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Book online «BACKTRACKER, Milo Fowler [books that read to you .txt] 📗». Author Milo Fowler

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where she stood with eyes wide, staring as the large man'sbody collapsed and twitched on the floor beside her. The old man was splatteredas much as the girl, but he didn't utter a sound. He swayed, rooted in place, looking onin disbelief as blood pooled across the carpet.

Rash behavior! You're better than this. Lennoxclenched his jaw, forced himself to breathe evenly. Everything was undercontrol here. No reason to think otherwise.

"What the hell?" groaned the bearded Blackshirt captain,rising onto one elbow and cradling his bruised temple.

The albino's fists clenched and his chest heaved, restraining astorm of retribution as he stood rooted beside the unconscious boy.

"Tell me the truth." Lennox lowered the shotgun andtightened his grip on the revolver. "You destroyed bothdevices? There are no others?" He aimed at the girl. "Speak up, monk,or say goodbye to the pretty one."

"Cade!" the girl cried out, sobbing.

"Shut up, Mary," the old one said hoarsely, grabbing ather shoulder.

"Let her be." Lennox fired the revolver, and the oldman's head jerked back with a bullet between his eyes, staring stupefied asblood and brains sprayed out the exit wound. "She's got a right to behysterical, all things considered."

What am I doing? Cleaning up, that's what.The room was too crowded. Better now. Easier to breathe.

Mary shrieked, doubled over, bloodstained hands shaking in spasmsof horror, blood-spattered shoes trembling between the bodies as Paul droppedto the carpet beside her.

"What the hell is going on here?" the Blackshirt captaindemanded. He reached up with both hands and grasped onto George, tugging theannoyed SYN toward him and heaving himself upward to hop onto his good leg.

"Mr. Lennox is killing with impunity," Kuan said, hisjaw tight. "He is sealing his own fate."

Lennox glared at the albino. "Tell me the truth."

Cade swallowed. He breathed in through his nose, out through thinlips. "I destroyed them both." Calm. Unaffected by thegirl's screams. But his fists remained clenched.

"Bet your companion didn't like that. The pretty one, fromthe alley? I seem to remember she wanted to find the BackTracker—almost asmuch as I do."

"We...parted company," Cade said.

"There were only two devices? No others?" Where therewas one, now there are two. Why not three orfour? Hell, Cyrus Horton could have an entire collection! "Keep talking to me,freak. Or I'll assume you have nothing more to say. Ever."

Mary choked, staring."No," she gasped. "Please, no. Don'tkill him. Please."

Lennox raised an eyebrow. "Looks like you've got a groupiehere."

"Don't—please." She staggered forward, holding out bothhands, oblivious to the revolver aimed at her head. "I-I know where it is.I can take you there. You don't have to kill him. You don't. Please."

"What's all this about, damn it?" The Blackshirt captainhopped forward, using George as a begrudging crutch. "Mr. Lennox, these men you dispatched assaultedmy team—"

"Leave. Now. Take your men with you." Lennox lowered therevolver as the girl approached him. His eyes shifted from her to the albinoand back to the captain. "Thank you for your efforts. The situation isunder control."

The Blackshirt blinked. He stared at the bodies and theblood-soaked carpet. The boy lyingunconscious, breathing shallow. The young woman pleading through tears. The twoholy men standing like statues. "Pardonmy saying so," he said. "But it doesn't look that way to me."

"Your services are no longer required."

The captain stood tall and gestured toward the albino. "We'll need totake that one with us. He's wanted inconnection with a triple homicide."

Lennox half-turned toward the Blackshirt. "Get out."

"Mr. Lennox, he's a cop-killer, and we can't have someonelike that—"

"You heard the man," George said, tugging the captainaway. "Let's get you boys back on the road."

It obviously didn't sit right with him, but there was little elsethe captain could do. There was Gavin Lennox, and then there was Governor Reeves. The Federalpolice served both men. So the captain turned his back on the woman covered inblood and the boy bleeding out his ears, and he hopped awkwardly over to hismen. Roused them. Allowed the SYN to help one along who couldn't walk. But thecaptain paused before exiting the room.

"This will be the last time you see us alive, CaptainArmstrong," Kuan said.

"I hope not, Mr. Lennox." Armstrong hesitated, wantingto make a point without overstepping.

Enjoy your demotion, Captain. Governor Reeves would behearing about this. Lennox waited for the door to swish shut behind the Blackshirts, herded along by George. Then he beckoned for the girl tocome to him. She did so, staggering like a zombie, and he grabbed hold of herwrist as soon as she was within reach.

"What do you know?" He jerked her around by the arm.

"Please," she whimpered. "Don't. Don't kill him,please."

"Who?" Lennox pulled the trigger, and the round spiraledforth from its chamber, hurtling through the air between the two holy men tobury itself into the far wall. "Who is it? Which one?"

"No!" She reeled to find Cade still standing. She nearlycollapsed.

Lennox tightened his grip. "White or dark meat? Which do youprefer? Or the kid? Should I put him out of his misery? He doesn't belong here,you know. This isn't his world." The revolver's muzzle wavered in hisgrip, indecisive in the face of three potential targets.

"She knows nothing," Cade said. "Only I can helpyou find what you seek."

"Is that so?" His brow wrinkled as he twisted the girl'sarm. "Did you lie to me?"

"No! No, I didn't. I didn't! The BackTracker, it's whatyou want. I know where Father keeps—"

"She will say anything to save my life." Cade grit histeeth for a moment. "She is infatuated with me. She may even believe it islove. But she is mistaken." He paused, then grated out, "She is justa synthetic, programmed to say whatever you want to hear."

She stared at the albino with wide, glassy eyes. Stricken mute.

Lennox chuckled. "Well, now you know what he reallythinks of you." He jerked her again, bringing her gaze back to his own."But I could care less about your love life. I want to hear more aboutthis father of yours. Who is he?"

Of course she's a SYN. No Link interface, noscar on her neck. Not one of Ashland's models. I've seen them all. So herfather must be her creator. And there's only one

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