» Music » Beethoven, George Alexander Fischer [best selling autobiographies .TXT] 📗

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116. Cherubini, 57, 66, 123; Requiem, 140, 212. Chopin, Improvising, 28. Choral Fantasia, 29. Christianity, 4, 143. Cirrhosis, 213, Dropsical accumulations in, 207, Cause of, 213, not transmissible, 214. Clementi, Sonatas, 139. Cologne, 17. Concert, Spirituel, of Vienna, 178, 179, of Paris, 14. Congress of Vienna, 107 et seq. Coriolanus overture, 14, 75, 124, 229. Corsican, the young, 41. Critics on Second Symphony, 36, Seventh Symphony, 159. Czerny, 29, 66, 80, 96, 127, 128, 130, 131, 140, 159, 167, 207, 211, Teacher of young Karl, 110.
Index Dance, the, 99, the, favorite musical form, 157. Dante, 77. Damrosch, Dr. Leopold, 166. De Profundus, 151. Diabelli, 157, 167, 187. Dietrichstein, Count, 172. Dignity, of the artist, 2. Don Giovanni, 9, 48, 139, 140. Dönhoff, Graf von, 94.
Index Egmont music, 92, 106, 142, 156, 226, 229. Eighth Symphony, 95, 98, 100, 106, 145, Dance element in, 99. Eisfeld, Theo, 166. Elector of Cologne, 4, 5, 13, 24, his Orchestra, 15, 16, 18, 82. Eliot, George, 134. Elysian Fields, 193. Emerson, 77, 145, 147, 148, 228. England, 103, 106, 107. Erdödy, Countess, 60, 61. Erlkönig, Beethoven's setting of, 142. Eroica Symphony (see Third Symphony). Ertmann, Baroness, 60, 61, 80, 128. Esterhazy, Prince, 75-76, Princess Marie, 76, the Princes, 51. Eucharist, 232. Euryanthe, 159, 160. Eustachian tubes, office of, 214.
Index Fate, struggle with, 163, Relentless, 218, Propitiated, 184, and Destiny, 218. Fates, the, 204, 220. Fatherland, Poets of, 14. Faust, 38, 156, 157, 162, 200. Fichte (quoted), 219. Fidelio, 11, 48, 98, 155, libretto of, 49-50, First production of, 54, 55, revision of, 56, 74, 75, 98, 106, 123, 155, 159, dedication of piano score, 107, its Spanish background, 49. Fielding and humor, 134. Fifth Symphony (C minor), 14, 68, 73, 76, 77, 152. First Symphony, 33, 34, 37. Fischer, 225. Förster, teacher of Beethoven, 63. Fourth Symphony, 66-68, Serenity of, 67, Philosophic import of, 68. France, 42, 43, 107. France, King of (Louis XVIII), 45, 154, 155. Freemasonry, among musicians, 10. Freischütz, 139. French Revolution, 3, 4, 41, 133. Friends of music, Society of, 129. Friendship, 176. Frimmel von, 180, 215. Fugue, the, 124, 125, 129, of the C♯ minor quartet, 121, Credo of Mass in D, 153. Fuller, Margaret (footnote), 181.
Index Gayety, 100. Galaxy of virtuosi, 17. Galitzin, Prince, and last quartets, 192-194, and Mass in D, 192. Genius, prerogative of, 230. Germanic Order, 10. Germans, the, 104. Gewandhaus Concerts, 226. Glacis, the, 204, 210. Glück, 79. Goethe, 13, 38, 80, 88, 90, 101, 111, 125, 129, 141, 191, 212, 217, Worldly wisdom of, 90, as Courtier, 91, Councillor, 92, Spiritual mentor, 162. Gothic architecture, 143. Greece, 143. Greek Classics, 140-141. Grillparzer, 160.
Index Hafiz (quoted), 102. Hanau, battle of, 104. Händel, 27, 79, 139, 143, 223, Beethoven's opinion of, 20, Oratorios of, 143, 144, works of, 207. Händel and Haydn Society of Boston, 181. Happiness, and Beethoven, 38. Hatzfeld, Prince von, 154. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 18. Haydn, 4, 17, 18, 19, 29, 30, 33, 43, 46, 73, 76, 79, 100, 101, 123, 140, 219, 229, Important work of, 143, Distinguishing trait, 123, Kyrie of Imperial Mass, 74, and the Minuet, 34, Humor in music, 34, 133, Sonatas, 34, Teacher of Beethoven, 19-20, Visits Bonn, 17. Haydn and Mozart, 4, 20. Haydn and Beethoven, life-work of, 20. Heiligenstadt, 73. Herder, 141, quoted, 80, 93. Higher law, the, 38. Hiller, Ferdinand, 205. Hirsch, Beethoven's last pupil, 180. Holy Grail, 232. Holz, 178, 185, 194, 198, 206, 213. Homer, 13. Host, the, elevation of, 233, Consecration of, 233. Humanity, 43, at bay, 163, Golden age for, 164. Humor, in music, evolution of, 133, a test of genius, 134. Hümmel, 22, 29, 31, 63, 76, 105, 206. Hüttenbrenner, 8, 177, 210, 211.
Index Imperial family (of Austria), 5, 41, 81, 91, 170, 171, 212. Impedimenta, 39. Improvising, 28, 125, Bach, excelled in it, 28, Chopin, last to exercise it in public, 28, Beethoven, genius in, 28-29, by Karl, 117. Instrumental music, 227, 230. Intellect of mankind, 2. Intuition, 2. Italian vocalism, 4.
Index Jeitteles, 121. Jesus, teaching of, 164. Johnson, Dr., 130. Joy, language of, 68. Joyousness (quoted), 101. Judiciary, the, of Austria, 212.
Index Kalischer, 186, 197. Kantian Philosophy, 229. Karlskirche, 212. Kenilworth, 209. Keyboard, of piano, 3. Kiel University, 16. Kinsky, Prince, 26, 83, 84, death of, 145, 160. Klober, 148. Klopstock, 92. Kren, Michael, 200. Kreutzer, R., 45, Sonata, 44, 45. Krumpholz, 38, death of, 130-131.
Index Leipzig, 92, battle of, 102, 105. Leonore overtures, 49, 56, the Third, 56, 57, 229. Lessing, 13. Letter to a young girl, 141, Holz, appointing him his biographer, 179, Breuning, Stephen von, 175, Czapka, a magistrate, 198, Rampel, his copyist, 190, Lichnowsky, Prince, 70, Messrs. Schott, 193, Zmeskall, 137-138. Lichnowsky, Prince von, 23, 25, 26, 35, 55, 56, 59, 127, Settles annuity on Beethoven, 24, Beethoven visits him, in Silesia, 68, quarrels with him, 69, death of, 130. Lichnowsky, Princess von, 62, 65, as peacemaker, 25, 56. Lichnowsky, Count Moritz von, 26, 43, 129, 168, 176. Life, a precious gift, 98. Life's problem, 4, 218. Life's tragedy, 36. Liszt, 5, 29, 52, 127, 136, 225, 226, advent of, in concert, 159, pupil of Czerny, 29. Liszt's father, 159. Lobkowitz, Prince von, 26, 44, 45, 59, 84, bankruptcy of, 145, death of, 130. Loder, George, 165. Lohengrin, Prelude, 231, 232, 234. London, 117. Louis, Ferdinand of Prussia, 44. Love, 165, Magic power of, 164. Lützen, battle of, 102.
Index Man of genius, elation of, 98. Mantua, Mozart at, 28. Maria Louisa, of
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