» Literary Collections » Graded Lessons in English, Alonzo Reed and Brainerd Kellogg [books on motivation .txt] 📗

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Transitive (74), Intransitive (74).

+Modifications+. Voice. Active (89). Passive (89). Mode. Indicative (90-94). Potential (90-94). Subjunctive (90-94). Imperative (90-94). Tense. Present (90-94). Past (90-94). Future (90-94). Present Perfect (90-94). Past Perfect (90-94). Future Perfect (90-94). Number. Singular (90, 92-95). Plural (90, 92-95). Person. First (90, 92-95). Second (90, 92-95). Third (90, 92-95).

+Participles+.— Classes. Present (90-94, 96, 98). Past (90-94, 96, 98). Past Perfect (90-94, 96, 98).

+Infinitives+.— Tenses. Present (90, 92-94). Present Perfect (90, 92-94).

Scheme for the Adjective.

(_The numbers refer to Lessons.)_


+Uses+. Modifier (20, 23). Attribute Complement (39).

+Classes+. Descriptive (73). Definitive (73).

+Modification+.—Comparison. Pos. Deg. (87, 88). Comp. Deg. (87, 88). Sup. Deg. (87, 88).

Scheme for the Adverb.


+Classes+. Time (75). Place (75). Degree (75). Manner (75).

+Modification+—Comparison. Pos. Deg. (87, 88). Comp. Deg. (87, 88). Sup. Deg. (87, 88).

+Schemes for the Conj., Prep., and Int+.

THE CONJUNCTION.— +Classes+. Co-ordinate (36, 76). No Modifications. Subordinate (36, 76). No Modifications.

THE PREPOSITION (34, 41).—No Classes. No Modifications.

THE INTERJECTION (36).—No Classes. No Modifications.

+Model for Written Parsing adapted to all Parts of Speech+.—_Oh! it has a voice for those who on their sick beds lie and waste away_.

CLASSIFICATION. MODIFICATIONS. SYNTAX. Sentence. Oh! Class: Int. Voice: Independent. Sub-C.: Mode: Tense: Per.: Num.: Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.:

it Class: Pro. Voice: Sub. of has. Sub-C.: Per. Mode: Tense: Per.: 3d. Num.: Sing. Gen.: Neut. Case: Nom. Deg. of Comp.: Pred. of it.

has Class: Vb. Voice: Act. Sub-C.: Ir., Tr. Mode: Ind. Tense: Pres. Per.: 3d. Num.: Sing. Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.:

a Class: Adj. Voice: Mod. of voice. Sub-C.: Def. Mode: Tense: Per.: Num.: Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.: –-

voice Class: N. Voice: Obj. Com. of has. Sub-C.: Com. Mode: Tense: Per.: 3d. Num.: Sing. Gen.: Neut. Case: Obj. Deg. of Comp.:


for Class: Prep. Voice: Shows Rel. of Sub-C.: Mode: has to Tense: those. Per.: Num.: Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.:

those Class: Pro. Voice: Prin. word after Sub-C.: Adj. Mode: for. Tense: Per.: 3d. Num.: Plu. Gen.: M.or F. Case: Obj. Deg. of Comp.:


who Class: Pro. Voice: Sub. of lie and Sub-C.: Rel. Mode: waste. Tense: Per.: 3d. Num.: Plu. Gen.: M.or F. Case: Nom. Deg. of Comp.:

on Class: Prep. Voice: Shows Rel. of lie Sub-C.: Mode: to beds. Tense: Per.: Num.: Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.:

their Class: Pro. Voice: Pos. Mod. of Sub-C.: Per. Mode: beds. Tense: Per.: 3d. Num.: Plu. Gen.: M.or F. Case: Pos. Deg. of Comp.:

sick Class: Adj. Voice: Mod. of beds. Sub-C.: Des. Mode: Tense: Per.: Num.: Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.: Pos.

beds Class: N. Voice: Prin. word after Sub-C.: Com. Mode: on. Tense: Per.: 3d. Num.: Plu. Gen.: Neut. Case: Obj. Deg. of Comp.:

lie Class: Vb. Voice: –- Pred. of who. Sub-C.: Ir., Int. Mode: Ind. Tense: Pres. Per.: 3d. Num.: Plu. Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.:

and Class: Conj. Voice: Con. lie and Sub-C.: Co-or. Mode: waste. Tense: Per.: Num.: Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.:

waste Class: Vb. Voice: –- Pred. of who. Sub-C.: Reg., Int.Mode: Ind. Tense: Pres. Per.: 3d. Num.: Plu. Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.:

away. Class: Adv. Voice: Mod. of waste. Sub-C.: Place Mode: Tense: Per.: Num.: Gen.: Case: Deg. of Comp.: –-


For exercises in general parsing, select from the preceding Lessons on Analysis.


+Remark+.—Some of the connectives below are conjunctions proper; some are relative pronouns; and some are adverbs or adverb phrases, which, in addition to their office as modifiers, may, in the absence of the conjunction, take its office upon themselves, and connect the clauses.


+_Copulative_+.—_And, both…and, as well as_, [Footnote: The as well as in “He, as well as I, went”; and not that in “He is as well as I am.”] are conjunctions proper. Accordingly, also, besides, consequently, furthermore, hence, likewise, moreover, now, so, then, and therefore are conjunctive adverbs.

+_Adversative_+.—_But_ and whereas are conjunctions proper. However, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the other hand, still, and yet are conjunctive adverbs.

+_Alternative_+.—_Neither, nor, or, either… or_, and neither…nor are conjunctions proper. Else and otherwise are conjunctive adverbs.


Connectives of Adjective Clauses.

That, what, whatever, which, whichever, who, and whoever are relative pronouns. When, where, whereby, wherein, and why are conjunctive adverbs.

Connectives of Adverb Clauses.

Time.—_After, as, before, ere, since, till, until, when, whenever, while_, and whilst are conjunctive adverbs.

Place.—_Whence, where_, and wherever are conjunctive adverbs.

Degree.—_As, than, that_, and the are conjunctive adverbs, correlative, with adjectives or adverbs.

Manner.—_As_ is a conjunctive adverb, correlative often with an adjective or an adverb.

Real Cause.—_As, because, for, since_, and whereas are conjunctions proper.

Reason.—_Because, for_, and since are conjunctions proper.

Purpose.—_In order that, lest_ (=_that not_) that, and so that are conjunctions proper.

Condition.—_Except, if, in case that, on condition that, provided, provided that_, and unless are conjunctions proper.

Concession.—_Although, if_ (=_even if_), notwithstanding, though, and whether are conjunctions proper. However is a conjunctive adverb. Whatever, whichever, and whoever are relative pronouns used indefinitely.

+Connectives of Noun Clauses+.

If, lest, that, and whether are conjunctions proper. What, which, and who are pronouns introducing questions; how, when, whence, where, and why are conjunctive adverbs.



+Remarks+.—Few abbreviations are allowable in ordinary composition. They are very convenient in writing lists of articles, in scientific works, and wherever certain terms frequently occur.

Titles prefixed to proper names are generally abbreviated, except in addressing an officer of high rank. Titles that immediately follow names are almost always abbreviated.

Names of women are not generally abbreviated except by using an initial for one of two Christian names.

Abbreviations that shorten only by one letter are unnecessary; as, Jul. for “July,” Jno. for “John,” da. for “day,” etc.

1st, 2_d_, 3_d_, 4_th_, etc., are not followed by the period. They are not treated as abbreviations.

@, At. +A. B.+ or +B. A.+ (_Artium Baccalaureus_), Bachelor of Arts. +Acct., acct.+, or +a/c+, Account. +A. D.+ (_Anno Domini_), In the year of our Lord. +Adjt.+, Adjutant. +Aet.+ or +aet.+ (aetatis), Of age, aged. +Ala.+, Alabama. +Alex.+, Alexander. +A. M.+ or +M. A.+ (_Artium Magister_), Master of Arts. +A. M.+ (_ante meridiem_), Before noon. +Amt.+, Amount. +And.+, Andrew. +Anon.+, Anonymous. +Ans.+, Answer. +Anth.+, Anthony. +Apr.+, April. +Arch.+, Archibald. +Ark.+, Arkansas. +Arizona+ or +Ariz.+, Arizona Territory. +Atty.+, Attorney. +Atty.-Gen.+, Attorney-General. +Aug.+, August; Augustus. +Av.+ or +Ave.+, Avenue. +Avoir.+, Avoirdupois. +Bart.+, Baronet. +bbl.+, Barrels. +B. C.+, Before Christ. +Benj.+, Benjamin. +Brig.-Gen.+, Brigadier-General. +B. S.+, Bachelor of Science. +bu.+, Bushels. +c+ or +ct.+, Cents. +Cal.+, California. +Cap.+, Capital. +Caps.+, Capitals. +Capt.+, Captain. +C. E.+, Civil Engineer. +cf.+ (_confer_), Compare. +Chas.+, Charles. +Chron.+, Chronicles. +Co.+, Company; County. +c/o+, In care of. +C. O. D.+, Collect on delivery. +Col.+, Colonel; Colossians. +Coll.+, College; Collector. +Conn.+, Connecticut. +Colo+, or +Col.+, Colorado. +Cr.+, Credit; Creditor. +cub. ft.+, Cubic feet. +cub. in.+, Cubic inches. +cwt.+, Hundred-weight. +d.+, Days; Pence. +Danl.+ or +Dan.+, Daniel. +D. C.+, District of Columbia. +D. C. L.+, Doctor of Civil Law. +D. D.+ (_Divinitatis Doctor_), Doctor of Divinity. +D. D. S.+, Doctor of Dental Surgery. +Dec.+, December. +Del.+, Delaware. +Deut.+, Deuteronomy. +D. G.+ (_Dei gratia_), By the grace of God. +Dist.-Atty.+, District-Attorney. +D. M.+, Doctor of Music. +do.+ (_ditto_), The same. +doz.+, Dozen. +Dr.+, Doctor; Debtor. +D. V.+ (_Deo volente_), God willing. +E.+, East. +Eben.+, Ebenezer. +Eccl.+, Ecclesiastes. +Ed.+, Edition; Editor. +Edm.+, Edmund. +Edw.+, Edward. +e. g.+ (_exempli gratia_), For example. +E. N. E.+, East-northeast. +Eng.+, English; England. +Eph.+, Ephesians; Ephraim. +E. S. E.+, East-southeast. +Esq.+, Esquire. +et al.+ (_et alibi_), And elsewhere. +et al.+ (_et alii_), And others. +et seq.+ (_et sequeniia_), And following. +etc.+ or +&c.+ (et caetera), And others; And so forth. +Ex.+, Example; Exodus. +Ez.+, Ezra. +Ezek.+, Ezekiel. +Fahr.+ or +F.+, Fahrenheit (thermometer). +Feb.+, February. +Fla.+, Florida. +Fr.+, French; France. +Fran.+, Francis. +Fred.+, Frederic. +Fri.+, Friday. +ft.+, Feet. +Ft.+, Fort. +fur.+, Furlong. +Ga.+, Georgia. +Gal.+, Galatians. +gal.+, Gallons. +Gen.+, General; Genesis. +Geo.+, George. +Gov.+, Governor. +gr.+, Grains. +h.+, Hours. +Hab.+, Habakkuk. +Hag.+, Haggai. +H. B. M.+, His (or Her) Britannic Majesty. +hdkf.+, Handkerchief. +Heb.+, Hebrews. +H. H.+, His Holiness (the Pope). +hhd.+, Hogsheads. +H. M.+, His (or Her) Majesty. +Hon.+, Honorable. +Hos.+, Hosea. +H. R. H.+, His (or Her) Royal Highness. +ib.+ or +ibid+, (_ibidem_), In the same place. +id.+ (_idem_), The same. +Idaho+, Idaho. +i.e.+ (_id est_), That is. +I. H. S.+ (_Jesus hominum Salvator_), Jesus, the Savior of Men. +Ill.+, Illinois. +in.+, Inches. +incog.+ (i_ncognito_), Unknown. +Ind.+, Indiana. +Ind. T.+, Indian Territory. +inst.+, Instant, the present month. +Iowa+ or +Io.+, Iowa. +I. O. O. F.+, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. +Isa.+, Isaiah. +Jac.+, Jacob. +Jan.+, January. +Jas.+, James. +Jer.+, Jeremiah. +Jona.+, Jonathan. +Jos.+, Joseph. +Josh.+, Joshua. +Jr.+ or +Jun.+, Junior. +Judg.+, Judges. +Kans.+ or +Kan.+, Kansas. +Ky.+, Kentucky. +l.+, Line; ll., Lines. +l.+ or +lb.+, Pounds sterling. +La.+, Louisiana. +Lam.+, Lamentations. +L.+, Latin. +lb.+ or lb-. (_libra_ or librae), Pound or pounds in weight. +l.c.+, Lower case (small letter). +Lev.+, Leviticus. +L. I.+, Long Island. +Lieut.+, Lieutenant. +LL. B.+(_Legum Baccalaureus_), Bachelor of Laws. +LL. D.+ (_Legum Doctor_), Doctor of Laws. +M.+ or +Mons.+, Monsieur. +M.+ (_meridies_), Noon. +m.+, Miles; Minutes. +Mad.+, Madam. +Mme.+, Madame. +Maj.+, Major. +Mal.+, Malachi. +Mar.+, March. +Mass.+, Massachusetts. +Matt.+, Matthew. +M. C.+, Member of Congress. +M. D.+ (_Medicinae Doctor_), Doctor of Medicine. +Md.+, Maryland. +mdse.+, Merchandise. +Me.+, Maine. +Mem.+, Memorandum; Memoranda. +Messrs.+, Messieurs. +Mic.+, Micah. +Mgr.+, Monseigneur. +Mich.+, Michigan; Michael. +Minn.+, Minnesota. +Miss.+, Mississippi. +Mlle.+, Mademoiselle. +Mmes.+, Mesdames. +Mo.+, Missouri. +mo.+, Months. +Mon.+, Monday. +M. P.+, Member of Parliament. +Mont.+, Montana. +Mr.+, Mister. +Mrs.+, Mistress (pronounced Missis). +MS.+, Manuscript. +MSS.+, Manuscripts. +Mt.+, Mountain. +N.+, North. +N. A.+, North America. +Nath.+, Nathaniel. +N. B.+ (_nota bene_), Mark well. +N. C.+, North Carolina. +N. Dak.+, North Dakota. +N. E.+, New England. +N. E.+, Northeast. +Nebr.+ or +Neb.+, Nebraska. +Neh.+, Nehemiah. +Nev.+, Nevada. +N. H.+, New Hampshire. +N. J.+, New Jersey. +N. Mex.+ or +N. M.+, New Mexico. +N. N. E.+, North-northeast. +N. N. W.+, North-northwest. +N. O.+, New Orleans. +No.+ (_numero_), Number, +Nov.+, November. +N. W.+, Northwest +N. Y.+, New York. +Obad.+, Obadiah. +Oct.+, October. +Ohio+ or +O.+, Ohio. +Oreg.+ or +Or.+, Oregon. +Oxon.+ (_Oxonia_), Oxford, +oz.+, Ounces. +p.+, Page, +pp.+, Pages. +Pa.+ or +Penn.+, Pennsylvania. +Payt.+ or +payt.+, Payment. +per cent+, or +per ct.+ (_per centum_) or %, By the hundred. +Ph. D.+ (_Philosophiae Doctor_), Doctor of Philosophy. +Phil.+, Philip; Philippians. +Phila.+, Philadelphia. +pk.+, Pecks. +P. M.+, Postmaster. +P. M.+ or +p. m.+ (_post meridiem_), Afternoon. +P. O.+, Post-Office. +Pres.+, President. +Prof.+, Professor. +Pro tem.+ (_pro tempore_), For the time being. +Prov.+, Proverbs. +prox.+ (_proximo_), The next month. +P. S.+, Postscript. +Ps.+, Psalms. +pt.+, Pints. +pwt.+, Pennyweights. +qt.+, Quarts. +q. v.+ (_quod vide_), Which see. +Qy.+, Query. +rd.+, Rods. +Recd.+, Received. +Rev.+, Reverend; Revelation. +R. I.+, Rhode Island. +Robt.+, Robert. +Rom.+, Romans (Book of); Roman letters. +R. R.+, Railroad. +R. S. V. P.+ (_Repondez s’il vous plait_), Answer, if you please. +Rt. Hon.+, Right Honorable. +Rt. Rev.+, Right Reverend. +S.+, South. +s.+, Shillings. +S. A.+, South America. +Saml.+ or +Sam.+, Samuel. +Sat.+, Saturday. +S. C.+, South Carolina. +S. Dak.+, South Dakota. +S. E.+, Southeast. +Sec.+, Secretary. +sec.+, Seconds. +Sep.+ or +Sept.+, September. +Sol.+, Solomon. +sq. ft.+, Square feet. +sq. in.+, Square inches. +sq. m.+, Square miles. +S. S. E.+, South-southeast. +S. S. W.+, South-southwest. +St.+, Street; Saint. +S. T. D.+ (_Sacrae Theologiae Doctor_), Doctor of Divinity. +Sun.+, Sunday. +Supt.+, Superintendent. +S. W.+, Southwest. +T.+, Tons; Tuns. +Tenn.+, Tennessee. +Tex.+, Texas. +Theo.+, Theodore. +Theoph.+, Theophilus. +Thess.+, Thessalonians, +Thos.+, Thomas. +Thurs.+, Thursday. +Tim.+, Timothy. +tr.+, Transpose. +Treas.+, Treasurer. +Tues.+, Tuesday. +ult.+ (_ultimo_), Last—last month. +U. S.+ or +U. S. A.+, United States

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