» Mystery & Crime » The BEANO Murders, Ross Mac Duncan [detective books to read TXT] 📗

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to cause the dissidents to conform to the Soviet way of thought.'' Lafferty
chimed in with ''Marstern must be planning the BSSR-Boston Soviet Socialist Republic. One
wonders if the hammer & sickle will appear on the city flag.''
Jess Carey revealed that his original name was Joshua Kornheimer, and that he changed his
name to prevent being called Anti-Semitic names. He was advised by Southie to be careful of
mentioning that he's Jewish anywhere near Ivan Yevot, because of Yevot's intense dislike of
O'Brien went into the Massachusetts DMV Database, to check out the plate # given to him by
Father Mc Bride. The plate came up to a rental car company at South Station. Southie called
the company & gave them the plate #. A name came up as to who last rented the car, a 2009
Nissan Sentra. The clerk revealed that the man, in his 50s and wearing glasses, asked for
''Your latest model Rice Rocket''. The name of a Mr Ivan Yevot, came up.
O'Brien told Captain Larkin ''We just hit pay dirt on that plate # that Queens Priest told me
about. Yevot is a pervert in NY. He travelled down in a rented car to Queens, stalking a Polish
Woman and jacking off in his car, in front of her. Heʼs going to get a visit from the FBI &
O'Brien notified FBI & NYPD, with the pertinent information. Now the big question was how
did Yevot get the information to find this woman to stalk and frighten her.
Yevot was seen with his iced coffee, standing outside of City Hall, smiling to himself, gawking
at women. He paid most of his attention to young blondes, and Asian Women. He noticed an
attractive blonde in a late model car with NY Plates.
Yevot, a computer expert, hacked into NY DMV Database, ran the plate and decided to take
a trip on a weekend into Rego Park, Queens. NYPD 112 Pct sent a video from a resident,
showing Yevot in action. The Unit watched this video of Yevot.
Southie called Father Mc Bride & thanked him for his cooperation. Father told him that "This
guy is going to spend some time at the 'Bend Over Hilton' in Kew Gardens";
Southie, "Bendover Hilton? Oh, that's the Queens House of Detention. OK, thanks Father."
Southie cracked, "When they get done with Yevot in that jail, he'll be someone's 'Girlfriend'".
Southie went to the Cemetery to visit Ronnie's Grave. He placed a long stemmed Red Rose
on the grave, wept for a few moments and prayed that Justice be done.
Oremus(Let Us Pray)
Chapter 3
Realizing that Ivan Yevot is a pervert, does not take rocket science to figure out. He knows
that no matter what he does, he has protection of the political forces of The Hub. For one
who was born in 1952 & had graduated from the area's Catholic Schools, during the Baltimore
Catechism era, he learned very little about Sin and its' consequences, and let his sinful
practices get the best of him. In his need to ''Choke his chicken'', one wonders if his conscience
has been on holiday.
He feels threatened by those who show initiative and knowledge, so he feels the need to do
damage to that person, to build up his own self-esteem. He would forbid the correct action
and force his subordinates to perform a particular action according to so-called time constraints,
so he could show high numbers. Whenever the operations failed, he blamed the
subordinates. His favorite fallback, though was that the judge didn't know the law. Still, he
kept dossiers on people, with unfavorable things written about them. His particular target was
Ronnie Mc Dermott. One passage in his dossier read as follows;
''This blonde bitch thinks she's Wonder Woman, uncovering Benny Marstern. We need more
Marsterns, who create organizations, so we can create maximum license revenues. We don't
need the Catholic Mariners of Charity(CMOC). I despise Monsignor Fitzy, that Irish Altar Boy
Banger. Ditto, that pompous fat fuckin' guinea, Monsignor Farrecchio. I think that Detective
Paul O'Brien is mentally-disturbed, especially for courting Mc Dermott. That Taxi Detail cunt,
Maura Terrazzo, deserves a bad beating. When Ronnie Mc Dermott was attacked, it was because
she didn't understand the dynamics of Dominican culture, as well as my professional
relationship with Maria Delgado and with Mario Estrada, the local development corporation
executive director in Roxbury. Both are members of the Back Bay Democratic Club. Besides,
Mario scores me seats in the Coca Cola Corner at Fenway, which no one knows about. Hey,
I even tried to take Ronnie to the hospital, where me and Estrada would've dictated the report
on how she got hurt, and have her sign off on it. That way, I would have been covered.
But, that bitch wouldn't go along with it and limped around. That shows immaturity on her
part, and that she doesn't understand teamwork.''
Jess Carey was ordered to mind Yevot's desk, as Yevot was headed to the ''Library''. Carey
saw the paper with all these details. He also saw a list with license plate #s, and descriptions
of the women he saw, usually blondes or Asians. He made copies of the 3 sheets.
Jess checked in with Southie, Lafferty and Captain Larkin. He showed them the papers with
the license #s, names & addresses & the secret dossier of Yevot.
O'Brien, ''Boy is Yevot a pissed off loser. He actually did things for Red Sox prime seats at
Fenway. What a political whore'';
Larkin, ''The next free ride he gets will be aboard a wire windowed bus, in a cage'';
Lafferty, ''Saturday Night Game at 7:10pm, Mets at Red Sox. Any takers'',
Southie, ''Yeah, I'm going. Where are we sitting'',
''Lower bleachers 36 for $26',
''Good, count me in'', as Southie forked over $26.
Southie received a call from NYPD Detective Brian Mc Cue in regard to the Bernstein Brothers.
Jess Carey had spoken to him earlier about them and Benny Marstern.
Mc Cue told Southie that Marstein Investment Trust was about to be raided at their Ft Salonga
HQ, & @ the Bernstein Brothers Residence at 778 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights,
Brooklyn. FBI Special Agent Tom Mc Auliffe, from the NYC Office, who specializes in Financial
Frauds, is coordinating these raids.
Southie knew something about Hasidic Judaism, as his Nuns, Sisters of Charity-Halifax,
gave him some insight into that religion. The Jewish kids he knew were a secular. As a child,
he remembered his Jewish Friends sharing in Christmas celebrations. Then, one day he saw
a school bus full of men and boys, with beards and and curls and wondered aloud who they
were. One expression used to describe these Hasidic Jewish men with the beards was “Fox
In The Bush”, as mockery. In college, he learned of the divisions within the Hasaidic Sects. In
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, the Satmar Sect does not recognize the State of Israel. In Crown
Heights, the HQ of the Lubavitch Sect does recognize the State of Israel. The Bernstein
Brothers are Lubavitcher Chasaidim. The Lubavitcher Sect originated in Russia. The Satmar
Sect originated in Hungary. The Worldwide Lubavitcher Sect is headquartered in Crown
Heights, Brooklyn.
Southie realized that the two sects often feuded, like proverbial “Hatfields and Mc Coys”,
which led him to wondering WHY would the Bernstein Brothers set up shop in Williamsburg &
NOT Crown Heights. And of all places, for the so called seminary, why the former site of a
Catholic All Boys School on the North side of Williamsburg, an area which is more like the
East Village in Manhattan.
In the case of the Lubavitcher Sect, there is also the belief that the last Grand Rebbe is the
Messiah, since he died without an heir. The Satmar Sect does not recognize this Messiah.
One Jewish Politician remarked that “When the guy can walk on water, maybe then Iʼll believe
him.” Now the Satmar Sect does not recognize the State of Israel because to them, the
Messiah has not come into the world. Meanwhile, the Lubavitcher Sect is waiting for their
Messiah to rise from the dead, from his grave in some neighborhood in South Queens. As far
as Southie is concerned, these people shouldnʼt hold their breath for too long.
Tom Mc Auliffe, the FBI Special Agent assigned to this investigation, is an interesting man,
given to humor at any given moment. He has a mustache and an iPhone. He has a Mac at
his home. Heʼs originally from Memphis, Tennessee, and is well-read in Irish Culture. He
wears a lapel pin reading “Cead Mille Failte.” He also has a collection of unusual movies on
DVD and has 3 pet cats. Brian Mc Cue, the NYPD Detective from Brooklyn Vice, is a Trivia
Master and is writing a book called “The Possession Of Mr M. Donald.” They obtained a
Search Warrant from the US District Court for The Eastern District in Downtown Brooklyn to
raid the Ft Salonga HQ of Marstein Investment Trust LP. A second Warrant was issued for
778 Eastern Parkway, 4 doors down from Lubavitcher HQ at 770 Eastern Parkway.
Mc Auliffeʼs humor includes such blurts as “Pandoraʼs Box was opened, but Pandora didnʼt
like that too much”, and “ I think that Youkilis would make a good #8 hitter with the pitcherʼs
spot due up.” Mc Cue reminded Mc Auliffe that Kevin Youkilis plays for the Boston Red Sox in
the American League, which uses the Designated Hitter.
The NYPD, FBI and Suffolk County New York Police Department were getting ready with the
plans for the raid at Fort Salonga, on the North Shore of Long Island. 15 Uniformed NYPD
Officers, 10 Plainclothes Detectives, 15 FBI Agents and 10 Emergency Service Cops from
Suffolk County PD were on alert for the Raid in Fort Salonga.
Itʼs 1400 Hours. The Raid commenced. Working in the Marstein Office was a receptionist
named Nicole Mc Anally, a wispy brunette with a whiny, twangy voice who sounds like any
Brooklyn or Long Island North Shore “Princess”. Sheʼs half of Irish Descent and, though being
raised a Jew, went to St Maryʼs Academy in Manhasset, followed by Hofstra University.
Sheʼs working for Marstein to pay for Graduate School at Boston University. She likes being
treated like Royalty, with a diamond ring on her right ring finger.
The Scene was sheer chaos with the warrant being produced and computers being confiscated.
Nicole got on the phone to Baruch Bernstein.
“Barry”, cried Nicole on her Blackberry, “Weʼve been raided in Ft Salonga. Head to the safe
house in North Adams, MA, as Brooklyn will be raided next”.
Baruch, “Whatʼs on the warrant?”
Nicole, “778 Eastern Parkway for tonight. Iʼm going home to Kings Point.”
The Bernsteins with their families, made a Bee Line for North Adams in the Berkshires. All
operations were now outside of New York. David Bernstein called Benny Marstern with the
news that Fort Salonga was raided.
“What was this? A Lightning Raid?” Inquired Marstern,
“Letʼs just say that theyʼve got all the records on all the Macs in your office. the place was
cleaned out”, according to David. “That kid Jess Carey was known as Joshua Kornheimer.
He has $3G in an account with us. Get to Yevot and your Cousin Grennie.”
At The License Bureau, Yevot was, for 20 Minutes, in his “Library”. He then got a call on his
cell from Benny Marstern.
“We got hit in a lightning raid on Fort Salonga. Evidence has it that youʼve got a fucking rat in
your office named Jess Carey. His real name is Joshua Kornheimer.”
Yevot, “So Iʼll deal with him in a way he wonʼt have any idea about. Probably, Iʼll invite him to
Saturday Nightʼs Mets Red Sox Game at Fenway, up in the Coca Cola Corner.”
Benny called his Cousin, who was at a campaign fundraising dinner, sponsored by the
Pharmaceutical Companies. Grenfell Marsternʼs theme was Mental Health and
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