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Angis and Dagger are going to a sleep over at their friends house (Flip and Herb). But when they get their they show them something that they never shown their parents. But when their parents find out something goes outraged. Read the book to find out what makes things turn around.

This story is about to justic. A man who lost his young son in war at border he also lost his wife in accident by a son of rich man. Every things prove that crime has commited by whom but justic not done.

Times are tough in L.A., and Robert Klayman, substitute high school teacher, attempts to solve his money woes along with a mid-life crisis by trying on a new career; he finds a job moonlighting as a private detective. He's in over his head, and soon enough stumbles upon a criminal drug ring working out of the Los Angeles Unified School District. His efforts and schemes to find the murderer of a young teacher take him on a spine tingling journey through the violent netherworld of private

A life within the boundries of terror that no one would like to expirence in a lifetime. The cannibal is a person who cares less about any soul on this planet.

I hear the waves rolling as if it was rivers whispering in the wind. When Johnsen goes missing, of course no one suspects a little kid, a ten year old boy to be exact to be part of it, but when a mysterious event happens will it cause the boy to confess? Or for his sister to die?

Annabelle Williams is a seventeen year old girl with a miserable past. She was always moving through foster homes after her father was murdered; given that her mother left after giving birth to her. She had changed a lot since the death of her father. Mathew and Madison Lamer are siblings, twins to be exact. They rule Lathering High together. Matt is a player he goes through girls like there no tomorrow. Maddi is the head cheerleader and can get what she wants with the snap of her fingers.

A devout Christian women slowly loses her grip on reality.

Robin has lost her parents and she had been away from her home for few years.recently she returns back to her old home to her granny.check out what happens to her new life.

The is a story about a doctor that went insane and now collects the faces of his victims.