). 19 15 53 24 55 0 Mar. 11, 28

Ten miles S. of hill N'gwa 18 38 0 24 26 0 Apr. 14

(1st group).

N'gwa Hill (a central 18 27 50 24 13 36 Apr. 15, 16

occultation of

B.A.C. 2364 Gemini).

N'gwa Valley, half mile 18 27 20 24 13 36 Apr. 17

N. of hill.

E. of and in parallel of 18 20 0 . . . Apr. 17

Wagon Station of 1851.

Wagon Station on the Chobe, 18 20 0 23 50 0 . . .

three miles S.

of Sekeletu's Town.

Sekeletu's Town (1st group). 18 17 20 23 50 9 |June 13 |

|July 14, 17| [ Boiling-point of water = 205-1/3 Deg.; Alt. = 3521 feet. ]

Island Mahonta. The Chobe 17 58 0 (24 6) Apr. 26

runs here in 17d 58'.

Banks of Sanshureh River, 18 4 27 24 6 20 Apr. 26

a branch of the Chobe

(1st group).

[ At a well-known Baobab-tree 9' south of Mahonta island. ]

Town of Sesheke 17 31 38 25 13 0 1855, Aug. 31 . 1

on the Zambesi.

Sekhosi's Town on 17 29 13 . . . 1853, July 26, 27

the Zambesi (about 25 miles

W. of Sesheke).

Cataract of Nambwe. 17 17 16 . . . July 31

Confluence of 17 7 31 . . . 1855, Aug. 22 . 1

Njoko and Zambesi.

Cataract of Bombwe. 16 56 33 . . . 1853, Aug. 1

Kale Cataract. 16 49 52 . . . 1855, Aug. 21 . 1

Falls of Gonye. 16 38 50 23 55 0 |1853, Aug. 2|

|1855, Aug. 19| 1 2

Nameta. 16 12 9 . . . Aug. 17 . 2

Seori sa Mei, 16 0 32 . . . 1853, Aug. 5

or Island of Water.

Litofe Island, town of. 15 55 0 . . . Aug. 6

Loyela, S. end of this 15 27 30 . . . Aug. 9

island, town of Mamochisane.

Naliele or Nariele, 15 24 17 23 5 54 Aug. 10, 13

chief town of Barotse

(occultation of Jupiter)

(1st group).

Linangelo, old town 15 18 40 . . . Aug. 19

of Santuru (site nearly

swallowed up).

Katongo (near Slave 15 16 33 . . . Aug. 30

Merchants' Stockade).

Point of Junction of Nariele 15 15 43 . . . Aug. 29

Branch with the Main Stream.

Quando Village. 15 6 8 . . . Aug. 28

Town of Libonta. 14 59 0 . . . Aug. 21

Island of Tongane. 14 38 6 . . . Aug. 23

Cowrie Island. 14 20 5 . . . Aug. 24

Junction of the Loeti 14 18 57 . . . Aug.

with the Main Stream

(Leeambye, Zambesi).

[ Boiling-point of water = 203 Deg. = 4741 feet. ]

Confluence of the Leeba 14 10 52 23 35 40 Aug. 24, 25

or Lonta with the Leeambye

(1st group).

Kabompo, near the Leeba. 12 37 35 22 47 0 |1854, Jan. 1|

|1855, July 3| . 3

Village about 2' N.W. 12 6 6 22 57 0 1854, Feb. 1

of the Leeba after leaving

Kabompo town: the hill Peeri,

or Piri, bearing S.S.E.,

distant about 6'.

Village of Soana Molopo, 11 49 22 22 42 0

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