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Book online «An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law, Roscoe Pound [beach read book txt] 📗». Author Roscoe Pound

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tag="{}a">46-47, 139-140

Coke, Sir Edward, 133

Commentators, the, 37

Common Law, the, and legislation, 139-140
professional view as to, 278
types of delictal liability in, 168

Community property, 229

Composition, 149, 241-242

Compromises, 94-95

Conceptions, legal, 116

Conditions "implied in law", 259

Conduct, application of law to, 137-139
expectations arising from, 189

Consciousness, as starting point, 84

Consideration, 240, 258-259, 267, 268, 271-273, 278-279
adequacy of, 273-274
circumstances keeping doctrine alive, 278-282
in equity, 258-259, 277
meanings of, 276-277
meritorious, 259

analogy of real transactions, 242
Anglo-American law of, 257-259
anomalies in law of, 282
bargain theory of, 269, 271-273
by estoppel, 187
categories of, 248
civil-law enforcement of, 238-240
common-law categories of, 274-275
common-law enforcement of, 240
consensual, 249
equivalent theory of, 255-256, 257-259, 269, 273-277
Fichte's theory of, 261-262
formal, 245-271
Hegel's theory of, 263
historical background of law of, 241 ff.
historical category of, 172
historical theory of, 266-269
injurious-reliance theory of, 261
innominate, 249, 261
Kant's theory of, 261
metaphysical theories of, 260-265
natural-law theory of, 260
"natural principle of", 45-46
objective theory of, 264-265
oral, 282
philosophy of, 253
philosophical theories of, 241
positive theory of, 265
real, 249, 275
religious origins of, 242-247, 252
Roman categories of, 45, 253, 260, 266
Romanist theory of, 263-265
simple, 275
specific enforcement of, 238-240
Spencer's theory of, 265
subjective theory of, 271
theory of basis in personality, 263-265
theory of inherent moral force, 259-260, 261
third-party beneficiaries of, 273
will theory of, 264-265, 269-271, 281-282

Corpus Iuris Canonici, 252

Court and jury, 111

Courts, contest with Crown, 53

Culpa, 170, 175
abstract standard of, 177
concrete standard of, 178
contractual, 170
delictal, 170

Culpability 158
as basis of liability 184
fiction of 158, 178

Custody 222-223

D'Aguesseau 254

Debt 174, 244, 275

Defamation 280, 281

Delicts, equitable 159
historical category of 172
nominate 162, 169-170, 175

Demosthenes 22

Depositum 249

Derivative acquisition 207

Derry v. Peek 281

Dicey, A. V. 184

Digest of Justinian 107

Discovery 195, 201

Discretion 117, 119, 129
margin of 132
of the chancellor 130-133
relation of to rule 112, 141-143

Dispensing power 113

Distributions, Statute of 142

Division of labor 56, 176, 191

Doctor and Student 252, 259

Doe, Chief Justice 185

Dolus 156, 159, 169, 175

Dominium 199, 225

Due care 170, 175
standard of 119-120

Duguit, L. 98, 232

Dumoulin 39

Dunedin, Lord 276

Duress 159

Duties 173
relational 85

Economic interpretation 66-67, 179-180

Eldon, Lord 47

Empiricism, judicial 34, 283
juristic 34

End of law 54, 59-99
as a measure of value 96
Greek conception of 74-77
ideals of as basis of juristic theories 71-72
keeping the peace as 72-74
maximum individual self-assertion as 84-87
medieval conception of 78-80
nineteenth-century conception of 83-85
preserving social status quo as 74-81
rise of new ideas as to 87-99
Roman conception of 77-78
theories of 72-99

English juristic theory 64

Englishmen, common-law rights of 43, 53

Enterprises, conduct of 137-189

Equality 82-85

Equitable application of law 122, 126-129

Equities 121

Equity 28, 47, 57, 59, 117, 130-133, 137-138, 258-259, 271
and natural law 41, 102, 112, 114, 153, 178
of the tribunal 102
provision for a child as consideration in 272, 274
securing a creditor as consideration in 272
settlement on a wife as consideration in 272, 274
will not aid a volunteer 272

Ethical interpretation 266

Familia 200

Fichte, theory of contract 261-262

Fictions 102-108, 115
dogmatic 179, 180, 274
of culpability 178-179
of negligence 179
of representation 166, 179
of undertaking 171

Fiducia cum amico 249

Fifth Amendment 51

Finding law 100, 104-105

Form and intention 154-155

Formal contracts, 245, 271, 275
historical origin of, 245-247

Formal undertaking, 155

Forms in primitive thinking, 247-248

Formulas, elasticity of, 121

Fortescue, 38

Fourteenth Amendment, 51

Freedom of contract, 191, 265, 267-269

Freedom of industry, 191

French Civil Code, 48, 162, 163
law of delictal liability, 167-168
monarchy, legal theory under, 64

Functional attitude, 91

Generalizations, 145

General security, 72, 96, 149-150, 171, 175, 176, 179, 193, 282
how infringed, 177

Germanic law, 36, 41, 79, 251, 254

Gifts, reformation of, 273

Gloss, The, 37

Glossators, 40

Good faith, 153, 155, 157, 170
corollaries of, 188-189

Gray, J. C., 102

Greek city, problem of order in, 75
security of social institutions in, 75

Greek law, 20-27, 151, 175

Greek philosophers, conception of the end of law, 35, 74-77
conception of the nature of law, 81
conception of the general security, 74
on subjects of litigation, 97, 241

Grotius, 196, 205-207, 260

Hammurapi, 60

Hard bargains, 132

Hegel, 84, 216, 274
theory of contract, 262
theory of property, 214-216

Heraditus, 76

Hindu law, 226-227, 243-245

Hippodamus, 241

Historical application of law, 125-126

Historical categories, 172

Historical school, 279

Holmes, Mr. Justice, 166

Household, partition of, 226-227

Husband and wife, 188
matrimonial property regime, 229

Hybris, 77

Idealism, juridical, 41-42, 91

Idealistic interpretation, 266

Imperium, 199

"Implied" undertakings, 158, 171

Individual free self-assertion, 54

Individualization, 111, 113-114
by juries, 133-134
in criminal procedure, 138
in punitive justice, 134-135
judicial, 120-121
moral element in, 137
of penal treatment, 129-130

Individual life, 96

Inheritance, 139

Innkeeper, liability of, 186

Insult, 151

Intention, 189
as source of liability, 157

Interdependence, 56

Interdicts, 200

Interests, 89-90
compromises of, 94-95
delimitation of, 192
giving effect to, 90
group, 225
harmony of, 96
individual, in promised advantages, 236
intrinsic importance of, 95
inventory of, 90
of substance, 139, 237
recognition of, 90, 192
securing of 96, 97
valuing of 89, 95-99
weighing of 89, 94

Interpretation 51-52, 100
fiction of 102-108
genuine 105, 124
relation to law making 105

Jessel, Sir George 268

Judicial, contrasted with administrative 108

Jural postulates 169-179, 188, 192-193, 193-194, 237, 249, 284

Juridical idealism 41-42, 91

Jurisconsults 30, 43-44

Jurisprudence, problems of 111

Juristic theories, nature of 69

Jurists, metaphysical 52, 68
search for the more inclusive order 145
seventeenth and eighteenth-century 43-44

Jurist-theologians 39
Spanish 81-82, 83

Jury 129, 133-134
lawlessness of 138

Jus 31

Jus disponendi 221

Just, the, by nature or by convention 25, 27, 31, 55

Justice, Aristotle on 25,

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