» Mystery & Crime » Frozen in Time, Radia Al Rashid [reading like a writer txt] 📗

Book online «Frozen in Time, Radia Al Rashid [reading like a writer txt] 📗». Author Radia Al Rashid

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Julia.” Another voice that seems comparatively stronger says from the dark.

“What? I don’t understand.”

This very moment, the door opens with a screeching sound.

“Wh-who is this?” I can feel the chain clanking against each other that are tying my wrists together.

“Shh, don’t talk.” the first girl whispers.

I don’t understand a thing. What did they mean by “another” Julia? I have no…O my God! Is this some sick game of that psycho? What did I get myself into! Tears keep rolling down my face as I try to remain silent.

To my extreme horror, I see another girl being crudely pushed inside the room by someone else from behind. The girl is wearing a knee-length white cotton dress which is smeared with blood stains here and there. My breathing becomes heavy as I look at her face. Her eyebags and the dark circles around those hazel eyes make her look worse than the first girl I saw in this room. Dried blood mingled with newly formed scars entirely distorted her once pretty face.

“Try to get rebellious again and you’re dead, are you listening?” the female voice behind her now shows its face. My stomach turns like never before. This woman has a pure evil look on her face. The long black dress and the witch like nose makes her look like an ambassador of hell. Her curly, disheveled hairs further accentuate the devilish appearance. She throws the girl on the floor with an irritated huff.

“Do you listen to me?” she again calls out to the poor girl.

“Yeah.” The girl’s voice seems unbelievably weak and defeated.

“Very well. Be a good girl to your master, always so that you can live happily ever after.” The witch opens her mouth to give the ugliest smile in the history showing her rotten teeth.

In reply, the girl lets out a weak whimper.

What the hell did she mean by master? Is it some sort of an evil cult! God!

“Don’t we have our special guest right here!” she abruptly turns towards me making all the organs inside me rush to the throat.

I gulp at her burning eyes.

“Well, my dear. It’s your turn to officially join these filthy whores.” She grins that ugly grin one more time.

“What do you mean?” I blurt out while silently cursing my stupid mouth for not filtering the words.

“Wow! You impressed me, you ugly little piece of crap. See there?” She waves a torch around the room revealing all five of the girls chaining to the walls. All of them are practically rotting away. A cold shiver slowly makes its way down my spine at the insidious scene I am in right now. I can see all of them wearing knee-length white cotton dresses that are of course, not white anymore. Blood stains and dirt cover every inch of their dresses. I feel like crying my eyes out at their misery when suddenly my head spins thinking about my situation that is bound to be just like them, or maybe worse within a while.

“They all were as outspoken and shamelessly rebellious to the master on their first days. You can open your eyes really wide and see what could be your consequences if you follow the same path. Do you hear me, you hussy?”

My heart feels like bursting with the primary tormenting words coming out of this she-devil. I forcefully stop the tears from flowing as I only nod at her.

“Very well. Now, follow me.” she snaps.


“You still have the nerve to ask questions? I think I should give you some taste of your own shitty nerves.” She slaps me hard with that skinny yet awfully strong hand of hers. I get slammed against the wall which makes all the air from my lungs whoosh out. As I try to recollect my breath, I can feel the tangy taste of blood inside my mouth. My entire body begins to tremble. I no longer succeed to halt my tears from flooding my face.

“You follow my footsteps without any more question. The master ordered me not to hurt you more but if you disobey me, I’ll skin you alive right here, right now.” her voice slams at my ears like thunders.

I get up trembling and weeping to follow the she-devil to wherever the burning hell she wants me to take.

Before leaving the room, I turn towards the first girl to try making sense of the situation from her expression. “Stay quiet. Don’t talk.” she mouths at me.

I nod at her before stepping outside the nasty pit of hell. Coming out, I feel even more petrified and threatened by the look of the very dark corridor. It doesn’t have any source of light nor does it have any window to let a little sun-ray to enter. I swallow the lump in my throat. My right hand starts to shake on its own making me more terrified of the response the she-devil might give to me.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” she yells at me.

“Nothing.” I gulp as I think she must have seen my right hand moving.

“Why are you staring at the corridor like a stupid kid? Follow me, quick.”

“I’m sorry.”

After walking through the demonic corridor for what felt like an hour, she stops before a giant door.

“Now, look at me bitch. You go there, you kneel down before the master and you do whatever the master ask you to do. You do not say a single word. Understood?”

I nod at her.

“Very well.” Smirking at my helpless face, she opens the door.

“Look who have I brought to you, finally?” she proudly grins showing her godawful teeth.

“Excellent! Now you’ll get to take all five of those. I don’t need them anymore.”

“It’s only fair. Thank you.” She bows her head before the monster standing in front of me.

“It’s been... what? Six years since we’ve last met? I believe you haven’t forgotten my presence... not for a moment baby doll?” Scott grins at me.

“O my God! it’s you again! FUCK YOU! Do you know how big and pathetic of a psychopath are you? You’re a fucking monster... a demon! You kidnapped and tortured all those innocent girls only because of their name? what the fuck is wrong with you? What sort of an animal are you? It’s not their fault to be named Julia! You are a pathetic loser to do all this…long after Julia has REJECTED the ugly devilish face of yours. You think you’re gonna go anywhere with your stupid evil little games? YOU ARE ALREADY A LOSER!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

The she-devil rushes to me and laces her fingers around my neck.

“WHAT DID I TELL YOU? I am going to kill you right now, you ugly little hussy!” she yells at me.

“LEAVE HER to me, she’s not your servant, Allegra! Leave.” Scott orders.

“But she violated the rule!” Allegra tightens her grip on my neck making me totally suffocated.

“I SAID, SHE’S NOT YOUR SERVANT! AND SHE’S NOT GOING TO FOLLOW YOUR RULES! NOW, LEAVE.” He practically jerks her hands off of my neck.

“If you say so.” She huffs with anger, “He never yelled at me before but today, only because of you he did that. I will not spare you.” She whispers in my ear before leaving the room. My stomach sinks at her warning. I’m sure she’ll torture me unlike any of those five girls.

“I’m glad you still remember me, princess.” Scott brushes his thumb against my cheek making me wince with disgust.

“Do not touch me, you pig.”

“Tsk…tsk! That cannot be done, sweetheart! When the last time I saw your fierce and angry face back there at that whore of your sister’s room, I felt that drive…that special drive to have you very…very close to me. I have desired you since then. Your angry and agitated face made me EXCITED.” He whispers the last words to make me gag.

“OMG! Shut up! What is wrong with you? You are a pure evil and the most disgusting creature on earth. Leave me alone!” I cry out.

“As I just said, it can’t be done.” He tries to grab my waist at which I punch his face with all my strength that’s left after all that happened.”

“I love it when you get furious! I was wrong thinking that I wanted Julia. Actually, you’re far angrier and wilder than her. I want you, now. Yes, you’ll stay here with me from now on.”

“NO! I’d rather die than staying with you. YOU PERVERTED PSYCHO! If it’s me that you want then why did you kidnap those girls? Why are you torturing them day and night? WHY?”

“Because all of them reminded me of your sister and when I thought about your sister, I thought about you. Your wild face burning with resentment. And I loved it! I loved torturing them cos it made me imagine that I was torturing you. It made me the happiest person on earth!” he laughs like a fricking monster.

“I won’t stay here. I want to go back to that room, with the other girls.”

“Really? Why? I’ll treat you like a princess right here. Why would you want to keep up with all the tortures and inhumane treatments?”

“Because I’d rather die in the hand of Allegra than silently stomaching your ugly and disgusting behaviors.” I clench my jaw.

“Cool! Then be it. I’ll bring you here as many times as I want you with me. You can stay there in the dark pit the rest of the day, sweetheart.” He cups my face in his hands, “You can never escape this house, ever again. You’re all mine, now!” his stinky breaths brush against my face making me more agitated and powerless at the same time. I can feel two drops of tears rolling down my face as he keeps nearing his filthy mouth to mine.

“I can’t do this.” I yell at him while trying to back off.

“You can’t? You’re REJECTING me?”

Here goes the perverted demon!

“What if I am?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to.” He sounds calm.

“But I want exactly that. I am rejecting you.”

“Woah! Very…VERY bad decision. I’d rather choose making love with a handsome guy than getting beaten up by really agitated Allegra.” He smirks and calls out to the she-devil.

I stand there with complete silence as I prepare myself to face the actual hell.


Chapter Eighteen


Richard’s POV

The deeper the investigation is going, the more it is becoming apparent that, Evelyn was not even near the spot where Mel was killed…brutally.

I leave the detective’s office to grab a cup of coffee before my head decides to eat itself up from inside.

“Hey! Richard, wait.” A female voice from behind stops me half-way to my car.

I turn to face the devastated Julia with a little girl in her lap. Beside her, some guy is standing whom I assume to be her husband.

“Julia? Hey! How come you are here?”

“I’m going crazy here, Richard! didn’t they find anything about Eve? Trust me, I’m telling you, it’s none but that swine, Scott. My poor sister is now suffering for my action. I am dying inside; I cannot forgive myself.” She bursts into tears.

“Calm down, Julia!” I put my hand on her arm, “It’s been around 14 hours, the search is being carried out. They will find her, believe me. and nope, it’s not your fault. That psycho has

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