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Book online «Iola Leroy, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper [read aloud books .txt] 📗». Author Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

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security. She was taken immediately to the General’s headquarters. The General was much impressed by her modest demeanor, and surprised to see the refinement and beauty she possessed. Could it be possible that this young and beautiful girl had been a chattel, with no power to protect herself from the highest insults that lawless brutality could inflict upon innocent and defenseless womanhood? Could he ever again glory in his American citizenship, when any white man, no matter how coarse, cruel, or brutal, could buy or sell her for the basest purposes? Was it not true that the cause of a hapless people had become entangled with the lightnings of heaven, and dragged down retribution upon the land?

The field hospital was needing gentle, womanly ministrations, and Iola Leroy, released from the hands of her tormentors, was given a place as nurse; a position to which she adapted herself with a deep sense of relief. Tom was doubly gratified at the success of his endeavors, which had resulted in the rescue of the beautiful young girl and the discomfiture of his young master who, in the words of Tom, “was mad enough to bite his head off” (a rather difficult physical feat).

Iola, freed from her master’s clutches, applied herself readily to her appointed tasks. The beautiful, girlish face was full of tender earnestness. The fresh, young voice was strangely sympathetic, as if some great sorrow had bound her heart in loving compassion to every sufferer who needed her gentle ministrations.

Tom Anderson was a man of herculean strength and remarkable courage. But, on account of physical defects, instead of enlisting as a soldier, he was forced to remain a servant, although he felt as if every nerve in his right arm was tingling to strike a blow for freedom. He was well versed in the lay of the country, having often driven his master’s cotton to market when he was a field hand. After he became a coachman, he had become acquainted with the different roads and localities of the country. Besides, he had often accompanied his young masters on their hunting and fishing expeditions. Although he could not fight in the army, he proved an invaluable helper. When tents were to be pitched, none were more ready to help than he. When burdens were to be borne, none were more willing to bend beneath them than Thomas Anderson. When the battlefield was to be searched for the wounded and dying, no hand was more tender in its ministrations of kindness than his. As a general factotum in the army, he was ever ready and willing to serve anywhere and at any time, and to gather information from every possible source which could be of any service to the Union army. As a Pagan might worship a distant star and wish to call it his own, so he loved Iola. And he never thought he could do too much for the soldiers who had rescued her and were bringing deliverance to his race.

“What do you think of Miss Iola?” Robert asked him one day, as they were talking together.

“I jis’ think dat she’s splendid. Las’ week I had to take some of our pore boys to de hospital, an’ she war dere, lookin’ sweet an’ putty ez an angel, a nussin’ dem pore boys, an’ ez good to one ez de oder. It looks to me ez ef dey ralely lob’d her shadder. She sits by ’em so patient, an’ writes ’em sech nice letters to der frens, an’ yit she looks so heart-broke an’ pitiful, it jis’ gits to me, an’ makes me mos’ ready to cry. I’m so glad dat Marse Tom had to gib her up. He war too mean to eat good victuals.”

“He ought,” said Robert, “to be made to live on herrings’ heads and cold potatoes. It makes my blood boil just to think that he was going to have that lovely looking young girl whipped for his devilment. He ought to be ashamed to hold up his head among respectable people.”

“I tell you, Bob, de debil will neber git his own till he gits him. When I seed how he war treating her I neber rested till I got her away. He buyed her, he said, for his housekeeper; as many gals as dere war on de plantation, why didn’t he git one ob dem to keep house, an’ not dat nice lookin’ young lady? Her han’s look ez ef she neber did a day’s work in her life. One day when he com’d down to breakfas,’ he chucked her under de chin, an’ tried to put his arm roun’ her waist. But she jis’ frew it off like a chunk ob fire. She looked like a snake had bit her. Her eyes fairly spit fire. Her face got red ez blood, an’ den she turned so pale I thought she war gwine to faint, but she didn’t, an’ I yered her say, ‘I’ll die fust.’ I war mad ’nough to stan’ on my head. I could hab tore’d him all to pieces wen he said he’d hab her whipped.”

“Did he do it?”

“I don’t know. But he’s mean ’nough to do enythin’. Why, dey say she war sole seben times in six weeks, ’cause she’s so putty, but dat she war game to de las’.”

“Well, Tom,” said Robert, “getting that girl away was one of the best things you ever did in your life.”

“I think so, too. Not dat I specs enytin’ ob it. I don’t spose she would think ob an ugly chap like me; but it does me good to know dat Marse Tom ain’t got her.”

VI Robert Johnson’s Promotion and Religion

Robert Johnson, being able to meet the army requirements, was enlisted as a substitute to help fill out the quota of a Northern regiment. With his intelligence, courage, and prompt obedience, he rose from the ranks and became lieutenant of a colored company. He was daring, without being

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