The Grammar of English Grammars, Goold Brown [ebook reader for manga txt] 📗

- Author: Goold Brown
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Book online «The Grammar of English Grammars, Goold Brown [ebook reader for manga txt] 📗». Author Goold Brown
Us'd to the yoke, draw'st his triumphant wheels."
—Milton, P. L., iv, l. 973.
"Us'd to the yoke, draw'dst his triumphant wheels."
—Lowth's Gram., p. 106.
"Indeed we have seriously wondered that Murray should leave some things as he has."—Education Reporter. "Which they neither have nor can do."—Barclay's Works, iii, 73. "The Lord hath, and doth, and will reveal his will to his people, and hath and doth raise up members of his body," &c.—Ib., i, 484. "We see then, that the Lord hath, and doth give such."—Ib., i, 484. "Towards those that have or do declare themselves members."—Ib., i, 494. "For which we can, and have given our sufficient reasons."—Ib., i, 507. "When we mention the several properties of the different words in sentences, in the same manner as we have those of William's, above, what is the exercise called?"—Smith's New Gram., p. 12. "It is, however to be doubted whether this peculiarity of the Greek idiom, ever has or will obtain extensively in the English."—Nutting's Gram., p. 47. "Why did not the Greeks and Romans abound in auxiliary words as much as we?"—Murray's Gram., Vol. i, p. 111. "Who delivers his sentiments in earnest, as they ought to be in order to move and persuade."—Kirkham's Elocution, p. 151.
UNDER NOTE X.—DO, USED AS A SUBSTITUTE."And I would avoid it altogether, if it could be done."—Kames, El. of Crit., i, 36. "Such a sentiment from a man expiring of his wounds, is truly heroic, and must elevate the mind to the greatest height that can be done by a single expression."—Ib., i, 204. "Successive images making thus deeper and deeper impressions, must elevate more than any single image can do."—Ib., i, 205. "Besides making a deeper impression than can be done by cool reasoning."—Ib., ii, 273. "Yet a poet, by the force of genius alone, can rise higher than a public speaker can do."—Blair's Rhet., p. 338. "And the very same reason that has induced several grammarians to go so far as they have done, should have induced them to go farther."—Priestley's Gram., Pref., p. vii. "The pupil should commit the first section perfectly, before he does the second part of grammar."— Bradley's Gram., p. 77. "The Greek ch was pronounced hard, as we now do in chord."—Booth's Introd. to Dict., p. 61. "They pronounce the syllables in a different manner from what they do at other times."— Murray's Eng. Reader, p. xi. "And give him the formal cool reception that Simon had done."—Dr. Scott, on Luke, vii. "I do not say, as some have done."—Bolingbroke, on Hist., p. 271. "If he suppose the first, he may do the last."—Barclay's Works, ii, 406. "Who are now despising Christ in his inward appearance, as the Jews of old did him in his outward."—Ib., i, 506. "That text of Revelations must not be understood, as he doth it."— Ib., iii, 309. "Till the mode of parsing the noun is so familiar to him, that he can do it readily."—Smith's New Gram., p. 13. "Perhaps it is running the same course which Rome had done before."—Middleton's Life of Cicero. "It ought even on this ground to be avoided; which may easily be done by a different construction."—Churchill's Gram., p. 312. "These two languages are now pronounced in England as no other nation in Europe does besides."—Creighton's Dict., p. xi. "Germany ran the same risk that Italy had done."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 211: see Priestley's Gram., p. 196.
UNDER NOTE XI.—PRETERITS AND PARTICIPLES."The Beggars themselves will be broke in a trice."—Swift's Poems, p. 347. "The hoop is hoist above his nose."—Ib., p. 404. "My heart was lift up in the ways of the Lord. 2 CHRON."—Joh. Dict., w. Lift. "Who sin so oft have mourned, Yet to temptation ran."—Burns. "Who would not have let them appeared."—Steele. "He would have had you sought for ease at the hands of Mr. Legality."—Pilgrim's Progress, p. 31. "From me his madding mind is start, And wooes the widow's daughter of the glen."—SPENSER: Joh. Dict., w. Glen. "The man has spoke, and still speaks."—Ash's Gram., p. 54. "For you have but mistook me all this while."—Beauties of Shak., p. 114. "And will you rent our ancient love asunder."—Ib., p. 52. "Mr. Birney has plead the inexpediency of passing such resolutions."— Liberator, Vol. xiii, p. 194. "Who have wore out their years in such most painful Labours."—Littleton's Dict., Pref. "And in the conclusion you were chose probationer."—Spectator, No. 32.
"How she was lost, took captive, made a slave;
And how against him set that should her save."—Bunyan.
"But Moses preferred to wile away his time."—Parker's English Composition, p. 15. "His face shown with the rays of the sun."—Calvin's Inst., 4to, p. 76. "Whom they had sat at defiance so lately."— Bolingbroke, on Hist., p. 320. "And when he was set, his disciples came unto him."—Matt., v, 1. "When he was set down on the judgement-seat."— Ib., xxvii, 19. "And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set down together, Peter sat down among them."—Luke, xxii, 55. "So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you?"—John, xiii, 12. "Even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."—Rev., iii, 21. "We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens."— Heb., viii, 1. "And is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."—Ib., xii, 2.[402] "He sat on foot a furious persecution."— Payne's Geog., ii, 418. "There layeth an obligation upon the saints, to help such."—Barclay's Works, i, 389. "There let him lay."—Byron's Pilgrimage, C. iv, st. 180. "Nothing but moss, and shrubs, and stinted trees, can grow upon it."—Morse's Geog., p. 43. "Who had lain out considerable sums purely to distinguish themselves."—Goldsmith's Greece, i, 132. "Whereunto the righteous fly and are safe."—Barclay's Works, i, 146. "He raiseth from supper, and laid aside his garments."—Ib., i, 438. "Whither—Oh! whither shall I fly?"—Murray's English Reader, p. 123. "Flying from an adopted murderer."—Ib., p. 122. "To you I fly for refuge."—Ib., p. 124. "The sign that should warn his disciples to fly from approaching ruin."—Keith's Evidences, p. 62. "In one she sets as a prototype for exact imitation."—Rush, on the Voice, p. xxiii. "In which some only bleat, bark, mew, winnow, and bray, a little better than others."—Ib., p. 90. "Who represented to him the unreasonableness of being effected with such unmanly fears."—Rollin's Hist., ii, 106. "Thou sawedst every action."—Guy's School Gram., p. 46. "I taught, thou taughtedst, he or she taught."—Coar's Gram., p. 79. "Valerian is taken by Sapor and flead alive, A. D. 260."—Lempriere's Chron. Table, Dict., p. xix. "What a fine vehicle is it now become for all conceptions of the mind!"—Blair's Rhet., p. 139. "What are become of so many productions?" —Volney's Ruins, p. 8. "What are become of those ages of abundance and of life?"—Keith's Evidences, p. 107. "The Spartan admiral was sailed to the Hellespont."—Goldsmiths Greece, i, 150. "As soon as he was landed, the multitude thronged about him."—Ib., i, 160. "Cyrus was arrived at Sardis."—Ib., i, 161. "Whose year was expired."—Ib., i, 162. "It had better have been, 'that faction which.'"—Priestley's Gram., p. 97. "This people is become a great nation."—Murray's Gram., p. 153; Ingersoll's, 249. "And here we are got into the region of ornament."—Blair's Rhet., p. 181. "The ungraceful parenthesis which follows, had far better have been avoided."—Ib., p. 215. "Who forced him under water, and there held him until drounded."—Indian Wars, p. 55.
"I had much rather be myself the slave,
And wear the bonds, than fasten them on him."—Cowper.
"I had finished my letter before my brother arrived."—Kirkham's Gram., p. 139. "I had written before I received his letter."—Blair's Rhet., p. 82. "From what has been formerly delivered."—Ib., p. 182. "Arts were of late introduced among them."—Ib., p. 245. "I am not of opinion that such rules can be of much use, unless persons saw them exemplified."—Ib., p. 336. "If we use the noun itself, we should say, 'This composition is John's.' "—Murray's Gram., p. 174. "But if the assertion referred to something, that is not always the same, or supposed to be so, the past tense must be applied."—Ib., p. 191. "They told him, that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by."—Luke, xviii, 37. "There is no particular intimation but that I continued to work, even to the present moment."—R. W. Green's Gram., p. 39. "Generally, as was observed already, it is but hinted in a single word or phrase."—Campbell's Rhet., p. 36. "The wittiness of the passage was already illustrated."—Ib., p. 36. "As was observed already."—Ib., p. 56. "It was said already in general."—Ib., p. 95. "As I hinted already."—Ib., p. 134. "What I believe was hinted once already."—Ib., p. 148. "It is obvious, as hath been hinted formerly, that this is but an artificial and arbitrary connexion."—Ib., p. 282. "They have done anciently a great deal of hurt."—Bolingbroke, on Hist., p. 109. "Then said Paul, I knew not, brethren, that he is the High Priest."—Dr. Webster's Bible: Acts, xxiii, 5. "Most prepositions originally denote the relation of place, and have been thence transferred to denote by similitude other relations."—Lowth's Gram., p. 65; Churchill's, 116. "His gift was but a poor offering, when we consider his estate."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 194. "If he should succeed, and should obtain his end, he will not be the happier for it."—Murray's Gram., i, p. 207. "These are torrents that swell to-day, and have spent themselves by to-morrow."—Blair's Rhet., p. 286. "Who have called that wheat to-day, which they have called tares to-morrow."—Barclay's Works, iii. 168. "He thought it had been one of his tenants."—Ib., i, 11. "But if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent."—Luke, xvi, 30. "Neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."—Ib., verse 31. "But it is while men slept that the archenemy has always sown his tares."—The Friend, x, 351. "Crescens would not fail to have exposed him."—Addison's Evidences, p. 30.
"Bent was his bow, the Grecian hearts to wound;
Fierce as he mov'd, his silver shafts resound."
—Pope, Iliad, B. i, l. 64.
"Had I commanded you to have done this, you would have thought hard of it."—G. B. "I found him better than I expected to have found him."—Priestley's Gram., p. 126. "There are several smaller faults, which I at first intended to have enumerated."—Webster's Essays, p. 246. "Antithesis, therefore, may, on many occasions, be employed to advantage, in order to strengthen the impression which we intend that any object should make."—Blair's Rhet., p. 168. "The girl said, if her master would but have let her had money, she might have been well long ago."—See Priestley's Gram., p. 127. "Nor is there the least ground to fear, that we should be cramped here within too narrow limits."—Campbell's Rhet., p. 163; Murray's Gram., i, 360. "The Romans, flushed with success, expected to have retaken it."—Hooke's Hist., p. 37. "I would not have let fallen an unseasonable pleasantry in the venerable presence of Misery, to be entitled to all the wit that ever Rabelais scattered."—STERNE: Enfield's Speaker, p. 54. "We expected that he would have arrived last night."—Inst. p. 192. "Our friends intended to have met us."—Ib. "We hoped to have seen you."—Ib. "He would not have been allowed to have entered."—Ib.
UNDER NOTE XV.—PERMANENT PROPOSITIONS."Cicero maintained that whatsoever was useful was good."—"I observed that love constituted the whole moral character of God."—Dwight. "Thinking that one gained nothing by being a good man."—Voltaire. "I have already told you that I was a gentleman."—Fontaine. "If I should ask, whether ice and water were two distinct species of things."—Locke. "A stranger to the poem would not easily discover that this was verse."—Murray's Gram., 12mo, p. 260. "The doctor affirmed, that fever always produced thirst."—Inst., p. 192. "The ancients asserted, that virtue was its own reward."—Ib. "They should not have repeated the error, of insisting that the infinitive was a mere noun."—Diversions of Purley, Vol. i, p. 288. "It was observed in Chap. III. that the distinctive or had a double use."—Churchill's Gram., p. 154. "Two young gentlemen, who have made a discovery that there was no God."—Swift.
RULE XVIII.—INFINITIVES.The Infinitive Mood is governed in general by the preposition TO, which commonly connects it to a finite verb: as, "I desire TO learn."—Dr. Adam. "Of me the Roman people have many pledges, which I must strive, with my utmost endeavours, TO preserve, TO defend, TO confirm, and TO redeem."—Duncan's Cicero, p. 41.
"What if the foot, ordain'd the dust TO tread,
Or hand TO toil, aspir'd TO be the head?"—Pope.
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