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in comparison. But why should the mountains thus depress? Why should not their history bring us the more worthy thought of the mighty possibilities of the race? For man, small in stature though he may be, is after all the flower and finish of the evolutionary process so far; he is century by century acquiring a completer mastery over Nature; and when we see how young and recent he is beside the aged mountains, when we realise how they have only evolved by minute gradations accumulating over vast periods of time, and when we reflect that nearly similar periods may yet lie before mankind, should not our thoughts dwell rather on man's future greatness and on the mighty destiny which he himself may shape?

With our imagination tethered to the hard-rock fact that man has developed from a savage to a Plato and a Shakespeare, from the inventor of the stone-axe to the inventor of telegraphy in the paltry quarter million years of his existence, may we not safely give it rope to wander out into the boundless future? We are still but children. We may be only as young bees, crawling over the combs of a hive, who have not yet found their wings to fly out into the sun-lit world beyond. Even now we suspect ourselves of possessing wing-like faculties of the mind whose use we do not know, and to which we are as yet afraid to trust. But the period of our infancy is over. The time to let ourselves go is approaching. Should we not look confidently out into the future and nerve ourselves for bold, unfettered flight?

And may we not still further hope that in the many million years the earth may yet exist we may master the depressing fate which lies before us when the sun's heat is expended; and look forward to evolving from ourselves beings of a higher order who will be independent of the used-up planet which gave them birth, and may be swarm away to some far, other sun-lit home?

Abbotabad, 57 Achibal, 60, 116, 123 Administration, 183 Afghanistan, 138, 232 Afghans, 159, 176 Africa, 258, 265 South, 254 Aghil range, 237 Agra, Taj at, 157 Aishmakam, 210 Ajit Singh, 166 Akbar, 142, 157 Alexander the Great, 139 Alfred, King, 143 Aliwal, 168 Almonds, 199 Amar Singh, Raja Sir, 68, 69, 118, 184, 215 Amaranth, 202 Amarnath, caves of, 60, 113, 114 America, 257, 258 Aparwat, 106 Apples, 196, 217 Apricots, 96, 176, 199, 202 trees, 19, 36, 158 Archæological Department Survey, 81 Arts, 210 Aru, 113, 123 Asia, Central, 61, 143, 263 Asoka, the Buddhist king, 33, 75, 138, 139, 140 Astor, 62, 120, 121 Austin, Godwin, 236 Autumn in Kashmir, 36, 38 Avantipur, 135 Avantipura, 145 Avantivarman, 145, 146 Awatkula, 111 Baber, Emperor, 211 Badakhshan, 143 Badwan, 123 Baltistan, 3, 50, 61, 109, 120, 121, 164, 184, 232 Governor of, 50 Bandipur, 61, 62 Banihal Pass, 17 Baramula, 5, 6, 57, 69, 104, 124, 146, 183, 206, 231, 232, 241 Road, 84 Bara-singh. See "Kashmir stag." Barley, 200, 205 Barstow, Captain, 120 Basket work, 215 Bauxite, 210 Bawan, 112 Beans, white, 201 Beas river, 169 Bedford, Duke of, 122 Bengal, 138 settlement of, 191 Beoru, 123 Bernier, 1, 2, 158 Bijbehara, 60, 111, 112 Birches, 206 Biscoe's School, Mr., 72 Blue pine, 206 Boat-building, 216 Boatmen, 132 Bodhisattva, 141 Bokhara, 216 Bombay, 196 Brahminism, 139 Brahministic Hinduism, 141 Brahmins, 112, 149, 156 British Government, 168, 169, 170, 173, 182, 183, 184, 210 troops, 167 Indian troops, 167 Resident, 183 territory, 167 Buckwheat, 201 Buddha, 135 Buddhism, 139, 140, 141 Buddhist monasteries, 61 temple, 5, 138 Bulbuls, 7 Bullock carts, 56 "Bund," 69, 70 Buniar, 134 Burbank, Mr. Luther, 94 Burma, 249 Burrard, Colonel, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242, 246, 250 Burzil, 123 Butter, clarified, 201, 218 Calcutta, 31, 44, 196 Cambrian period, 262 rocks, pre-, 261 Carbonaceous system, 257 Carboniferous period, 268 Carpets, 212 Cashmere, 171 Cauvery Falls, 223 Chamba, 163, 170 Charlemagne, 143 Chenab river, 208 Chenar, trees, 6, 19, 20, 23, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36, 37, 43, 60, 65, 66, 70, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 92, 97, 112, 116, 208, 209 foliage, 24 Chenars, Isle of, 29, 78 China, 250 Chitral, 164, 155, 175 frontier, 62 Cholera, 232 Christians, 272 Clarified butter. See "Butter" Coal Measures, 264, 265 Coal period, 266 Columbines, 93 Copper, 210, 220 work, 214 Cornwallis, Lord, 191 Cotton, 202, 205 cloth, 216 piece-goods, 219 Cretaceous period, late, 267 Customs, the (source of revenue), 184, 187 Dabgarh, 203 Dachigam stream, 26, 123, 124 valley, 27, 79 Dak bungalows, 31, 56, 57 Dal Darwaza lock, the, 75, 78 Dal Lake, 20, 28, 29, 32, 59, 74, 75, 79, 81, 82, 132, 141, 159, 198, 203, 209 Danjhibhoy, 47 Darjiling, 3, 102, 235, 239 Dauvergne, M., 211 Deccan, 138 Decentralisation, Royal Commission on, 46 Deodar forest, 116, 206 trees, 71, 206, 226 Devonian period, 257 Dhulip Singh, 166, 167 Dhyan Singh, 164, 166 Dogra country, 163 Rajput, 163 Downes, Dr., 73 Dragon-flies, 39, 40 Drew, Mr., 174 Duck shooting, 16, 39, 41, 121 Dundee Chamber of Commerce, 204 Dunga-boats, 57, 58 Durbar, 54, 175, 233 East India Company, 172 Edwards, Colonel, 41, 121 Egypt, 139 Egyptian temples, 115 Electric installation, 214 Electrical Department, 185 Scheme, 222 Elizabeth, Queen, 157 Elm tree, 209 Elsmie, Dr., 73 Enamel work, 214 Engineer, Chief, 185 State, 185 Eocene period, 258 Erin, 123 Everest, Mount, 235, 237, 248 Ferozepur nulla, 105 Ferozepore fort, 167 Ferozeshah, 168 Field, Mr., 232 Fir, silver, 206 Flax, Russian, 204 Forest Department, 184, 207, 227 Forests, 206 Forests, Conservator of, 185 Food grains, 199 Fowls, 49 Fruit, 196 Game Preservation Department, 118, 121 Ganderbal, 60, 108 Gandhara, 115 Gangabal Lake, 60, 110, 123 Ganges, the, 144, 271 Gap, the, 28, 29 Garuda, 86 Ghi, 201, 218 Gilgit, 62, 184 district, 121 Gobi Desert, 262 Gold-washings, 210 Gopaditya, 74 Gorai, 123 Govardhanadhara, temple to the god, 86 Græco-Buddhist art, 139 Grain, 49, 199 Grapes, 198 "Greater Vehicle of the Law," 141 Greece, 133, 137, 139 Gujars, 113 Gulab Singh, Raja, 160, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172,
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