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easilyrecognizable landforms before straightening. “We are over here.”She pointed to the top of the globe and across the ocean from theBritish Isles.

“Yer a colonist?” he asked in surprise as herecognized the general shape of the continent.

“American now,” she corrected. “Our countryis America, but I’m glad to know you’ve heard of us.”

Hugh huffed with disgust. Did she trulythink him so ignorant? Naturally, he’d heard of the colonies. Hehad even once thought to travel there, to explore the wilderness.He turned his eyes about the room, seeing the many things therethat he did not recognize. He recalled her “car, ” the roads, andthe prison where he had been held. This was what the colonies hadbecome. What perhaps even his beloved Scotland had become. Shakingaway a tremor of trepidation—Hugh refused to call it what he knewit really was—he fingered the globe instead, taking in the breadthof the nation marked in script as the United States of America. “Yegained independence?”

“Yes, in 1776 or thereabout.”

Hugh nodded, remembering the articles he hadread on the dissatisfaction some colonists had felt over theEnglish rule and extrapolating them out over three decades past histime. It seemed few of England’s subjects appreciated being ruledby English law and monarchs. “Did Scotland win its freedom aswell?”

Sorcha frowned but remained silent and Hughfelt some irritation that she wasn’t providing him the answers heneeded. “Do ye ken nothing of the world’s history, lass?”

“About as much as you know about thefuture!” she retorted, pinching the bridge of her nose between herfingers. “Give me a minute, all right? I’m sure you’re a regularEinstein. Geez!”

Hugh could feel the sarcasm in her words buthe failed to grasp her innuendo. He would again have to ask for areference, but in that moment he refused to give her thesatisfaction.

At length, she dropped her hand and offered,“To answer your question, no, I don’t think so.”

“Och and how is that an answer at all?”

Sorcha scowled at him again. “Scotland is apart of Great Britain, so, no, I wouldn’t think that Scotland is‘free’ of England.”

“Great Britain?”

“If you give me five minutes, I’ll Googlethe whole history of it for you.”


Sorcha rolled her eyes, clearly irritatednow as well. “Listen, if we’re going to get along, I think we bothneed to practice a little patience here. Obviously I’ve never met atime-traveler before, so please allow me some leeway when I saythings you don’t understand. Also, I am not a history teacher. Thefiner nuances of how Great Britain became so great were not a partof my education but I can and will find the answers you need. Iwill also try to explain things more clearly, okay? And first off,let me be as clear as possible in pointing out that America is wayover here.” She stabbed a finger down at the far western end of theNorth American continent. “There are a few thousand miles and anocean between us and Scotland.”

The number was a daunting one, Hugh had toadmit as the chill of despair once again sent its icy fingers downhis spine. But what was a journey of several months’ time when hishome—or as close as was available—awaited him at the end? “So?”

“What do you mean ‘so’?” she asked inexasperation. “We can’t just drive there.”

It was Hugh’s turn to feel some annoyance.Did she truly think him so dull that he couldn’t comprehend thather vehicle could not cross over water? “We shall simply charter aship for the next voyage.”

“Charter a ship?” she repeated mockingly,setting his teeth on edge. “Take a voyage across internationalwaters? Not after 9/11.”

Hugh shook his head angrily, refusing to getlured into asking once again what Sorcha was talking about.“Perhaps ye should stop talking tae me as if I am a simple-mindedfool, lass, and explain the problem ’fore I lose my temper.”

“Perhaps you should stop acting like anarrogant barbarian before I call the police and turn you in!” sheshot back with flames in her vivid eyes. The Scot had a propensityto thunder and roar, that fierce scowl clearly meant to subdue.Claire didn’t know who was more surprised by her lack ofintimidation – him or her.

A loud knock shook the door and echoedthrough the room, and they both froze, staring across the room atthe door. “Mrs. Manning?” The pounding sounded again.

Chapter 6

Claire met Hugh’s wide eyes, her heartsuddenly pounding with more fear than this Scot had yet to inspire.Hugh might have showered, put on clean clothes, and much improvedhis smell, but he still looked savage and foreign in her livingroom. Those who were looking for him would know who he was in aheartbeat, and the thought chased through her mind that maybe sheshould just let them find him. Her conscience clashed with her goodsense, winning out in the end. “Damn! You need to hide!” shewhispered.

“I willnae cower like some …”


“Mrs. Manning?” a voice called insistentlyas the knocking continued.

“Just a minute, please!” she called outlightly while glaring at Hugh and jerking her head toward thestairs. The obstinate man just crossed his beefy arms over hischest and glowered right back. “Oh for Pete’s sake!” Claire hissed,bodily pushing him toward the stairs. “Get up there! Get in thecloset and don’t say a word!”

“How do I know ye’ll not …”

“You’ll just have to trust me!” She halfpushed, half led him up the stairs and into her closet, quietlyclosing the door. Heart pounding, she raced back to the livingroom, hoping Hugh would remain hidden.

Taking a deep breath, Claire snatched up herphone on the way to the door and held it to her ear. Plastering ona smile, she opened the door and held up a finger with anexaggerated roll of her eyes. “I know I need to find a nice man,Mom, but can we talk about this later? There’s someone here. Okay.Okay. I love you, too.”

Claire lowered the phone and shook her head.“Sorry about that. Mothers, you know? Hey, you’re Bryce, right?Bryce Muldoon?”

The words emerged cheerfully, and Claire wasthankful for that because her insides were already twisting withfear. She recognized Muldoon right away, a security officer fromthe lab. The guards were always a step apart from the rest of thelab’s employees.

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