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Are you in search of the best mystery books, detective stories, and crime novels to keep you on the edge of your seat? Look no further! Our online bookstore offers a wide selection of mystery novels, short detective stories, and crime novels that are sure to satisfy even the most avid mystery reader. From classic whodunits to modern thrillers, our collection has something for everyone.

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"Death on the Coast" is a gripping murder mystery novel written by M. Comley. Set in the picturesque coastal town of Exham on Sea, the book follows the investigation of DI Jack Culverhouse and his team into a series of gruesome murders. As they delve deeper into the case, they uncover a web of lies, secrets, and betrayals that lead them to a shocking conclusion. Comley skillfully weaves together a complex plot full of twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats from

's head from its hard pillow of rock.With swift nervous motions she unfastened his coat and bent her ear to his breast. "'Tis only a faint, maybe shock. In all the world was only Margot, and Margot was lost. Ugh! the hail. See, it is still here--look! water, and--yes, the tea! It was for you---- Ah!" Her words ended with a sigh of satisfaction as a slight motion stirred the features into which she peered so earnestly, and she raised her master's head a bit higher. Then his eyes slowly

"The Indian Drum" by William MacHarg is a classic mystery novel that follows detective Creighton, a seasoned investigator who is tasked with solving a murder in a wealthy New York family. The novel is set against the backdrop of the early 1900s, and MacHarg uses vivid descriptions and well-crafted characters to bring the era to life. The plot is complex and engaging, with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers guessing until the very end. MacHarg's writing style is both elegant

or her father. A little thought on the matter decided him to rectify the deficiencies, in so far as it lay in his power. He visited a large establishment making a specialty of "furnishing homes complete," and ordered a new kitchen outfit, including a modern range, a mission style outfit for a dining-room, dainty summer furniture for the five chambers to be occupied by his three nieces, the Major and himself, and a variety of lawn benches, chairs, etc."Look after the

Louise came home from school one afternoon and found her dear mother sobbing bitterly as she clung around the neck of Gran'pa Jim, who stood in the middle of the room as still as if he had been a marble statue. Mary Louise promptly mingled her tears with those of her mother, without knowing why, and then there was a quick "packing-up" and a rush to the railway again.Next they were in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Conant, very pleasant people who seemed to be old friends of Mamma Bee