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Sasha is sent to stay with her older sister, Stacey, for the summer. Once she gets there everyone she meets is foud dead the very next day. Her curiosity gets the best of her as she tries to solve the mystery of Tifton, Georgia. Will she figure it out or die trying?

Wanna be a hard-boiled private eye? Easy. Just get out that old trench coat and slip an ad in the Penny Saver. But be careful. Dysfunctional duo Izzy and Vero try that and what do they get? A dysfunctional client with a serious tape problem. And worse, before they know it they're up to their fedoras in trouble. Big trouble. This could turn ugly.

MURDER AT COURT! One suitor dead with a knife in his back, and another under suspision... Can Lady Grace, Queen Elizabeth's favourite Maid of Honour, solve the mystery and bring order back to the Queen's Court? Open up the daybooke of Lady Grace for a tale of daggers, death and a very daring girl...

“Okay, we have to wait and check, who is really the murderer, but somehow I already know who it is”, said the police officer. Tom's wife Julia was killed and you have to find out who is the murderer!

In the summer of 1950 Alistair Basham is invited to teach a Criminology course associated with the Sociology Department at Princeton University. While there he first becomes interested in a homicide that took place in Atlantic City, new Jersey. As the killings continue he notices that each victim is a young, male adolescent in their teens. He also learns that each victim is found with bare feet.

Jack Weaver can’t seem to escape a life of lies. First as a Seal, then as an undercover CIA operative working in the largest drug cartel in Columbia Jack’s entire existence is based on being someone other than who he truly is. While serving as Chief Security Officer to one of the most dangerous men on earth Jack uncovers a plot to assassinate the President-Elect on Inauguration Day. Suddenly things become infinitely worse when his ex-SEAL commander who is now a Deputy Director with the CIA

Detective Sergeant Kevin McKenna knelt down on one knee next to the victim. He was careful to avoid the small, drying puddle of blood that had hemorrhaged from the gaping wound located at the rear of the dead man's head. it was still dark, making it difficult for him to see or gather evidence. He would wait. Sunrise was two hours away. He had to have patience. He couldn't rush. That and other things he had learned from his police officer father, Thomas Mckenna and his godfather, Captain Robert