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same penalties as

the exportation of wool. Even tobacco-pipe clay, though

acknowledged to be different from fuller’s clay, yet, on account

of their resemblance, and because fuller’s clay might sometimes

be exported as tobacco-pipe clay, has been laid under the same

prohibitions and penalties.


By the 13th and 14th of Charles II. chap, 7, the exportation, not

only of raw hides, but of tanned leather, except in the shape of

boots, shoes, or slippers, was prohibited ; and the law gave a

monopoly to our boot-makers and shoemakers, not only against our

graziers, but against our tanners. By subsequent statutes, our

tanners have got themselves exempted from this monopoly, upon

paying a small tax of only one shilling on the hundred weight of

tanned leather, weighing one hundred and twelve pounds. They have

obtained likewise the drawback of two-thirds of the excise duties

imposed upon their commodity, even when exported without further

manufacture. All manufactures of leather may be exported duty

free ; and the exporter is besides entitled to the drawback of

the whole duties of excise. Our graziers still continue

subject to the old monopoly. Graziers, separated from one

another, and dispersed through all the different corners of the

country, cannot, without great difficulty, combine together for

the purpose either of imposing monopolies upon their

fellow-citizens, or of exempting themselves from such as may have

been imposed upon them by other people. Manufacturers of all

kinds, collected together in numerous bodies in all great cities,

easily can. Even the horns of cattle are prohibited to be

exported ; and the two insignificant trades of the horner and

comb-maker enjoy, in this respect, a monopoly against the



Restraints, either by prohibitions, or by taxes, upon the

exportation of goods which are partially, but not completely

manufactured, are not peculiar to the manufacture of leather. As

long as anything remains to be done, in order to fit any

commodity for immediate use and consumption, our manufacturers

think that they themselves ought to have the doing of it. Woollen

yarn and worsted are prohibited to be exported, under the same

penalties as wool even white cloths we subject to a duty upon

exportation; and our dyers have so far obtained a monopoly

against our clothiers. Our clothiers would probably have been

able to defend themselves against it; but it happens that the

greater part of our principal clothiers are themselves likewise

dyers. Watch-cases, clock-cases, and dial-plates for clocks and

watches, have been prohibited to be exported. Our clock-makers

and watch-makers are, it seems, unwilling that the price of this

sort of workmanship should be raised upon them by the competition

of foreigners.


By some old statutes of Edward III, Henry VIII. and Edward VI.

the exportation of all metals was prohibited. Lead and tin were

alone excepted, probably on account of the great abundance of

those metals; in the exportation of which a considerable part of

the trade of the kingdom in those days consisted. For the

encouragement of the mining trade, the 5th of William and Mary,

chap.17, exempted from this prohibition iron, copper, and mundic

metal made from British ore. The exportation of all sorts of

copper bars, foreign as well as British, was afterwards permitted

by the 9th and 10th of Willimn III. chap 26. The exportation of

unmanufactured brass, of what is called gun-metal, bell-metal,

and shroff metal, still continues to be prohibited. Brass

manufactures of all sorts may be exported duty free.


The exportation of the materials of manufacture, where it is not

altogether prohibited, is, in many cases, subjected to

considerable duties.


By the 8th Geo. I. chap.15, the exportation of all goods, the

produce of manufacture of Great Britain, upon which any duties

had been imposed by former statutes, was rendered duty free. The

following goods, however, were excepted: alum, lead, lead-ore,

tin, tanned leather, copperas, coals, wool, cards, white woollen

cloths, lapis calaminaris, skins of all sorts, glue, coney hair

or wool, hares wool, hair of all sorts, horses, and litharge of

lead. If you except horses, all these are either materials of

manufacture, or incomplete manufactures (which may be considered

as materials for still further manufacture), or instruments of

trade. This statute leaves them subject to all the old duties

which had ever been imposed upon them, the old subsidy, and one

per cent. outwards.


By the same statute, a great number of foreign drugs for dyers

use are exempted from all duties upon importation. Each of them,

however, is afterwards subjected to a certain duty, not indeed a

very heavy one, upon exportation. Our dyers, it seems, while they

thought it for their interest to encourage the importation of

those drugs, by an exemption from all duties, thought it likewise

for their own interest to throw some small discouragement upon

their exportation. The avidity, however, which suggested this

notable piece of mercantile ingenuity, most probably disappointed

itself of its object. It necessarily taught the importers to be

more careful than they might otherwise have been, that their

importation should not exceed what was necessary for the supply

of the home market. The home market was at all times likely to be

more scantily supplied ; the commodities were at all times likely

to be somewhat dearer there than they would have been, had the

exportation been rendered as free as the importation.


By the abovementioned statute, gum senega, or gum arabic, being

among the enumerated dyeing drugs, might be imported duty free.

They were subjected, indeed, to a small poundage duty, amounting

only to threepence in the hundred weight, upon their

re-exportation. France enjoyed, at that time, an exclusive trade

to the country most productive of those drugs, that which lies in

the neighbourhood of the Senegal ; and the British market could

not be easily supplied by the immediate importation of them from

the place of growth. By the 25th Geo. II. therefore, gum senega

was allowed to be imported (contrary to the general dispositions

of the act of navigation) from any part of Europe. As the law,

however, did not mean to encourage this species of trade, so

contrary to the general principles of the mercantile policy of

England, it imposed a duty of ten shillings the hundred weight

upon such importation, and no part of this duty was to be

afterwards drawn back upon its exportation. The successful war

which began in 1755 gave Great Britain the same exclusive trade

to those countries which France had enjoyed before. Our

manufactures, as soon as the peace was made, endeavoured to avail

themselves of this advantage, and to establish a monopoly in

their own favour both against the growers and against the

importers of this comnmdity. By the 5th of Geo. III. therefore,

chap. 37, the exportation of gum senega, from his majesty’s

dominions in Africa, was confined to Great Britain, and was

subjected to all the same restrictions, regulations, forfeitures,

and penalties, as that of the enumerated commodities of the

British colonies in America and the West Indies. Its importation,

indeed, was subjected to a small duty of sixpence the hundred

weight; but its re-exportation was subjected to the enormous duty

of one pound ten shillings the hundred weight. It was the

intention of our manufacturers, that the whole produce of those

countries should be imported into Great Britain; and in order

that they themselves might he enabled to buy it at their own

price, that no part of it should be exported again, but at such

an expense as would sufficiently discourage that exportation.

Their avidity, however, upon this, as well as upon many other

occasions, disappointed itself of its object. This enormous duty

presented such a temptation to smuggling, that great quantities

of this commodity were clandestinely exported, probably to all

the manufacturing countries of Europe, but particularly to

Holland, not only from Great Britain, but from Afrira. Upon this

account, by the 14th Geo. III. chap.10, this duty upon

exportation was reduced to five shillings the hundred weight.


In the book of rates, according to which the old subsidy was

levied, beaver skins were estimated at six shillings and eight

pence a piece; and the different subsidies and imposts which,

before the year 1722, had been laid upon their importation,

amounted to one-fifth part of the rate, or to sixteen pence upon

each skin; all of which, except half the old subsidy, amounting

only to twopence, was drawn back upon exportation. This duty,

upon the importation of so important a material of manufacture,

had been thought too high; and, in the year 1722, the rate was

reduced to two shillings and sixpence, which reduced the duty

upon importation to sixpence, and of this only one-half was to be

drawn back upon exportation. The same successful war put the

country most productive of beaver under the dominion of Great

Britain ; and beaver skins being among the enumerated

commodities, the exportation from America was consequently

confined to the market of Great Britain. Our manufacturers soon

bethought themselves of the advantage which they might make of

this circumstance; and in the year 1764, the duty upon the

importation of beaver skin was reduced to one penny, but the duty

upon exportation was raised to sevenpence each skin, without any

drawback of the duty upon importation. By the same law, a duty of

eighteen pence the pound was imposed upon the exportation of

beaver wool or woumbs, without making any alteration in the duty

upon the importation of that commodity, which, when imported by

British, and in British shipping, amounted at that time to

between fourpence and fivepence the piece.


Coals may be considered both as a material of manufacture, and as

an instrument of trade. Heavy duties, accordingly, have been

imposed upon their exportation, amounting at present (1783) to

more than five shillings the ton, or more than fifteen shillings

the chaldron, Newcastle measure ; which is, in most cases, more

than the original value of the commodity at the coal-pit, or even

at the shipping port for exportation.


The exportation, however, of the instruments of trade, properly

so called, is commonly restrained, not by high duties, but by

absolute prohibitions. Thus, by the 7th and 8th of William III

chap.20, sect.8, the exportation of frames or engines for

knitting gloves or stockings, is prohibited, under the penalty,

not only of the forfeiture of such frames or engines, so

exported, or attempted to be exported, but of forty pounds, one

half to the king, the other to the person who shall inform or sue

for the same. In the same manner, by the 14th Geo. III. chap. 71,

the exportation to foreign parts, of any utensils made use of in

the cotton, linen, woollen, and silk manufactures, is prohibited

under the penalty, not only of the forfeiture of such utensils,

but of two hundred pounds, to be paid by the person who shall

offend in this manner ; and likewise of two hundred pounds, to be

paid by the master of the ship, who shall knowingly suffer such

utensils to be loaded on board his ship.


When such heavy penalties were imposed upon the exportation of

the dead instruments of trade, it could not well be expected that

the living instrument, the artificer, should be allowed to go

free. Accordingly, by the 5th Geo. I. chap. 27, the person who

shall be convicted of enticing any artificer, of or in any of the

manufactures of Great Britain, to go into any foreign parts, in

order to practise or teach his trade, is liable, for the first

offence, to be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred pounds,

and to three months imprisomnent, and until the fine shall be

paid ; and for the second offence, to be fined in any sum, at the

discretion of the court, and to imprisonment for twelve months,

and until the fine shall be paid. By the 23d Geo. II.

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