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I asked.

“Clothes. You’ve got too many. Want you naked.”

I rolled over onto my side, facing Kyle, and looked up with an innocent smile. “You want ’em off, you’ve got to help me.” I batted my eyelashes in a positively sultry move that brought Kyle up to his knees to start unbuttoning my shirt. He unbuckled my belt, pulled off my shoes and socks, and then removed my pants and briefs in one efficient move.

“Oh, yeah!” he said as he caught sight of his naked bedmate.

“Fuck, man! You are hot!”

“Shut up and kiss me!” he ordered.

Kyle lay on top of me, one hand behind my head, as he let his libido take control of the moment. He spread his legs and sat up so that he could look down at me. He lay beside me and put his head on my chest and purred in contentment. He closed his eyes, presumably to savor the moment… and then he fell asleep. I wanted to wake the guy and fuck him senseless but wasn’t sure if I should or not. The guy had said he’d worked a twelve-hour shift. Back-to-back twelve-hour shifts, actually.

While Kyle slept, I lay next to him, stroking his beautiful head, savoring the feel of the gentle giant next to me. All the while the debate between my logical upper brain wrestled with my bad-boy lower brain. The bad-boy brain wanted to just wake the guy up and do the deed; the good-boy higher brain wanted to be caring and enjoy the quiet together.

About an hour after he’d fallen asleep, Kyle stirred and slowly refocused on where he was. He looked at his watch—never a good sign when you’re in bed with a guy for the first time.

“Damn!” he said in appraisal as he looked at me. “I can’t tell you how much I want you.”

“So shut up and get back here,” I ordered.

“I want to so badly.”


“I’m so sorry, but I have to be back in the ER at 7:00 a.m., and I worked a twelve-hour shift today. I want to do nothing more than fuck for hours, but I need to get some sleep or I’m likely to screw up big-time tomorrow and kill somebody.”

It was now my turn to whimper.

“I know,” Kyle muttered. “I’m a real shit for treating you this way. I want our first time to be really special and not rushed.”

“It seemed pretty special to me when you had your dick down my throat a while ago,” I said with a slightly snarky attitude. Okay, maybe a little more than slight.

“I know. Please. I’m begging you. Please. Don’t be mad at me.”

Picturing the car wreck on the freeway with mangled bodies, mayhem, blood, and gore—the same one that had saved me at the gym the previous day—I somehow got my pissed-off attitude under control. I jumped off the bed and went into the bathroom for a minute where I peed and put on a pair of running shorts.

Ever the good host, I asked, “You want to shower before you go? Bathroom’s in there.”

“Do I have to go?”

“Yeah. Probably should. I can’t be held accountable for the safety of your ass if you stay.”

“Can I hold you to that promise?”

“I’ll think about it.” I was pissed. The man was leaving me high and dry—literally! A decent trick would at least reciprocate before running out the door. A decent trick would make sure that his fuck buddy didn’t have an erection that could be used to bat baseballs out of the park on opening day before he left.

Kyle rose from the bed, collected his clothing, re-dressed, and tried to kiss me good-bye. I wasn’t in the mood.

“I’m so sorry. My schedule is a real ballbuster. This is my third round of twelve hours on, twelve hours off. Tomorrow and then one more twelve-hour shift, and then I’m off for four days in a row. I really, really, really want to make it up to you if you’ll let me. Please?” he practically begged.

“Call me” was all I could answer.

“You’re mad.”

“Yes!” I yelled in frustration.

“You have every right to be mad.”

“You would probably be safe in saying that I’m not exactly my happiest at the moment.”

Kyle leaned over, planted a toe-tingling kiss on my angry lips, and then stepped back. “Thank you for one of the best nights of my life. I haven’t had a lot of sex, but I’ve had enough to know that sex with you was fucking fantastic. And I want more. And I demand equal time to repay you for the best orgasm of my life.”

“You don’t need to pay me. I’m not a whore or something like that.” Oh, clearly still a bit of anger lingered.

Kyle took a step back, stung a bit by the harsh words. “No. I didn’t mean—”

“Good night, Kyle. Thanks for coming… over. Thanks for coming over. Sleep tight,” I said as I guided the man to and then through the door. Without a look back after I closed the door, I walked across the room, picked up a newspaper from the coffee table, and threw it with enough energy to scatter the thing all over the room in dozens of pieces. “Aaarrgghhhh!” I growled in fury.

“I fucking knew it!” I shouted to the empty room. “I knew it was too good to be true. All men are scum! Even the ones who look like that.” I was so pissed. I kicked a piece of the newspaper that was in my way. I paced a bit before grabbing a cold beer from the refrigerator. Maybe I should get drunk. Maybe that would help. But I knew that getting drunk didn’t solve anything.

I was still awake at 2:00 a.m., my anger a little tamped down by that point. I crawled into bed at two thirty ready to sleep, only to notice that I could still smell Kyle on the sheets of my bed. A new wave of sadness washed over me to replace the anger from earlier. Had it

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