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he lived a normal life he had a a job a home a wife till one day everything goes south can bob face his Demons or will be just let it consume home ?

What let school girl,ali,in and what will she find in her journey into the abandoned house on philophers lane ??? this book is about a girl who discovers the house of the killer who killed the queen.

This is the story of how 5 friends lives changed one Halloween night. Max was taking her cousins trick-or-treating along with her friends, but soon someone from her past comes back to haunt her. Can her friends help her?

Caylor Dee's Parent's were killed in a car accident while visiting the states. Now,a year later, Caylor is back to revisit the past, the only problem is, the past is ready to revisit her!

A Group of five Teenagers living in Oklahoma, Whose lives will soon be changed for ever, Are completely inseperable, Theyve been friends since middle school, But can they stick together through whats about to happen?

13 year old Olivia was on vacation with her father in Hawaii.They were surfing into the tide and Olivia's father drownded. After the father's death Olivia called the police and asked for help to get home. The rest continues a mystery.

just a compilation of different conspiracy theorys me and my co auther have thought of and writen down over the years...(not completed yet)

this book is a book that may change your life, because in my oppinion this is a great book and was a great making the book. I hope you in enjoy it throughly.

I was looking for fountain pens on line and saw an antique one being offered for sale. It had a silver band around the middle with someone's initials in fancy lettering etched on it. I began wondering who this person had been, about the circumstances under which he or she had received this pen, and why it was now up for sale on e-bay. And naturally, that led to this strange little story about a girl named Perry and what happened to her life when some anonymous person gifted her with an antique