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month before Barbarossa suggests that he, at least, believed he had a cogent argument for the termination of Anglo-German hostilities.

The doctrine therefore had its various sources in the Orient, and although the underlying philosophy of Nazi science is undocumented, it is likely to have been the Hermetic tradition. Hitler was a disciple of the Buddhistic thinker Schopenhauer, and his success stemmed from a profound knowledge of magical causes occasioned by reading Schopenhauer’s treatment of Hermeticism. By this is meant the ancient Trismegistic literature of the Hermetic tradition of which uncontested Egyptian treatises survive and thus for the second time within a few passages we found ourselves confronted by the spectre of Ancient Egypt in connection with National Socialism.

Hermetic science states that each element in matter has as its crystal a unique geometric form. Thus an assayist can recognize any mineral by microscopic examination of its crystal. The experimentalist Sir William Crooks, having spread some fine sand over the head of a drum, sounded different notes above the drumhead with a tuning fork. It was found that the sand shifted and always assumed the same unique geometric figure corresponding to the key sounded. This proved that vibration is the origin of form. All matter, mineral or organic, is merely a molecular structure held together by a keynote, from which one can infer that everything in the material universe is the result of vibration, a fortuitous concourse of atoms. The whole secret of matter is that all form is a mode of motion of the original cosmic energy, found in finer or grosser form on all planes of nature. This was the secret behind the philosophy of Schopenhauer, the guru of Hitler, that the material world is only an illusion and no physical object has any permanent reality. The only reality is the vibration.

Since Adolf Hitler had to suppress the career of a science which did not work for the benefit of humanity becoming God, but for darker, more material purposes, there dawned Aryan Physics.

Aryan Physics (the term is twinned with the expression Jewish Physics which means any scientific procedure not compatible with Aryan doctrine) was a National Socialist doctrine inspired by two German Nobel Prize winners in Physics, Professor Philipp Lenard and Dr Johannes Stark, although the impetus for it is bound to have come from Hitler. In the four volumes of Deutsche Physik published in 1936, Professor Lenard had completed the unenviable task of setting out the doctrine. It was ill-defined and fraught with contradictions. The principal purpose of the two founders was to refute various 20th century developments in sub-atomic science, principally Einstein’s theories of relativity, and also quantum theory, labelling them “a Jewish sedition” and “the outgrowths of an alien mentality”.

In 1927 the German quantum physicist Professor Werner Heisenberg postulated his Uncertainty Principle, a proposition of far-reaching consequence for modern philosophy and science which challenged Einstein’s insistence on a causal, predictable universe. Since quantum mechanics predicts that the sub-atomic world is without independent structure, this contradicts not only Einstein’s theory of relativity but also the Hermetic doctrine, which states that all matter is molecular structure held together by harmonics.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and quantum mechanics assert the unpredictable and random distribution of nuclear particles. It is claimed that the theory has withstood every test devised for it, but, nevertheless, contrary to the gathering scientific evidence against Einstein’s theories, both systems are even today supposed to be held in equal importance by science. Modern theoretical physicists say that in order to understand the workings of the universe from its inception, relativity theories will ultimately be reconciled with quantum mechanics in the so far elusive unified field theory, but the electron problem (in which the particle goes outside the time-space continuum or range of observation during measurement) makes this unlikely. More probably, in the opinion of many, relativity theory will ultimately have to be discarded.28

Einstein asserted that a three-dimensional continuum plus time is all there is. In the 1920s he pointed out that quantum physics appeared to predict that sub-atomic particles communicate with one another instantaneously and regardless of the distance separating them. This implied faster-than-light communication which was prohibited by his theory of relativity, the cardinal principle of which was the dictum that nothing can travel faster than light, since that would imply a number of unacceptable paradoxes such as time travel. In 1982 the physicists Aspect, Dalibard and Roger of the Institute of Optics at the University of Paris proved by experiment that when twin photons emitted from a calcium atom travelled a significant distance apart, and had their angles of polarization – the specific angle of orientation of the light wave – measured simultaneously, their polarizations were always found to be correlated. Einstein had stated years before that, if that were discovered to be the case, he would accept that the two protons had communicated instantaneously. Thus it would seem that the Special theory of relativity cannot stand, and time travel, UFOs from other dimensions “and a host of other paradoxes” are possible.

Much earlier than 1982 Aryan Physics suspected that when Einstein was working on the unified field theory, he realized that relativity could not be accommodated in it, but by then it was impossible for him to admit his earlier error. While dismissing relativity theory altogether, Aryan Physics also refuted quantum physics on the grounds that all unified field theories continued to view space-time in Einstein’s terms. Since Hermetic science accepts other dimensions beyond our own continuum, presumably this, together with the assertion that the sub-atomic world has no independent structure, was what Aryan Physics considered was lacking in quantum theory. Since the war, through optics research and spectral analysis from the Orbiting Solar Observatory, OSO7 of NASA, we have new knowledge concerning the composition and formation of the universe. Vibratory sound fields do exist within the sub-atomic worlds which appear responsible for molecular structures maintaining their specific particle configurations. The implication is that the structure of the universe is based on harmonics.

Before the advent of quantum

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