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A mystical thriller that can keep your thoughts at the edge of your mind. Its not completely uploaded just the first half. Will upload the second half next week. Give it a read.

Emily and Sarah were best friends, but after a period of time, their friendship passes through a test and it fails, so they are forced to follow different paths in life.

""Please, I'm beggin you, don't do it..I don't even know you, please!""

First in an all-new series of mysteries that could happen only in Tokyo... Yumi Hata went to school in the U.S., but now—back in Tokyo, living with her parents and working as an English translator—she no longer fits in with the fiercely traditional Japanese. If not for her friend Rika, Yumi would feel completely isolated, so when Rika is found dead—suspected of jisatsu, taking part in a suicide pact—Yumi is devastated. Fortunately, the police investigator in charge of Rika’s case is Yumi’s old

A 15 year old girl named Kan is a very crazy and something very bad happened to her and her friends, Kan loved every secend of it but everyone around her were suffering!

Poisoned. Pain is everywhere, pain is everthing. It consumes you, making you see things that aren't there, keeping you in a constant state of insanity. A poison. It has infected someone. It is contagious. You. Will. Not. Survive.

This is the sequel of "Eyes Like Ice" published here by the same author. Evelyn Lawrence has changed her surname and appearance in order to protect herself and her sister's family from the vengeful Scott. The newly appeared Evelyn Walker seems much more outspoken and extroverted from the outside but does miss a huge part of her life consistently. She becomes absolutely depressed until one day her domineering boss sends her back to LA, to the life she decided to leave behind. The

Jim Main was serving the Navy as a fighter pilot and second in command of the air wing assigned to the USS Independence. His six month assignement was changed by a secured phone call that unleashed a series of disturbing and deadly events aboard the proudest ship in the fleet.