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to keep it from being painful. Whenmy parents had owned the place, they'd had a different theme, and they might berolling in their graves at what we'd done recently, but no one could deny thatthe pizza parlor was thriving.

Ezra dug in, a pleased expression on his face. Iwanted to save room for pizza this evening, but I was hungrier than I'dimagined, and scarfed a few pieces of extra cheesy deliciousness before I couldreally slow myself down and remember to feed Mayhem. The little dog jumped upon the seat next to me and I discreetly cut up a pizza slice for the hellhound.

"Ezra, what do hellhounds normally eat?"

The demon prince paused in his own efforts to demolishthe pizza I'd ordered for us. Either he really liked it, or he was hungry, too.

"In their normal form, meat of any kind. OnEarth? Whatever their partners feed them is fine. They don't have foodallergies like dogs do."

"Which is good because I'm sure I've fed himthings I wouldn't feed a dog."

Ezra nodded.

"So, you coming back to my place to tell me whatelse is up?" The idea of Ezra in my house both terrified and thrilled me.What the actual fuck was wrong with me? He was a freaking demon prince. Whoseleg was currently pressed against mine, his warmth seeping through the fabricof his suit pants and my jeans. I wanted skin contact. A lot of it. Damn it.

"If that's okay with you."

"Sure. I think I've done enough here for now. Wecan go when you're ready."

We'd successfully polished off the pizza.

"Any time, Price."

Reluctantly, I pulled my leg away from his. Thediscomfort was back almost instantly.

"Please tell me that's going to fade?"

Ezra sighed. "I have no idea."

I grumbled under my breath as I pulled some cash outof my pocket.

"How much?"


"I'll pay. How much?"

"Oh, uh, throw down a twenty for the team. Pizza'son the house. I need to grab a few things from my office. I'll be back in aminute."

I left Ezra at the table and, Mayhem on my heels, wentto grab my jacket from my office and make sure I didn't need to do anythingelse before I headed home.

The kitchen staff gave me curious looks, which Iignored though I did throw out my normal friendly wave on my way back out tothe dining area. Everything pressing had been handled.

Ezra joined me and Stacy handed me my to go pizzabefore I could walk out without it.

"Thanks. Tell Billy to call me if you all needanything."

"Sure, boss," Stacy said.

I caught her eyeing Ezra as we left and I was tornbetween amusement, and a weird possessive annoyance. Which was really strangebecause I'd never minded anyone ogling Mal, Aaron, or Sabian, or really anyoneelse I'd ever dated.

"You've done some weird shit to my head," Igrumbled as I headed for my car.

"You are not alone in that frustration,"Ezra said.

I glanced at the handsome demon prince. He'd shadedhis eyes with sunglasses that did nothing to diminish his allure. "You gota car?"

He gestured to a black sedan with heavily tintedwindows.

"Great. See you at my place."

Ezra didn't reply, just headed for his car, shoulderstight.

The tension in my body amped up with every step wetook away from each other. There had to be some way to get this under controlbecause I couldn't live the rest of my life glued to Ezra's hip.

Chapter 4


The trip back to my house seemed to take forever,though it was only about fifteen minutes. I didn't see Mal or Aaron's car inthe driveway, though I'd expected at least one of them to be home.

Mayhem hopped out of my car and dashed off to pee onsomething. I grabbed the pizza and headed for the house. Ezra's car door shutand then he was right behind me. I didn't even have to look, I could just feelhis presence.

I did look at him when I opened the front door. Ezrahad taken off his sunglasses and his gaze followed the invisible wards alongthe doorframe, much as Mal's had the first time he'd come over. The wards didn'tstop Ezra though, when he followed me through the door out of the heat and intothe air conditioning.

I kicked off my shoes and held the pizza in one handwhile I slid my arm out of my jacket.

Ezra helped with the jacket, hanging it on the hookbefore stepping closer and brushing his fingers across my temple, leavingtrails of heat as I lost myself in his endless eyes. Tingles traveled down myspine and I forgot to breathe.

Someone cleared their throat and both Ezra and Ijumped.

I glanced toward the living room. Mal leaned againstthe wall, arms crossed, frowning at Ezra.

"Oh, hey Mal." I somehow managed to get myvoice to work.

"Who's your friend?"

I tilted my head, then raised my eyebrows. Oh...he'dnever actually seen Ezra. That might be why he looked a little annoyed.

"Ezra, mate. Just, you know, in the flesh insteadof possessing me."

Mal's expression lightened to surprise. "Ahh."

At least he no longer looked like he was consideringtaking Ezra's head off with the sword that still lay on the table by the frontdoor.

"Hello, Malak," Ezra said slowly.

Cue the awkward.

"Nice to finally meet you, Prince Ezra." Malbowed his head ever so slightly, as a gesture of respect, I supposed.

I stepped away from Ezra and headed for the kitchen,pausing next to Mal for a kiss, which he delivered with a bit more heat than normalwhen company was present.

They both followed me, Mal with his fingers lightly onthe small of my back. Someone was definitely feeling possessive. Crap. I wasbarely able to deal with all of the emotions and feelings the guys had alreadysubjected me to. I did not know how to deal with a jealous vampire. Especiallysince it wasn't like I could just turn off whatever was pulling me toward Ezra.If I could have, I would have turned away from Ezra right then. I did not wantto cause any strife, but I already knew, soul deep, that it would be physicallyimpossible.

Just because I knew it would be impossible didn't meanI wasn't about to try though. Fuck.

I tried start up some sort of conversation so I couldget

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