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erths in Sleepers--Elderly Ladies have Preference of Berths--An American Lady Takes One Anyhow--How Smythe Lost his Berth--How He Got Even--The Suttee CHAPTER XLIX. Pyjamas--Day Scene in India--Clothed in a Turban and a Pocket Handkerchief--Land Parceled Out--Established Village Servants--Witches in Families--Hereditary Midwifery--Destruction of Girl Babies--Wedding Display--Tiger-Persuader--Hailstorm Discourages--The Tyranny of the Sweeper--Elephant Driver--Water Carrier--Curious

nts, weather conditions and other factors. There isno way of predicting in advance what areas of the country would beaffected by fallout, or how soon the particles would fall back to earthat a particular location.Some communities might get a heavy accumulation of fallout, whileothers--even in the same general area--might get little or none. No areain the U.S. could be sure of not getting fallout, and it is probablethat some fallout particles would be deposited on most of the country. Areas

ter or butter, 2 tablespoons choppedparsley, 1 tablespoon wholemeal flour, 1-1/2 pints water.First put on the chestnuts (without shelling or pricking) in cold water,and boil for an hour. Then remove shells and put the nuts in an enamelledsaucepan with the fat. Fry for 10 minutes. Add the flour gradually,stirring all the time, then add the water. Cook gently for half an hour.Lastly, add the parsley, boil up, and serve. It is rather nicer if the flour is omitted, the necessary thickness

be just from convention or enactment. The latter, he says, can be just only with respect to those things which by nature are indifferent. Thus when a newly reconstituted city took a living Spartan general for its eponymus, no one was bound by nature to sacrifice to Brasidas as to an ancestor, but he was bound by enactment and after all the matter was one of convention, which, in a society framed on the model of an organized kindred, required that the citizens have a common heroic ancestor, and

th to the backs of older brothers or sisters, and living in the streets in all weathers. When it is cold, the sister's haori, or coat, serves as an extra covering for the baby as well; and when the sun is hot, the sister's parasol keeps off its rays from the bobbing bald head.[*8] Living in public, as the Japanese babies do, they soon acquire an intelligent, interested look, and seem to enjoy the games of the elder children, upon whose backs they are carried, as much as the players themselves.

or Roosevelt, everything evil originated in theKaiser Wilhelm, Lenin and Trotsky. They were as omnipotent for evil asthe heroes were omnipotent for good. To many simple and frightenedminds there was no political reverse, no strike, no obstruction, nomysterious death or mysterious conflagration anywhere in the world ofwhich the causes did not wind back to these personal sources of evil.3 Worldwide concentration of this kind on a symbolic personality is rareenough to be clearly remarkable, and

the air without in the rooms you sleep in? Butfor this, you must have sufficient outlet for the impure air you makeyourselves to go out; sufficient inlet for the pure air from without tocome in. You must have open chimneys, open windows, or ventilators; noclose curtains round your beds; no shutters or curtains to your windows,none of the contrivances by which you undermine your own health ordestroy the chances of recovery of your sick.[4][Sidenote: When warmth must be most carefully looked to.]

tal conflict of life, within the possibilities of the human mind as we know it. We permit ourselves also a free hand with all the apparatus of existence that man has, so to speak, made for himself, with houses, roads, clothing, canals, machinery, with laws, boundaries, conventions, and traditions, with schools, with literature and religious organisation, with creeds and customs, with everything, in fact, that it lies within man's power to alter. That, indeed, is the cardinal assumption of all

e city council was backed by a large body of serious opinion throughout the country. A proof of this, if proof were needed, is to be found in the circumstances that gave rise to the Apologie of Sidney.The attack on the stage had been opened by the corporation and the clergy. It was soon joined by the men of letters. And the essay of Sidney was an answer neither to a town councillor, nor to a preacher, but to a former dramatist and actor. This was Stephen Gosson, author of the School of Abuse.

own good it is as important that workmen should not be very much over-paid, as it is that they should not be under-paid. If over-paid, many will work irregularly and tend to become more or less shiftless, extravagant, arid dissipated. It does not do for most men to get rich too fast. The writer's observation, however, would lead him to the conclusion that most men tend to become more instead of less thrifty when they receive the proper increase for an extra hard day's work, as, for example, the