» Mystery & Crime » HAUNTED PRINCE, DENIS DANIEL [top ten books of all time .txt] 📗

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I expected but I went along with it.

“So you were right, that guy wasn’t exactly himself even though I would really like to know how you knew it was him I won’t ask.” She said while leaning on the huge table that was in front of me.

“Important thing is we get information out of that thing. I have to warn you on this part, it’s not exactly something you would like. So if you don’t want to be involved it’s fine, I’ll just get the info out of him and let you do your thing.” She was confident as if it was nothing. I mean she meant to torture a person, yah I knew what she meant by getting information out of him.

I didn’t want anything to happen to the man, since I was the one who brought him into this whole situation, “no, I’m fine I want to be involved.”

“Okay, come with me.” She led the way to the basement.

And as usual we found the man tied in a steel chair with some chains, “was that really necessary?” I asked instinctively,

“Don’t underestimate him, he is not human anymore.”

“He looks pretty human to me.” I opposed.

“Are you sure about that?” she asked teasingly.

“Doesn’t he?” I started to doubt myself.

“Well, let’s find out.” She said while heading to the left side from the chair and went further to the walls and I couldn’t understand why for a second.

The man seemed like he passed out or something so I went closer to get a good look at him and he looked pretty human to me.

But my opinion changed, on that direction Alex was going for a switch and the damn chair was connected to an electricity, so when she switched on it shocked him good.

Instantly he opened his eyes and they were dark as the night and before I could know it while staring at his strange eyes he tried to pounce at me with a growl. Out of shock I tripped over my own feet and fell backwards and landed on butt.

Thank goodness he was chained down or else I would’ve been somebody’s meal, if it ate people. It kept pulling its arms off the chains but couldn’t and couldn’t stop growling either.

“Okay, come down big guy.” Alex said and came to pull me up from the floor and from my shock. “I told you it’s not human anymore.” I just nodded because I was out of speech. “Okay, here is what I’m gonna do, okay? I’ll ask you questions and you’ll answer them honestly and everyone will be on his way without any trouble.” Now looking at the thing because she was right that was no human.

It looked at her with dark eyes and then me, but its eyes flickered for a split second when it looked at me. Then it twisted its head from side to side.

“You recognize him?” Alex asked.

It twisted its head from side to side again and then it spoke, “it is him.” It said in its heavy scratchy voice, “The master have been waiting for you, he will be very pleased.”

“What master?” I blurted out.

“The master.” Then he laughed one of the weirdest laughs I’ve ever heard, “You’ll find out soon boy.”

Then it twisted its head from side to side again. It looked at me for a long moment and I could feel myself drown to his dark eyes like he was getting a close look into my soul.

“Enough with this bullwhip, do your thing.” Alex commanded,

His stare left me a little disoriented and the thing scared the crap out of me, so I needed a second to adjust. I took a deep breath and rolled my shoulders a little awhile my eyes were closed because I couldn’t make myself relax while staring at his eyes.

When I felt like I was comfortable enough I gave it a shot but nothing happened. I tried again but it was still the same.

“What’s wrong boy? Ran out of magic, you are the weakest of your kind my master will enjoy having you.” He said proudly with his awful voice.

“Focus Steven there is a person in there who needs your help. Focus.” Alex ordered.

‘There is a person who needs my help.’ I repeated in my head, ‘you can do this’ I continued.

I collected every ounce of energy that I felt inside my body and connected it with the thing and through my hand I tried to suck it out of the person’s body. This one was a whole lot harder than Layla, this one seemed strong and old and also clingy. But after a while of struggle and a little sweat I managed and the screams out of it were deafening.

When it came out, the person was left there lumpy and less alive than before. I stood there without moving refusing to believe what was before my eyes.

“Iris get down here.” Alex said with a low voice which I doubted she could hear.

But after a second or two she was behind me and raced quickly to Alex’s side and bend over to the person. I don’t know how she did it but she didn’t need keys to unlock the chains she just raised her hands and they fell to the floor.

They lied him to the floor and Iris did her thing, putting her hands on his head and tried to find the person inside. But even she couldn’t do anything for the person to open his eyes.

I moved backwards and stumbled on the stairs and found myself sitting speechless and powerless. And seeing them pumping his chest and try to make him breathe made me sick even more.

“Iris stop.” Alex told her because she seemed like she was going hysterical, “there is nothing we can do now.”

“No.” Iris refused and tried again and again pumping his chest or reading his mind or putting air into him, but nothing worked.

Tear drops fell from her eyes down to her cheeks while she sat down on the dirty floor. All over sudden she got up on her feet and came to stairs and hugged me tight, “it’s not your fault.” She said comforting me.

Alex came along, she was a tough one she was completely blank. Her face was expressionless. “Come on.” She said after Iris left the room.

“What about the body?” I asked still shocked.

“We will take care of it, it’s not your problem.” She sounded commanding.

I got up not really feeling my legs and we headed upstairs together. Back at the living room she made me sit on a couch and gave me some water to drink. Iris came back and her personality completely changed. Her eyes weren’t all that teary and sad like before, she was calmer and confident even though she was sorry for me she wasn’t vulnerable. I figured she wasn’t the person who displayed her emotions in the open like other people.

“I gotta go.” I said after I drink the water.

“Okay, let me escort you out.” Alex said and led the way out of the house.

The water helped to bring my panic down a little, but the fact that I just killed a person was too overwhelming to me. My thoughts were scattered all over the place and I could barely feel anything.



While I was heading to my car I concentrated on the comfort of my bathtub and the cold water. The only two things I was sure could make me truly calm. Out of nowhere Iris came from behind me turn me over and gave me a long intense kiss.

I think that wasn’t just a kiss it some other things too, because instantly I forgot my problems and I could only see her. I didn’t know if it was the mind trick thing or it was all me.

“It will help you get home.” Se aid with a smile and I gave a full blown smile, ear to ear.

I got in my car and through my rear view mirror I could see Alex scolding her and she was ignoring it. Even though I was free, but I could still feel intense feelings buried deep inside me struggling to engulf me and thankfully they didn’t come out until I got home and I was miserable all over again.

This time I didn’t have any strength to hide how I truly felt, so I stayed in my car for a while completely dazed. Then I decided hiding in the garage won’t help me with anything but soaking myself in the bathtub would.

As soon as I got inside Ashley was standing at the stairwell and it seemed like she’d been waiting for me and as soon as she saw me she came rushing to me her face full on alert,

“What happened to you?” she put her hands on my cheeks, “did that girl do something to you?” she asked her eyes were dark again, meaning she was on the verge of exploding with anger.

“She didn’t do anything to me, it was something I did.”

“Come on everything will work out.” I didn’t know how she could say that while she didn’t even know what I did, maybe she was trying to help me calm down. She helped me get to my room.

When we got to there I sat on my bed and Ashley was sitting next to me with attentive look on her face.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she was calmer this time and worried I could see how much she wanted to help me, but I knew she couldn’t help me, nobody could.

“Maybe some other time, now I just want to sleep.”

“Come on, I’ll keep you company.” She jumped in with me, then after I pulled the covers over my exhausted body she started singing the lullaby and played with my hair.

It was too soothing to resist, she always had an amazing voice and her tender touch on my hair made me drift to sleep sooner than I’d expected. For a while I forgot about what happened and enjoyed a calming sleep.

Too bad it didn’t last, a nightmare crawled in my sleep and it was the man I killed. He was alive but with bloody red eyes and zombie like body, he was furious and coming for me fast.

I panicked and because I was in a dark room I didn’t know where to go and the man was closing fast with his bright red eyes. I turned around and started to find my way through the darkness extending my hands to touch something, anything, but the room was endless like an empty void so I couldn’t get anything.

He kept getting closer, my breathing became faster and my heart raced in my chest so I increased my pace but since I was such a klutz I tripped on my feet and fell. Before I could even get on my feet he was standing over me so I started to crawl on my back but I knew I wouldn’t get away. My heart was beating so fast I felt like my chest was going to crack open.

“Steven, wake up.” I heard an echo from far.

Before I could ask for help I woke up and I was in my room again in my bed and Ashley was sitting next to me awoke and worried.

“You stayed?” I

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