» Other » No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller, Harry Markopolos [graded readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller, Harry Markopolos [graded readers .TXT] 📗». Author Harry Markopolos

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Green, Al

Greenspan, Alan

Gross, Leon

Handwriting analysis

Haslett, Bud


Hedge funds

Hedge funds of funds (HFOF)

Henry, Dave

Hermès family

Heyman-Kantor, Reuben

Hill, Chuck

Holland, Daniel E.

Home security

Hootman, Debbi

House Finance Services Committee

Housing bubble

Hyrb, Greg


Incompetence vs. corruption

Incredibly consistent profitable returns. See Ponzi schemes

Indirect investors

Individual investors

Information risk

Insider information

Inspector General





See also Kotz, David

Institutional Investor

Integral Investment Management fund

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

International Court of Justice

Investigation questions

Jewish charities

Jewish community

Jewish T-bill

Jones, Alfred Winslow


Jurisdictional problems

Kachroo, Gaytri

Congressional investigation

early life of

education of

Harry Markopolos meets

impact of Bernie Madoff case on

Inspector General investigation

international financial court

and Kotz

meeting with Shapiro

post Bernie Madoff arrest

represents Harry Markopolos

on SEC excuses

on SEC legal incompetency

Senate Banking Committee hearing

Kanjorski, Paul

Kennedy, Kelly

Khuzami, Robert

Kotz, David

BDO mishandling of Harry Markopolos complaint

Congressional investigation

on Grant Ward

Harry Markopolos and

Inspector General investigation

Inspector General report

Mike Ocrant interviewed

report by

visits Bernie Madoff

Kozlowski, Dennis

Kroft, Steve

Lamoure, Peter


Lay, Ken

Leary, Kevin

Le Monde

Line of credit

Littaye, Patrick

Little Dorrit (Dickens)


Logue, Ron

Long-Term Capital Management crisis

Long volatility

L’Oreal family

Lynch, Peter

Lynch, Steven

Madoff, Bernie:

admits fraud

arrest by FBI

arrest in news

asset management firm

audited financial statements

audit firms

cash shortage

damage done by

de la Villehuchet on

employee treatment

in Europe

excuses for investing with

explanations by

family members involvement

feeder funds

as fraud

fund sizes

on Harry Markopolos

industry knowledge about

investigation of

investment levels

Kotz visits in jail

leveraged money

London-based funds of funds avoids

Mike Ocrant interviews

modeling of, by others

news reports of

operations of

origins of investigation of

rates charged by

registers with SEC

Rene-Thierry de la Villehuchet on

reputation of


on SEC competence

SEC investigation of

second set of books

SEC visits

size of fraud by

trading records

troubles of

Madoff investigation team . See also Casey, Frank; Chelo, Neil; Kachroo, Gaytri; Markopolos, Harry; Ocrant, Mike

Madoff Investment Securities LLC,

Madoff Securities

Makefield Securities

Maloney, Carolyn

Mamis, Justin

Manion, Edward:

bounty program

competency of


Harry Markopolos and

Harry Markopolos meets Mike Garrity

Harry Markopolos on

Harry Markopolos visits Boston SEC

position risk

post Bernie Madoff arrest

public acknowledgment of role

support from

Manion, Mary Ann

Marcelino, Juan


Bernie Madoff interview in



Market crash of 1987

Market intelligence

Market makers

Market timing

Market timing cases

Market Wizards (Schwager)

Markopolos, Faith

Markopolos, Harry:


broker experience

at Darien Capital Management

European trip

fraud investigation beginnings

fraud investigation efforts

fraud investigation experience

leaves Rampart

post Bernie Madoff arrest

at Rampart

reverse engineering

role of

work future


congressional investigation

congressional testimony

Senate Banking Committee hearing

early life

background of

early career of

early life of

early years of

paternal lessons on right and wrong


carries gun to protect

children of

danger, concerns about

family at risk

Louie Markopolos

marriage of

threat response

François de Flaghac


interview by friends

Jonathan Sokobin

Madoff investigation on Bernie Madoff

Bernie Madoff confession activities

plan to expose Bernie Madoff

post Bernie Madoff arrest

reverse engineering

role of

WSJ story

meetings with Gaytri Kachroo

John Wilke

Mary Schapiro

Mike Garrity

Scott Franzblau


Bernie Madoff on

on SEC

SEC contact

final submission to SEC

SEC deposition

second fraud complaint

summary of reports to SEC by

support for NY SEC office

“The World’s Largest Hedge Fund Is a Fraud”

visits SEC

See also Casey, Frank; Chelo, Neil; de la Villehuchet, Rene-Thierry; Kachroo, Gaytri; Ocrant, Mike

Markopolos, Louie

Markopolos, Pam

Massachusetts Securities Division

Math error

Matter Under Inquiry (MUI)

McCarter & English

McKeefrey, Mark

Media leaks

Medical frauds

Mehta, Andre

Merkley, Jeff

Merrill Lynch

Michael, Phil

Michel, Prince

Mick, Joe

Military experience

Minding Mr. Market (Grant)


Mollohan, Alan

Money laundering

Moran, Matt

Morgan Stanley

Mortgage-backed securities


Municipal bonds

NakedShorts (Internet site)

National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)

New option trading scheme

News reports

New York Times

Ng, Tim

Numerical assessment

Obama, Barack

Ocrant, Mike

on Bernie Madoff’s Jewish connection

calls Bernie Madoff

Clinton cattle trading scam

continued activities of

early life of

education and early career

Fairfield Greenwich returns

Greg Zuckerman

hedge funds investigation

impact of Bernie Madoff case on

at Institutional Investor

interviews Bernie Madoff

joins team

meets Frank Casey

meets John Wilke

post Bernie Madoff arrest

public acknowledgment of role

reports to Commodity Futures Trading Commission

role of

SEC interview

urges reporting

OEX index call options

OEX index put options

Office of Economic Analysis

Offshore funds

One-third rule

Open interest

Oppenheimer Funds


Option-based product development

Option Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) tapes. See also trade tickets


Option transactions

Order flow

and market intelligence

payments for

Organized crime

Over-the-counter market

Parkway Capital

Payne, Gerald

Pearlman, Lou

Penna, Nick

Personal danger

Petters, Tom

Pharmaceutical fraud

Picower, Jeffrey

Plaintiff’s firms

Plan administrators

Police department

Ponzi, Charles

Ponzi schemes

examples of

Harry Markopolos describes to SEC

human damage from

mechanics of

new money requirements

Weisman on

Ponzi scheme vs. front-running

Potemkin trading desk (front)

Professional ethics

Proof, legal vs. mathematical

Prospect Capital

Putnam Investments

Quants (quantitative analysts)

Qui tam cases

Qui tam provisions

Rampart Investment Management Company

Rampart Option Management System

Rampart Option Statistical Advantage

Rating agencies

Red flags

Regulatory corruption

Reid, Douglas


Renaissance Technologies LLC


Reverse engineering


Ricciardi, Walter

Rich, Mark

Richards, Lori

Risk assumption

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Rosenthal, Stu

Royal Bank of Canada


Russian default

Russian mafia

S&P 500

S&P 500 options


Scannell, Peter

Schadt, Rudi

Schapiro, Mary

Schulman, Diane

Schumer, Chuck

Schwager, Jack


Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):

2005 submission disclosure


BDO mishandles Harry Markopolos filing

Bernie Madoff and

bounty program

changes at

Chuck Schumer call to

in congressional hearings

criminal investigation

damage by inaction of

danger from

disregards Harry Markopolos complaint

Division of Enforcement actions

double standard

examination team


first report to

Harry Markopolos meets Garrity

Harry Markopolos on

Harry Markopolos reports fraud to

Harry Markopolos visits

ignores Harry Markopolos complaint

impact on

incompetence of

informal inquiry

Inspector General

Inspector General findings

Inspector General investigation

Inspector General review

investigation of Bernie Madoff

jurisdictional problems

liability of

MARHedge reporting

market timing complaint

New York regional office

New York office incompetence

Office of Economic Analysis

origins of

post BM arrest cover-up

powers of

regulatory priorities

rejects Harry Markopolos market timing investigation

resignations from

sovereign immunity and negligence

systemic incompetence

visits Madoff

warnings from others

whistleblower program

See also Cheung, Meaghan; Garrity,Mike; Kotz, David; Manion, Edward; Ward, Grant:

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) teams:







Securities Exchange Company


Segel, Jim

Seghers, Conrad


Senate Banking Committee

Sennen (sailing vessel)

Sherman, Brad

Short volatility

60 Minutes

Skilling, Jeff

Slatkin, Reed

Social networking

Société Générale

Sokobin, Jonathan

Sorkin, Ira Lee

Sovereign immunity and negligence

Spitzer, Eliot

Split-strike conversion strategy

State Street Corporation

Steiber, Heide

Stein, Ben

Stock picking

Strategy analysis

Structured products

Subsidization theory

Suh, Simona


Sutton, Willie

Tax havens

Taxpayers Against Fraud . See also whistleblowers

Taylor, Hunt

Teahan, Kathleen

Teams. See fraud investigation team; Madoff investigation team


Tewksbury Investment Fund


The Nature of Risk (Mamis)

“The World’s Largest Hedge Fund Is a Fraud” (Harry Markopolos)

Thomsen, Linda

Thorp, Edward

“To Catch a Thief” (Absolute Return)

To Catch a Thief (movie)

Trade tickets

Trading violations

Treasury bill (T-bill) holdings

Tremont (fund)

U.S. Coast Guard

Venus Cafe

Vijayvergiya, Amit

Neil Chelo talks with


Vollmer, Andrew

Wall Street crimes

Wall Street Journal

Walsh, John

Ward, Grant

Washington Post

Wedding ring

Weil, Joseph

Weisman, Andrew

Werner, Chuck

Whistleblower program



fate of

funds to reward

hotline for industry

White, Jeb

Whitman, Massachusetts police department

Wickford Fund

Wilke, John

activities of


Wilson, Chris

Winnick, Burt

Witherspoon, David

Yardley Financial Services

Zucker, Bill

Zuckerman, Greg

Photo Insert

My family owned several Arthur Treacher’s Fish & Chips restaurants, where I got my start in the numbers game. It was also there that I made my first foray into fraud investigation when I caught a chef stealing fish.

PHOTO CREDIT: Niagara Falls (Ontario) Public Library.

Frank Casey on Wall Street. Casey first brought the Bernard Madoff case to my attention in 1999.

PHOTO CREDIT: © 2009 Orjan F. Ellingvag/Dagens Naringsliv/Corbis.

Casey (left) worked with me at Rampart Investment Management from 1998 to 2001. Here he shares a table with me at a Rampart executive’s birthday party in April 2000.

PHOTO CREDIT: © David Woo.

Neil Chelo, who worked with me to uncover the Madoff fraud, was interviewed for a news story by CNBC’s Mary Thompson in February 2009.

PHOTO CREDIT: © February 2009 Jeremy Gollehon with credit to Steve Bargelt.

Michael Ocrant became a member of our team after learning about Madoff from Frank Casey and beginning his

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