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self determines the condition of the body. In “Power For Success” I have stated what I believe to be the growing conviction in this regard. “The sound body is a perfect material expression of the Universal Forces playing into its field, and its physical character is determined by the psychic character of its owner.” “In a state of health, all physical movements must necessarily cooperate harmoniously with one another and with the Universal Forces.”

What we call MIND is a collection of powers organized for use by the self, and these powers are rightly developed only by the good, the true, the beautiful. If the feeling of goodness, or of trueness, or of beauty, is deep within the subconscious phase of the self, mind-life exhibits as mental health. Mental health is a universal right.

The “SPIRIT”—not to refine on philosophy—is the real self which builds body and may unfold mind. The highest state of the individual, therefore, is religious at the top. This is spirituality. But the only conceivable essential to spirituality is a belief in, and an intelligent (truth-using) surrender to, the White Life—conceived in one’s own way—for harmony and oneness therewith.

HAPPINESS consists in being consciously harmonized with the true, the good and the beautiful. It is not necessary, however, although it is, of course, better, to know these words. The child vibrates with goodness without understanding the name “goodness.” And so on.


All things exist for all beings.

Such are some of the realities that are being quietly and potently assumed and affirmed to-day throughout the world. Of course the language of assertion will vary with each individual, but this is immaterial. The essences affirmed are beyond cavil. Other illustrations might be given, but they would be mere phases of that one breath of new hope and courage that is stirring in every land, to “spread contagion on mankind,” of the “life which really is.”

These higher thoughts, however, are of the Dawn only. The full Day is not yet with us. Shadows still there are, and error, disease and pain. Why must these false “realities” remain? Solely because of three things that linger on:


And when fear vanishes, replaced by the WHITE LIFE, selfishness will die as impossible, and thought will no longer be false for the reason that only truth will be possessed.

If the whole world, then, would but thrust out fear and receive the spirit of courage, I do not know any “evils” that could endure a century.

And if you who read these pages will but swing up to the WHITE-LIFE harmony-plane, Health, Happiness and Power must be yours as surely as air rushes into a broken vacuum. If you ask, “What are the limits of this truth?” I answer, “I don’t know.” To speak otherwise would be mere speculation. I affirm the great truth: All things are yours. That YOU, if stricken through and through with dis-harmony, may be ABLE to receive ALL you crave, I may not affirm. Nevertheless, it is permitted to say:” Launch out! Launch out in the New Thought of Life, and receive, as you do so, whatever is rightly your own, as you are increasingly able to do so.”

Man has banished many of his fears already. It is not a long run of the centuries since he quaked before the gloom of the forest, the solitude of the hills, the fog of the vast sea, and, creating innumerable gods and devils by that wizard of distortion, the imagination, lodged them in every object of existence under and in the heavens. He has gotten rid of these.

But when we observe the fear of water, the fear of tornadoes, the fear of lightning, the fear of fire, the fear of disease, the fear of accident, the fear of death, the fear of ridicule, the fear of public opinion, the fear of bankruptcy, the fear of self, the fear for self, the fear of others, the fear of failure, the fear of devils, the fear of a vindictive God, the fear of the future, the fear of a hell—Oh, then, we know that the sun of light is not at his meridian height. We can yet get rid of these also. This is one of the world’s tasks. This is your task, if you would make the most of your self and life.

“There is yet very much land to be possessed.” No one will possess all of that land in the present stage of existence. Some will be able to claim more than others, but they will err if they assume themselves to be favorites, and the “others” will do worse than err if they complain, “We, alas, are down on our luck.” Be assured of one thing: all may be rid of their fears and the whole mass of distress induced by fears. All may acquire dauntless yet serene courage. In that state, if it be of the highest, as it may be, will come to them a peace, a happiness, an influx of buoyancy, a confidence, a sense of well-being, the like of which they have never known.




You who now read this page are, thus, invited to begin our study by denying and affirming, as follows:


I deny the existence of error, so far as I am concerned. I deny disease to be my necessary portion. I deny the need of any of my fears. I deny the reality of any cause for fear. I deny that I am less than a king. I deny that ignorance is an essential part of my lot. I deny that poverty is decreed to me. I deny that I am low-born or of bad blood. I deny that I am “down on my luck.” I deny by my life that others are my superiors. I deny that anything can hurt the essential ME. I deny a vindictive God. I deny that slavery is religious. I deny that I am not the friend of the White Life. I deny that I am mean, low or ignoble in morals. I deny that my best life depends on creeds. I deny that the Universe is not for me. I deny that health is not my rightful claim. I deny that I am unhappy or depressed. I deny that I am weak and a nonentity. I deny that I shall not unfold forever. I deny all that is opposed to my best welfare.


SECOND—THE DAILY REGIME OF AFFIRMATION. I affirm truth to be my desire and possession. I affirm health to be my rightful claim. I affirm fearlessness of that which I have feared I affirm cause and reason only for courage. I affirm that reason is independent of fear. I affirm my sovereign selfhood. I affirm that life is my perfect university. I affirm that I am success. I affirm that a part of the world’s plenty is for me. I affirm myself the WHITE-LIFE equal of others. I affirm my real self impregnable to hurt. I affirm the Infinite Life to be my Friend. I affirm that spirituality is true freedom. I affirm myself the friend of the Infinite. I affirm that mine is the WHITE-LIFE. I affirm my independence of narrow creeds. I affirm buoyant happiness as my present possession. I am power! I shall live and unfold forever.

It may be that all this is strange thought to you, almost meaningless, perhaps. You are invited, therefore, to remember that thousands of people have felt similarly at first, have then caught a glimpse of the truth here and there, and finally have experienced a wondrous recognition of the New Dawn which has now surely come to the world. It is significant that these are saying, “There is nothing else worth while in the whole earth.”

Two men were scraping paint from a house preparatory to putting on. a new coat of color, One of them who had been helped back from mental unbalance, and helped solely by thought, broke a long silence and said: “This is the whole thing.” He referred to the dawn of Real Life in himself.

If, now, this chapter has seemed to broach the subject of religion, remember, it does not deal with religion as you perhaps know religion. The only thing valuable in religion is the White Life within the human self. That alone is religion. Call it what you will. And it means just that courage which makes us buoyantly equal to any kind of life that is right. The methods of this book will prove of value to you, whether or no you go into the WHITE-LIFE phase of existence. But they will realize completest value if you will swing at the start clean out into the one greatest thought—”I SURRENDER TO, AND I RECEIVE, THE INFINITE WHITE LIFE.”

It is because I desire every reader to get this perfect start in our study that I have indulged in the rather general outlook on the world’s New Dawn. Hereafter our work will be more specific and adressed to the varying conditions of the individual man or woman.




The INTELLECT coldly reflects What Is: An icy, crystalline lake portraying earth and sky In shadows beautiful as death— And void of pulse, or warmth, or music of good life. This is no Eye with which to view the world!

The SOUL reflects the universe With ECSTASIES of heat, of hue, of harmony! Its INNER gaze creating Life in Fact, So, robing sheer Reality in colors ravishing, Giving it Voice, forming within it Heart, And vitalizing All with Feeling—Being’s blood. This is our Eye, viewing the world it builds.

Fear blurs that Eye, while Reason clears: Pure mind lacks Passion adding values to existence; (Who loves mere ghost—flowers born of moonlight?) Pure Feeling lacks in REASON, needing values, And, lacking so, fills Eye of Soul with fantasies, With wild distortions of imagination’s lust. (Who loves the fire—hued, smoke blooms of Hell’s Land?) And always Fear feeds Feeling’s grotesque growths Till Soul’s Eye on its own creation looks As on eternal Truth. Then Truth and Nature, Deity and Man Evolve dread enmity and horrors multiple, And Soul flees terror-stricken on to Death.

Oh, I will rule heart’s Feeling for good Life, Given Soul’s Mind for this—naught else: That Reason may re—think the Beautiful and Happiness And see eternal Truth and Truth-Fact as my lovers— Veracious Guardian Angels guiding all my way— Cooperative, like the brain and heart of body, To lead my soul on Courage (not on Death) And make me worth the skill Of the illimitable years—a Mind—Man, whole! —THE AUTHOR.




“In civilized life it has at last become possible for large numbers of people to pass from the cradle to the grave without ever having had a pang of genuine fear. Many of us need an attack of mental disease to teach us the meaning of the word.”—William James.


We have all heard the seemingly discriminating remarks that fear is normal and abnormal, and that normal fear is to be regarded as a friend, while abnormal fear should be destroyed as an enemy.

The fact is that no so—called normal fear can be named which has not been clearly absent in some people who have had every cause therefor. If you will run over human history in your mind, or look about yea in the present life, you will find here and there persons who, in situations or before objects which ought, as any fearful soul will insist, to inspire the feeling of at least normal self-protecting fear, are nevertheless wholly without the feeling. They possess every feeling and thought demanded except fear. The idea of self-preservation is as strongly present as with the most abjectly timid or terrified, but fear they do

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