» Mystery & Crime » Cheer Before Fear, Meaghan Larson [best ereader for epub .txt] 📗

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One person on the floor, one stand up in the corner. But, both have brown paper bags on their heads. The person's standing up bag said "you dont ever give up do you?" and the person's laying down said "Too Late" Mike hurried and texted Tori "Come in! need back up" Chance started to walk over to the person standing up. Michael started walking over to the person laying down. When reaching to pull off the paper bags, Chance took the person's standing up bag off of their head to find Officer Brown standing there smiling. Chance gasped. "Officer.Brown? Mike, take that bag off. now." "Ok." When taking that bag off, it was revealed at Makenzie Lewis. Her mouth was duck taped, eyes duck taped shut. completely dirty, and scruffed up. Ear plugs were in her ear. Officer.Brown said "Miss her, Chancey?" "You'll pay for this, pal. You really will!" "Okay...I'm sorry, sir. But, I believe YOU will pay for this." "What do you mean?" "Any last words, Makenzie? That's right. NO. I taught her not to talk. Say goodbye to your life, Chance." Just then the police arrived, "Mr. Brown put your hands up! NOW!"
Officer Brown was under arrest. And was taken back to the police station to be put behind bars. He will be facing 65 years in prison, with an extra 10 years of community service. without paroll. Makenzie still layed there lifeless with all of the duck tape off of her. About 20 minutes after being found, Her Father, and Mother arrived. "Is Makenzie here, Mike?" "Yes...She's alive, momma!" Makenzie slowly opened her eyes, drifting away on and off. "'s mommy." Charlotte smiled. The very first words finally came out of Makenzie's mouth "I love you." Makenzie drifted away, once again. "Call 9-1-1, Mike. She needs medical help. This is something I cannot help with. "OK." Everyone stood around talking, getting all vehicele's outside to drive back home. Chance then walked into the hide-out where Makenzie was found. "Do you mind, Mrs.Lewis?" Chance asked Charlotte for a minute with Makenzie alone. "Oh, no. Here. You deserve to talk to your girlfriend. I'll be right outside if you need me, hun." "OK, thank you." Charlotte walked to the door, looked back at Chance winked then left to go outside, and wait on the ambulence that is nearly 15 minutes away. "Hey, Kenz...It's me, Chance." "Babe?" Makenzie barely said with a struggle. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" "Better now that you're here." Makenzie smiled. "I'm glad you're OK." Makenzie drifted away again. His lightly kissed her on her forehead, layed her head down, went outside and got everyone. They all sat and waited for the ambulance to get there, when 10 minutes later they arrived. The policemen would escort behind the abmbulance. They lifted Makenzie up into the ambulance, allowed ONE person to ride with them, Makenzie was the one who chose. "Can I have Chance, please? I owe it to him...." Dr.Lee asked Chance if he would, and Chance agreed. Everyone went there ways, following behind the ambulance to the hospital where Makenzie would be in hope of still living.
Chapter 8: It's our night, now baby.

Makenzie layed in the hospital for nearly two weeks. But, finally Makenzie's nurse walked in and informed Makenzie that she would be going home today, But she needs alot of rest and fluids. She's giving Makenzie medicine for pain, because Makenzie has a bruised skull, and a swollen lyph node. Makenzie called her mother and father "Mom! Dad! I'm coming home today!!! Bring me some clothes, please and thank you. Gotta go, Love y'all. Bye." An hour later Makenzie's parents arrived to get Makenzie and take her home. They gather all of her stuff, waited on discharge papers then left. "I'm so happy to be out of there, and to finally be going home. This feel's great." Makenzie said while smiling. "We're so happy you're coming home, babygirl. Now, whenver you're ready I want you to tell us what happened....That night. After that, you have to go to the police station and tell them, too. OK?" "OK. I just really want him arrested." "He already is, but you still have to file a report." "Alright...." Nobody talked the rest of the way home... When home, Makenzie went to her room layed in her bed for 5 hours straight, soon Charlotte brought Makenzie two turkey sandwiches, an apple and a water. "Thanks, mom. I was starving." "You're welcome." Charlotte left the room, with a smile on her face. Makenzie ate all of her food within 15 minutes. Soon, she called Chance to ask him if he would like to come over. "Hey this is Chance. You've reached my voicemail, but leave a name and number and I'll call ya back. See ya." She waited for the beep to leave a voicemail. "Hey baby, It's Makenzie! Call me back, I wanna know if you wanna come over. Anytime works for me though. Call me back. See ya later, Love you." She hung up and waited for Chance to call back. While waiting Charlotte walked into Makenzie's room and told Makenzie she had a vistor. "Sweetie, someone's here to see you. Is it OK for them to come in?" Charlotte asked. "Yeah, mom. Bring them in." Makenzie assured her. "K." Makenzie waited for the visitor Charlotte said Makenzie had. A few seconds later, her boyfriend Chance walked in, with 'I love you' balloons, a box of chocolates, and a teddy bear. "Aw! Baby, you're the best!!! Thank you." "You're welcome, sweetie. I love you!" "Love you,too." Makenzie and Chance layed in Makenzie's bed, taking naps and watching movies. Around 5:00pm Makenzie asked Chance if she could make something up to him. "Like what, Kenz?" Chance asked. "Our date we had September 20th... I owe it to you, babe." "If you don't feel well enough to go out, then don't risk it. But, it would mean alot to me to let me take you out for the night. I can assure to have you home by 12:30-1:00am. I swear!" "Okay. Let me go tell my mom, and I'll get ready." "Really?" Chance asked. "Of course. Love you, Chance." "Love you too." Makenzie went downstairs to tell Charlotte that Chance was taking her out. 5 minutes later, Makenzie came back upstairs to get ready. Chance waited in Makenzie's room while Makenzie was in her bathroom getting ready. Around 6:00pm she walked out, with a black sparkly top on, a black pencil skirt on. with shimmery heals. Half up hair, curled and with smokey eye make-up up, with skin toned lip stick with glitter on her eye-lid. "I'm ready." "Wow!" Chance said. "What? Do I not look good? Should I change? I should change,huh?" "No! You look absolutely stunning, Kenz. Wow." Makenzie smiled, gave him a kiss and said "Thanks baby. Should we get going?" "Yeah, that would be nice." Makenzie and Chance got there things together, told Charlotte and Garret goodnight, that they loved them, then left for the night Chance gave too Makenzie. One of the best nights Makenzie Lewis had ever had.


Publication Date: 01-21-2012

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