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Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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tag="{}a">258, 303, 304

Federal Sugar Refining Co., 123, 473

Fell & Bro., C.J., 501

Fellon, 543

Fellows, q., 667

Fendler-Stüber method, 172

Fenjeyl (see Findjan)

Fenjyn (see Findjan)

Feré, q., 186

Fermentation, 254

Fermented (see Flavors)

Ferrari, Mary, chk., 118, 119

Ferris, P.J., 508

Ashes, 201
Chemical determination, 155, 156
Coffee pulp, 156

Fertilizing, 202
Salvador, 219

Fiber, crude, 718

Fidelity Trust Co., 112

Fielding, Henry, 80, 89, 554, 579, 580

Fielding, John, 579

Figueroa, 543

Filter bags, care of, 707, 714, 715, 717

Filter paper, 715

Definition, 698
Methods, 715, 716, 721
N.C.R.A. recommendations, 718

Filtration devices
Acker's "percolator" (1905), 701
Baker's cloth (1902), 647
Beurt's pneumatic, 705
Blanke's cloth (1909), 651
Boss (1881), 645
Brain's vacuum, 705
Caseneuve's paper (1824), 623
Reversed Fr. drip (1824), 699
Double glass, 637, 701, 702
Egrot's steam cloth, 708
Evans's tin air-float, 705
Gaudet's cloth, 623, 699
Half-Minute, 645
King's, for restaurants, 651
"Percolator", 701
Kin-Hee, 646, 647
Make-Right, 651, 701
Minute, 645
Napier's vacuum, ill., 637, 699, 700
Parker's pneumatic, 705
Platow's vacuum glass, 705
Private Estate, 649, 701
Raparlier's pocket, 637
Rapid (see Rapid)
Salazar's steam-pressure urn, 653
Tricolator, 445, 651, 652, 701
Tricolette, ill., 654
Tru-Bru, 651, 701
Vanderweyde's "continuous", 637
Wear's patent, 651

Filtré, Café, 675

Finch, William, q., 36

Findjans, 31, 36, 616, 661, 662

Findlay, Paul, q., 421

Fine; Very fine (see Grinds)

Fine Arts, C. in relation to, 587–614

Fines (England), 59

Fin-ion (see Findjans)

Finishing machinery, 396

Finjans (see Findjans)

Fink & Nasse Co., 502

Finney, Samuel, 126

Authoritative treatise, 27
Comprenenslve treatise in German, Meisner's (1721), 46
Description in print, 26
Mention by European, 5, 541
Printed mention, 25, 45
America, 105
England, 35
As "Coffe", 36
Europe, 12
France, 31
Printed treatise, 543
Written mention in Mass. (1670), 107

Fischer, B., 497

Fischer, Benedickt, 634;
biog., 497

Fischer, Emil, 160

Fischer, William H., 497

Fischer & Co., B., 443, 485, 497, 499

Fischer & Lansing, 499

Fischer & Lehmann, 499

Fischer & Thurber, 499

Fischer, Kirby & Brown, 497, 499

Fishback, F.C., 509

Fishback, Frank S., 509

Fishback, John S., 509

Fishback Co., 509

Fisher, George, 497

Fitch & Howland, 484

Fitzgerald, 584

Fitzpatrick, Austin C., 496

Fitzpatrick & Case, 499

Fitzpatrick & Co., A.C., 496, 499

Flanders, Geo. W., 482, 491

Flanders & Co., Geo. W., 482

Flannel sack used for infusion, 620

Flasks and Flagons, Saltus, q., 552

Flat (see Flavors)

Flat-bean Santos c., 260, 341, 342, 366

Flats, 1st, 2d, 3d (grades), 258

Flaubert, Gustave, 565

Flavoring, Use in, 723, 724

Flavors, 397

Fleury, pat., 640

Fleury & Barker, pat., 638

Flint, Austin B., q., 176

Flint, J.G., 485, 506

Flint, W.K., 506

Flint, Wyman, 506

Flint, W. & J.G., 506, 635

Flint Bros. & Co., 501

Flint Co., J.G., 506

Flint, Evans & Co., 502, 503, 635

Floor brokers, 336, 337

Flora de las Antillas, Tussac, q., 8

Florian, chk., 27, 28
(See Francesconi)

Flower, Henry, 126

Flugel & Popp, 502, 503

Foley, John T., 478

Folger, J.A., 514

Folger & Co., J.A., 488, 505, 506, 509

Folger, Schilling & Co., 506, 507

Folkes, Martin, 578

Folkingham, 603

Fontenelle, 94, 98, 543, 554;
q., 565

Food Administration, U.S.
(See Government Control)

Food and Dietetics, Hutchinson, q., 179

Food and Drugs Act, U.S., 404

Food and drugs inspection, 338

Food conservation show, 386

Food use, 136, 615, 655, 693

Food value, 174, 180, 711, 712
U.S. Army, 539

Food Values, Locke, q., 180

Foote, Samuel, 85, 89, 579, 580, 581, 584

Foote & Knevals, 485

Forbes, A.E., 503;
q., 629, 631

Forbes, James H., 502, 503, 629, 635

Forbes, Robert M., 503, 510, 514

Force & Co., W.H., 482

Force & Co., W.S., 482

Force & Co., William H., 484

Formaleoni, Vincenzo, 27

Forrester, George R., 508

Forster, q., 159

Forster's Life of Goldsmith, q., 573

Forster, E.S., 508

Forsythe & Co., James, 502

Fossi & Co., 340

Foster, q., 2

Foster, A.C., 479

Fowler, John A., q., 269

Fox, 583

Francesconi, Floriono, 27

Francis, Norman, 492

Franco-American (brand), 441

François, Damame, 34

Frankel, E.M., 716

Frankel, F. Hulton, q., 180, 693

Franklin, Alfred, q., 7, 557

Franklin, Benjamin, 94, 98, 126, 467

Franklin, Samuel, 475

Franklin, Walter, 475

Franklin Tea Warehouse, 503

Fraser, q., 179

Fraser, David B., pat., 642, 644

Fraser Manufacturing Co., 644

Frederick the Great, 45;
q. 46

Frederick William I, 45

Fredericq, q., 184

Freeman, W.G., q., 133

Freight forwarding bureau, 323

Freight rates
Brazil to U.S. (1917–18), 535, 536
War-time, 338

French Color Prints of the XVIII Century, Salaman, q., 589

French Company of the Indies, 9

French Revolution, 100, 102, 293

French roast, 356, 388

Freund, 158

Fricke, E., q., 161

Frisbie & Stephens, 507

Frisi, 558

From Tree to Cup with Coffee, N.C.B.A., q., 713, 714

Fromm & Co., 482

Beverages from, 15, 694
Food use, 15, 693, 694

Fry & Co., Henry A., 501

Fryer, q., 2

Fuels, 385, 386
Coal, 620
Electricity, 647, 648
Gas, 640, 643
Natural, 642

Full city roast, 388

Full difference, 331

Fullard, William, pat.,


Fulton Mills, 498

Funk, C., q., 180

Fustian bag used for infusion, 620

Future of coffee, 585

Futures market (New York), 329

Fuzelier, q., 594

G.G. (hall mark; see Garthorne, G.)

Gaa Paa, v., 316

Gabriel, Angel, 15, 23
Legend, 38

Gaffney, Hugh, 497, 498

Gage, H.N., 505

Gainsborough, Thomas, 84, 583

Galen, 11

Galla (see Eating coffee)

Galland, Antoine, 31, 543, 548, 557;
q., 2, 12, 16, 20, 22

Gallienii, C., 147
Caffein content, 161

Galt, Herbert, pat., 652

Galuppi, 556

Gambetta, 96

Gandais, J.A., pat., 625, 699, 708

Ganse, John H., 507

Garair (Arabian bale), 266

Gardell, Theodore, 85, 584

Amsterdam, 6, 44
Arabia, royal, 34
Paris (Jardin des plantes), 6
Martinique (Jardin Desclieux), 9
Bangelan (Java), 138, 146, 345
Camayenne (Fr. Guinea), 146
Indo-China, French, 237
Java, 43, 215
Pleasure (New York), 121, 123, 124
Cherry, 124
Contoit's, 124
New York, 124
Niblo's, ill., 121, 124
Ranelagh, 124
Sans Souci, 124
Vauxhall, ill., 123, 124
Tea (London), 80, 82, 83
Adam and Eve, 83
Bagnigge Wells, 83
Bayswater, 83
Canonbury House, 83
Copenhagen House, 83
Cuper's, 82
Dog and Duck, 83
Highbury, 83
Hornsey, 83
Jews' Harp, 83

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