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Can Elizabeth find out who killed her parents? A mysterious key, gun and boy just might. In this book Elizabeth will try to solve who killed her parents.

This is a book about a man the spend his whole life in the Military just to have his once best friend take it all away from him.Now his friend become a evil person and took over a nuclear fallout shelter.Rick has to kill his best friend to save thousands of lives. Will he do it.

Amaranth Sivige is the perfect example of the perfect daughter, the child every parent wishes for. Straight A's, obedient, athletic, socially active, and more. But no ones perfect, everyone has their flaws, imperfections, little bit of crazies. In Amaranth's case she's got a lot of crazy. At night when everyone thinks shes asleep, or secretly reading a book under her covers, they couldn't be more wrong. With a trench coat and an easy to conceal weapon, Amaranth heads out into the night helping

This is for the Mystery contest. I chose Eddie Reynolds for my detective and the ransacked building case. I dont want to make it too long so i hope you enjoy it.

When a brother and sisters future is already set up for them, what do they do? Samatha and James are destined to fight for the good but its not until some one close to them is killed that they really use there smart wits and good looks to find out who the murderer is. Filled with laughs, crime,mystery and brother and sister bond. A short story.

When Mike looses his son Geraldo, he goes insane. Here is his adventure with his brother Jim as he realizes what exactly happened the day Geraldo died at the lake.

Celia has to go undercover and find the culprit for selling a popular and dangerous drug. She meets the love of her life during the case, but is he the enemy?

Mallorie is a 16 year old girl. Her parents died when she was jest was 14. Know she's the bad ass at her school. Soon her parents killer ends up her killer. See how the little time she has left and how the killer plans

The Beginning of The Southie O'Brien Detective Trilogy, from a Catholic Perspective. Paul O'Brien, a Boston Detective, is going through Penance & despite his tragedies, solves with a lot of help, the Murders of 4 People.

Claire was just fourteen years old when her life was taken by a sadistic attacker. He's still out there. Amanda, Claire's older sister finds herself becoming a killer trying to find a killer. All her friends that try to help her mysteriously disappear. All of her friends can't seem to be trusted. Her own best friend's father is a suspect of her sister's death. And the police don't seem to care about the case. Time is running out. Amanda is going to become her own Veronica Mars to figure out her