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the same time agree with the phaenomena in other stars; particularly in a small one almost opposite in right ascension to γ Draconis, at about the same distance from the north pole of the equator: for though this star seemed to move the same way as a nutation of the earth’s axis would have made it, yet, it changing its declination but about half as much as γ Draconis in the same time, (as appeared upon comparing the observations of both made upon the same days, at different seasons of the year,) this plainly proved that the apparent motion of the stars was not occasioned by a real nutation, since, if that had been the cause, the alteration in both stars would have been near equal.”

One or two other explanations were tested and found insufficient, and as the result of a series of observations extending over about two years, the phenomenon in question, although amply established, still remained quite unexplained.

By this time Bradley had mounted an instrument of his own at Wansted, so arranged that it was possible to observe through it the motions of stars other than γ Draconis.

Several stars were watched carefully throughout a year, and the observations thus obtained gave Bradley a fairly complete knowledge of the geometrical laws according to which the motions varied both from star to star and in the course of the year.

208. The true explanation of aberration, as the phenomenon in question was afterwards called, appears to have occurred to him about September, 1728, and was published to the Royal Society, after some further verification, early in the following year. According to a well-known story,117 he noticed, while sailing on the Thames, that a vane on the masthead appeared to change its direction every time that the boat altered its course, and was informed by the sailors that this change was not due to any alteration in the wind’s direction, but to that of the boat’s course. In fact the apparent direction of the wind, as shewn by the vane, was not the true direction of the wind, but resulted from a combination of the motions of the wind and of the boat, being more precisely that of the motion of the wind relative to the boat. Replacing in imagination the wind by light coming from a star, and the boat shifting its course by the earth moving round the sun and continually changing its direction of motion, Bradley arrived at an explanation which, when worked out in detail, was found to account most satisfactorily for the apparent changes in the direction of a star which he had been studying. His own account of the matter is as follows:—

“At last I conjectured that all the phaenomena hitherto mentioned proceeded from the progressive motion of light and the earth’s annual motion in its orbit. For I perceived that, if light was propagated in time, the apparent place of a fixed object would not be the same when the eye is at rest, as when it is moving in any other direction than that of the line passing through the eye and object; and that when the eye is moving

in different directions, the apparent place of the object would be different.

“I considered this matter in the following manner. I imagined C A to be a ray of light, falling perpendicularly upon the line B D; then if the eye is at rest at A, the object must appear in the direction A C, whether light be propagated in time or in an instant. But if the eye is moving from B towards A, and light is propagated in time, with a velocity that is to the velocity of the eye, as C A to B A; then light moving from C to A, whilst the eye moves from B to A, that particle of it by which the object will be discerned when the eye in its motion comes to A, is at C when the eye is at B. Joining the points B, C, I supposed the line C B to be a tube (inclined to the line B D in the angle D B C) of such a diameter as to admit of but one particle of light; then it was easy to conceive that the particle of light at C (by which the object must be seen when the eye, as it moves along, arrives at A) would pass through the tube B C, if it is inclined to B D in the angle D B C, and accompanies the eye in its motion from B to A; and that it could not come to the eye, placed behind such a tube, if it had any other inclination to the line B D....

Fig. 74.—The aberration of light. From Bradley’s paper in the Phil. Trans.

“Although therefore the true or real place of an object is perpendicular to the line in which the eye is moving, yet the visible place will not be so, since that, no doubt, must be in the direction of the tube; but the difference between the true and apparent place will be (caeteris paribus) greater or less, according to the different proportion between the velocity of light and that of the eye. So that if we could suppose that light was propagated in an instant, then there would be no difference between the real and visible place of an object, although the eye were in motion; for in that case, A C being infinite with respect to A B, the angle A C B (the difference between the true and visible place) vanishes. But if light be propagated in time, (which I presume will readily be allowed by most of the philosophers of this age,) then it is evident from the foregoing considerations, that there will be always a difference between the real and visible place of an object, unless the eye is moving either directly towards or from the object.”

Bradley’s explanation shews that the apparent position of a star is determined by the motion of the star’s light relative to the earth, so that the star appears slightly nearer to the point on the celestial sphere towards which the earth is moving than would otherwise be the case. A familiar illustration of a precisely analogous effect may perhaps be of service. Any one walking on a rainy but windless day protects himself most effectually by holding his umbrella, not immediately over his head, but a little in front, exactly as he would do if he were at rest and there were a slight wind blowing in his face. In fact, if he were to ignore his own motion and pay attention only to the direction in which he found it advisable to point his umbrella, he would believe that there was a slight head-wind blowing the rain towards him.

Fig. 75.—The aberration of light.

209. The passage quoted from Bradley’s paper deals only with the simple case in which the star is at right angles to the direction of the earth’s motion. He shews elsewhere that if the star is in any other direction the effect is of the same kind but less in amount. In Bradley’s figure (fig. 74) the amount of the star’s displacement from its true position is represented by the angle B C A, which depends on the proportion between the lines A C and A B; but if (as in fig. 75) the earth is moving (without change of speed) in the direction A B′ instead of A B, so that the direction of the star is oblique to it, it is evident from the figure that the star’s displacement, represented by the angle A C B′, is less than before; and the amount varies according to a simple mathematical law118 with the angle between the two directions. It follows therefore that the displacement in question is different for different stars, as Bradley’s observations had already shewn, and is, moreover, different for the same star in the course of the year, so that a star appears to describe a curve which is very nearly an ellipse (fig. 76), the centre (S) corresponding to the position which the star would occupy if aberration did not exist. It is not difficult to see that, wherever a star is situated, the earth’s motion is twice a year, at intervals of six months, at right angles to the direction of the star, and that at these times the star receives the greatest possible displacement from its mean position, and is consequently at the ends of the greatest axis of the ellipse which it describes, as at A and A′, whereas at intermediate times it undergoes its least displacement, as at B and B′. The greatest displacement S A, or half of A A′, which is the same for all stars, is known as the constant of aberration, and was fixed by Bradley at between 20″ and 20-1∕2″, the value at present accepted being 20″·47. The least displacement, on the other hand, S B, or half of B B′, was shewn to depend in a simple way upon the star’s distance from the ecliptic, being greatest for stars farthest from the ecliptic.

Fig. 76.—The aberrational ellipse.

210. The constant of aberration, which is represented by the angle A C B in fig. 74, depends only on the ratio between A C and A B, which are in turn proportional to the velocities of light and of the earth. Observations of aberration give then the ratio of these two velocities. From Bradley’s value of the constant of aberration it follows by an easy calculation that the velocity of light is about 10,000 times that of the earth; Bradley also put this result into the form that light travels from the sun to the earth in 8 minutes 13 seconds. From observations of the eclipses of Jupiter’s moons, Roemer and others had estimated the same interval at from 8 to 11 minutes (chapter VIII., § 162); and Bradley was thus able to get a satisfactory confirmation of the truth of his discovery. Aberration being once established, the same calculation could be used to give the most accurate measure of the velocity of light in terms of the dimensions of the earth’s orbit, the determination of aberration being susceptible of considerably greater accuracy than the corresponding measurements required for Roemer’s method.

211. One difficulty in the theory of aberration deserves mention. Bradley’s own explanation, quoted above, refers to light as a material substance shot out from the star or other luminous body. This was in accordance with the corpuscular theory of light, which was supported by the great weight of Newton’s authority and was commonly accepted in the 18th century. Modern physicists, however, have entirely abandoned the corpuscular theory, and regard light as a particular form of wave-motion transmitted through ether. From this point of view Bradley’s explanation and the physical illustrations given are far less convincing; the question becomes in fact one of considerable difficulty, and the most careful and elaborate of modern investigations cannot be said to be altogether satisfactory. The curious inference may be drawn that,

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