» Mystery & Crime » McKenna, Robert F. Clifton [books to read for 13 year olds txt] 📗

Book online «McKenna, Robert F. Clifton [books to read for 13 year olds txt] 📗». Author Robert F. Clifton

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I go get us some?”, asked Collins.

“Good idea. Get some doughnuts too. We're going to be here for awhile”, said McKenna handing the detective the keys to the car.

With the body and the crime scene protected by uniform personnel McKenna turned and walked from the ramp to the center of the boardwalk. He looked towards the north, turned and looked to the south then made his way to the nearest street light. Once there he removed his notebook and pen from the pocket of his jacket and wrote, victim's body face down near ramp. Ramp is two city blocks south of the Regal hotel.

Mckenna turned at the sound of a man's voice shouting, “Let me see him! Let me see him! I'm his brother !” Kevin walked quickly where two uniformed police officer tried to restrain the man from advancing to where the body lay.

“Just calm down. Calm down. I assume that you are Steven Barnett”.

“That's right. I was told that my brother was injured and was laying on the boardwalk. Let me see him. I want to see him”, said Barnett.

“I'm afraid that I can't allow that Mr. Barnett. Right now this is a protected crime scene. No one is allowed to go near it until our forensic technicians are finished doing their investigation”.

“Do you know who I am?”, asked Barnett.

“Yes sir, and again let me advise you that you don't want to see your brother in the condition he's in at the moment. It's probably better if you remember him the way he was”.

“I have to do something. I can't just stand here”.

“If you want to do something why don't you go back to the hotel and call your sister-in-law and tell her about her husband. I'm sure you notifying her is much better than the police standing in her doorway informing her that her husband is dead”.

“I guess you're right. Thank you, I'll do that”.

Kevin stood and watched Steven Barnett walk away. He turned and saw John Collins walking towards him with a white paper bag in his hand. “I got the coffee. They hadn't made the doughnuts yet. Best I could do was danish wrapped in cellophane”, said Collins.

“Well, that's better than a kick in the ass. Food is food. I'll pretend it's a flat doughnut”, McKenna replied as he pried the lid off of the Styrofoam cup containing the coffee”.

“Anything happen while I was away?”, asked the detective.

“Steven Barnett showed up. He wanted to see his brother's body”.

“How was he after he saw it?”

“He didn't see it. I wouldn't let him in or near the crime scene”.

“Damn it's cold!”, said Collins.

“That's because you just got out of the radio car where you had the heater on. As for me, my toes are aching and my nose is running. Other than that it's like a spring day”, said Mckenna being sarcastic.

At eight A.M. the sun was high enough in the morning sky making it possible for the forensic technicians and investigators do their job. “Do you see what I see?”, asked Collins.

“Yeah, shards of clear plexiglass”.

“Just like the Mason case”.

“Yep, only this time the victim isn't homeless”.

“Well, from the position of the body it appears as though he was struck in the back of the head, just as he turned to walk down the ramp. There's no doorway or alleyway where an assailant could hide and then attack when Barnett walked past”, said Collins as flashbulbs continued to go off as photographs were taken.

“ You're exactly right”, McKenna replied.

Detective Edward Hanson walked up to where the two men stood, “Sarge, I went through the guys pockets. He had what appears to be automobile and house keys. In his wallet was his identification card, drivers license and four hundred and eighty seven dollars in cash. The keys, wallet, cash, along with his Rolex wristwatch are in this envelope. Do you want to check it here or at headquarters?”he asked.

Headquarters is fine. Take it there, list the items in your report and mark it as evidence”.

“Evidence? What do these things have to do with evidence?”

“For one thing is indicates that robbery wasn't a motive. Think man, think”, said Mckenna.

“Yes sir”.

“Wait a minute. I'm sorry, it's the hour, the cold and my brain is going at a hundred miles an hour. I apologize.”

“No problem Sarge. I'll see you at headquarters”.

“What do you want me to do Sarge?', asked Collins.

“Stay with the body all the way to the morgue, then wait for the coroner”, said Mckenna as he turned and walked towards the Regal Hotel. As he walked he ducked his head into the cold, winter wind as it blew in from the ocean sending another chill through his body. He was cold, tired from being wakened from a sound sleep and hungry. As he walked, he thought of all the sane people who were asleep in their warm beds in the comfort of their homes, then wondered why in hell he had become a cop.

Finally, he came to the boardwalk entrance to the hotel and he pushed on the door only to find it locked. “Son of a bitch!”, he said aloud then made his way down the ramp to the street entrance.

When he entered the hotel lobby he saw the same desk clerk that he had seen there before. “Don't bother. I know where it is”, he said, as he walked towards the elevator.

When he got off of the elevator on the second floor he walked quickly to the Security Office. Reaching the door he knocked once, turned the door knob and entered. When he did he saw Sheila McCormick sitting behind Holtz's desk. “Where the boss?”, asked Kevin.

“Bosses get holidays off. Happy New Year”, Sheila responded.

“Are you just coming on duty or did you work last night?”

“I worked last night and right now trying to get some overtime. The pay here stinks”.

“Good, if you worked last night did you see Charles and Steven Barnett here?”

“Of course, New Years Eve is one of the busiest nights of the year. Both were here in the hotel although they spent most of their time in the Marine Ballroom”.

“Do you know what time Charles left the hotel?”

“Not exactly. I do know the fireworks were going off. I was making my rounds and I passed by the doors to the sundeck. I looked out and saw Steven and someone who could have been Charles, but I'm not sure it was him”.

“You're not sure?”

“No, like I said, the fireworks were going off. One lit the sky and I saw Steven, then the light dimmed and I can't be sure the other man was Charles”.

“O.K. next question. Who informed Steven about his brother?”

“I have no idea. I came in from patrolling the perimeter and the lobby staff was all excited. That's when I found out that Charles had been murdered”.

“Murdered? Who told you the man had been murdered?”

“I don't remember exactly who it was, but I know the word murdered was used.”

“ I assume that the security cameras were working”.

“Yes. Do you want to see the tapes?”

“Let me ask you something. Do you have enough pull around here to have room service send a pot of coffee to you?”

“I think so. Cream and sugar?”


“Anything to eat?”

“No, just the coffee”.

Sheila picked up the telephone and dialed the number for the kitchen. When she was connected she ordered a pot of coffee, cream and sugar and two cups and saucers. After she hung up she said, “It's on the way”.

“Good. While we're waiting lets look at the tapes”.

“Which one do you want to see first?”

“The Marine Room. Say between eleven P.M. December 31, and midnight”, suggested Kevin.

Sheila rewound the tape to eleven p.m. and pushed the play button. Two cameras produced their recordings on a split screen one scanning the crowd seated at tables. The other showing people entering the room. Kevin paid particular attention to the tapes, then said. “Stop. Hold it right there”. In front of him was a recorded image of Frank Bitterman sitting at a table with a woman and two other couples. McKenna took out his notebook and wrote, Regal hotel security tape recordings New Years Eve showing Frank Bitterman at 11:47 P.M.

women are known prostitutes recording at # 2000340065.

“I'm going to have to take that tape Sheila. I can do it three ways. I take it now as evidence giving you a receipt, or I get a warrant and take it, or you give it up as an attempt to help solve one of your bosses murder”.


“Take what you want. I'm sure Holtz will understand.

“O.K. Now. Let me see the hallway camera near the sundeck”.

“Sheila again rewound the tape on hallway two, sundeck area. Once more she pushed the play button. Kevin sat back and watched several minutes of tape that constantly showed the empty corridor, then there was a shadow and a man appeared. It was Howard Simon. In the tape Simon stood still, then looked left and right as if searching for something or someone. After a few minutes Steven Barnett appears. Barnett takes out a set of keys unlocks the doors leading to the sundeck and the two men leave the hallway. Simon is carrying a small package. Once again Kevin writes in his notebook, video tape showing Howard Simon and Steven Barnett in second floor hallway entering hotel sundeck at 11:55 p.m. December 31, 20c 13. tape position 339533107.

“Interesting. Push the forward button again”, said Kevin.

When the tape began to play once again the hallway was shown to be empty of people. Then flashes of light materialize. Sheila McCormick appears. She stops and looks out on to the sundeck. Then she continues her patrol.

“I guess you know that I want this time also”, said Kevin.

“Yes, but this time I don't know what to tell Mr. Holtz,” Shelia responded.

“Hey there's no sense trying to hide facts.

“I guess you're right”.

“Also, tell him that when I talk to Steven, I'll tell him about me having the tapes”.

“Thank you, I guess that will get me off of the hook”.

Kevin looked at the woman, seeing a small, but not frail female. She was a blue eye blond who suddenly became familiar to him. “I get the feeling that I've seen you some place besides this hotel”, he mentioned.

“You probably don't remember seeing me at Sunday mass, but I was seated on the aisle across from you”.

“Yes, of course, I didn't recognize you out of uniform. Why didn't you say something then?”, he asked.

“I wear my hair different when I go to chrch and I didn't want to seem to be too forward”.

“Do you always attend eight o'clock mass?”

“Yes, unless something comes up”.

“Then, I'll look for you this Sunday”.

“I'll be there”.

“Shelia thanks for your help. I appreciate it”.

“Your welcome Kevin. Take care and be careful”.

When he arrived back at headquarters Kevin reported directly to Captain Myers. She looked up with interest when he entered her office. “What have you got, except another corpse?” she asked.

“Possibly two or three suspects”, McKenna answered.

“Really, suppose you start at the beginning and let me be the judge”, said Carol Myers.

“Well, to me the beginning starts with Charlies Barnett. Charlies Barnett is, make that was, well known to be anti-casino in this town. His reason was that it first of all destroyed local business by housing the same type of business inside the casino complex. His other reason was that it attracted and brought in the unskilled labor who eventually become the homeless and a drain on the city economy. However, our investigation reveals that in an attempt to kill the new casino bill in the legislature in Trenton, Charlie Barnett hired a guy who then deliberately goes to Philadelphia and brings more homeless into the Nautilus Beach area. Charlie Barnett hopes that is this way the people and the business owners of the town will see the blight that is beginning and fight against the new casino bill.”

“Alright, we already know this, but go on”, said the Captain.

“At the same time we have Steven Barnett,

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