» Music » Jayy Von Monroe and Dahive Vainty Love stor, by:Rae [classic fiction txt] 📗

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chapter 6

I woke up in Jayy's room i smiled thinking me and him are now together i should tell Gerard because i told him i liked Jayy so i got up carefully not to wake him up then i put on my boxers and then walked down to the kicthen and walked to the phone so i dialed there number hoping Gerard or Frank will answer then it started to ring after the third ring i heard Gerard's voice "hello" i said "Heyy Gerard guess what" he said "what" i said " me and Jayy started dating" Gerard said "oh my gawd really" i could tell he woke up the rest of the house cuz i heard running then i heard Gerard talking to Frank because only those two know that i liked Jayy and then i heard Frank take the phone and he said "who asked and where and when" i said "well Jayy asked and we were in his room and it was last night" i started to giggle knowing them they will promably think we did it then Frank said "Omg did you guys do it" i laughed "not yet" i heard them giggle then we talked about having a double date tonight i said "i should ask Jayy first" then Gerard said "alright calls us when you get the answer" i said "okay" then we hung up and i started to make bacon and eggs since that's all i can cook well i can cook more but i feel like doing the easy stuff because im lazy today when i was done making breakfast i heard Jayy walking down the stairs he came up to me and hugged me then he spun me around and kissed me and i kissed back then we pulled apart he said "did you make me some" i nodded and he smiled and sat down while i got out the plates and sliver ware then i put Jayy's plate infornt of him and i sat infornt of him and we both started eating when we finished i did the dishes while Jayy had a shower and got dressed...

chapter 7

Jayy's Pov
After i got out of the shower i wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom and walked into my room to find some clothes to wear when i was done i walked out and Dahive came up to me saying "do you want to go on a double date with me and Gerard" i said "okay" Dahive came and hugged me and i hugged him back and i kissed the top of his head i heard him giggle a bit then he looked up to me and said "im going to get ready then i have to call them" i said "alright" Dahive let go of me then i went to go sit on the couch i turned on the tv and i put on spongebob i know but i love this show after a while Dahive came down and sat down in my lap and said "we are leaving around 4 okay"i said "okay" it was two no so 2 more hours till we leave

chapter 8

Jayy's Pov

It was 4 and we were heading to the mall to meet up with Gerard and Frank... we got to mall and walked to the court and i saw Gerard and Frank sitting down at a table holding hands it was so cute when we got up to the table i sat down with Dahive beside me i said "Hey Gerard and Frank" Frank and Gerard waved Dahive smiled i said " what do you want to eat Dahive" he looked at me and said " McDonald's" i smiled and nodded and kissed his cheek and walked off to get us some dinner..

Dahive's Pov

Jayy walked off to get our food then i said "so how are you guys" Gerard said "im fine" Frank said the same thing i looked at Gerard and asked "what's wrong" Gerard said " nothing important but i promise to tell you later" i nodded and then Jayy came back with the food i smiled and we ate in silence then we walked around the mall for a while then we walked to the car and drove home when we got home i walked upstairs to use my cell phone and called Gerard then the phone started to ring and he picked up on the third ring he said "hey" i said " hey so whats wrong" he said " well i wanted to know what would you think if i asked Frank to marry me?" i said "that would be a great idea" i heard him chuckle and he said "thanks bye" i said "bye" we hung up then i went back down stairs to Jayy sitting watching tv so i jumped on his lap and laughed he looked down and smiled and said "hey babe" i blushed and said "hey" he laughed and said " so what do you want to do for the rest of the night" i said "i don't know"

chapter 9

Jayy's pov

Dahive went out for a bit so i was alone in the house with music blasting when i was down stairs i heard someone ring the doorbell so i went to the door and opened it and i saw the last person i wanted to see...

Dahive's pov

i went to the mall to Jayy a present for his birthday but i just told Jayy i went out to go get some stuff this is going to be the best day even though his birthday is 3/2 weeks away i wanted to get it early....

Jayy's pov

"What are you doing here"Sebastian just smiled and said " i wanted to see you" i glared at him "go away" he just shook his head and looked back at me and said "but didn't you miss me" i looked at him and said "no i didn't" he looked at me and gave me a sly smirk then he pushed me and he just walked inside i was pissed i closed the door and turned around he was looking at me like i was still his toy that's right whenni dated him he only used me and when i found out about him cheating on me with this chick i told him i was done with him and when i got home i sat in my room and cried and Dahive was there to comfort me and i never saw him again till this day then he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to him yes he was a little taller them me and he slapped me and then he yelled "WHY THE HELL DID YOU BREAK UP WITH ME HUH" then i said "cuz you fucking cheated on me"he looked at me then he smiled i knew what was going to happen he was going to beat me why well lets just say if i ever tried to defend my self or something like that he would hurt me even when i said i didn't want to see him again he said something about when he finds me he would hurt me its stupid then he pushed me on the ground and started to hit me and kick me but what he didn't know is that after i broke up with him i got a little stronger waiting for him knowing i would have to fight back i couldn't be that weak person anymore i waited for the perfect moment i punched him in the face and he put his hands to his face and glared at me shit just got serious then we started to fight me punching him and stopping his hits then he kicked me in the stomach and i feel down to my knees holding my stomach i looked at him and saw him smile then i heard Dahvie's car pull up and Sebastian looked at me and ran to the back door i tried getting up but failed and i fell down that's when the front door opened and saw Dahive walk in while i was sitting on the floor in the living room trying to look normal but knowing i forgot to cover up the bruises and when Dahive walked in to the living room he looked at me and gasped and ran to me and saying "what happened babe" i looked at him and i stuttered out "s-sebastian c-ame a-and he b-beat m-me u-up" i didn't mention that i fought back because Dahive didn't know what Sebastian said to me and i could never tell him then he looked at me and said "im so sorry i wasn't here" i said "it's okay he ran when he heard the car" i smiled a bit so

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