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genetic variation 37–8

Plasmodium reichenowi 25–6, 37

in Greece 13–14, 17–18, 20–2, 31

Plasmodium vivax:

in Macedonia 127

association with desiccating

in Near East 32–3

marshes 71, 152

in North Africa 35

association with harvest 152

in Po delta 81–4

association with other diseases

in pregnancy 67–8


in Rome 62–3, 202–3, 219–33,

association with pilgrimage to

272–3, 276

Rome 158–60

in Sardinia 92–3, 127, 164–5

at Naples 153

in Sicily 36–9

at Ravenna 81–3

in Umbria 64–8

attacks Alcuin 130, 157–8

interaction with heart disease 130

clinical differentiation from P.

interaction with respiratory disease

falciparum 15–16


cross-reactions with P. falciparum

interaction with tuberculosis 137–9


pathology 125–6

cross-reactions with P. malariae 218

periodicity 8–11

demographic effects 151–66, 279

pernicious symptoms 16

duration 12

placental malaria 125–6

evolution 24–8

rapid growth rate in Europe 34

in Belgium and Holland 156

resistance to quinine 202

in England 151–8

seasonality in Rome 62–3

in Greece 13

similarity to typhoid 128

in India 166

temperature requirements 102

in the Marche 66

vitamin A supplements 149

in pregnancy 126



Plasmodium vivax continued:

Procopius 57, 86, 146, 182, 216, 238

in Sardinia 223

Puccinotti, Francesco 9, 46

in Tuscany 189, 200

Punjab 146, 200

latency 131

Pupinius, ager 244–5

mortality rates 154–66

Pyrgi 69, 200

no cerebral malaria in 220–1

periodicity 8–11

qinghaosu 48

quotidian expression 132–3, 152

quartan fever 4, 9, 11–12, 14, 18, 52–4,

relation to Duffy antigen 28

62, 66, 71, 102, 121, 131–6, 156,

schizogony 125

218–19, 221, 226

targets reticulocytes 25

see also nephrotic syndrome;

temperature requirements 20–1,

Plasmodium malariae


quinine 11, 35, 48, 66, 112, 128, 147,

treatment with opium 156

154, 202–3, 220, 261, 280

see also tertian fever

Quintilian 190

Plautus, T. Maccius 192, 254

Quirinal, hill 202

Pliny the Elder 39, 48, 53, 63–4, 76,

quotidian fever 11, 16, 18, 37, 53, 121,

95, 108–9, 132–4, 157, 170, 172,

133, 137, 152, 158, 220–1, 223

177–8, 190, 192, 205, 211, 241, 245

Pliny the Younger 87, 105, 109, 111,

rainfall 29, 78, 109, 111, 122, 182, 216,

172, 197–8, 228, 236, 238, 240,


246, 257, 269–70, 278

Ravenna 45, 52, 64, 78–86, 89, 98,

Plutarch 39

198–9, 251, 256, 270

pneumonia 126, 136, 138

refractoriness 23, 33, 33–4, 36, 200

Po, river 40, 81–2, 85, 89, 142, 278

Regata 238

Poggio Gramignano 67

Regulus, M. Aquilius 228–9, 257

Pollusca 178

Regulus, M. Atilius 243, 245, 250

pollution, atmospheric, 229

relapsing fever 10

Polybius 178

respiratory distress 129, 136

Pompeii 57

reticulocytes 25

Ponte di Nona 260

Rhazes 134

Pontine Marshes 4, 43, 57, 74–5, 77–9,

riboflavin 142

87, 91, 100, 107, 119, 167–91, 230,

rice 44, 180

247, 252, 265


Pontinia 170

in London 153

poppy, opium 157

in Rome 141

Populonia 108

rivers, see individual entries

Portus 86

roads 77, 93–5, 101, 236

Poseidonia, see Paestum

Rocca Massima 60

Poseidonius 221

Rome (city of):

Pratica di Mare 188–9

Alcuin in 157–8

Pratovecchio 162

contrast with Florence 117

pregnancy 73, 125–6

cult of Fever 50–2

Priam 21

effects of malaria on the elderly 130

Prilius lacus 69

effects of malaria on pilgrims 157–9

primigravidae 67, 125–6

effects of malaria on women 125

Priscianus, Theodorus 52

fish 69

Privernum 170, 189

floods 109



gastro-intestinal diseases 129

Sardinia 22, 35, 38, 44, 90–3, 95, 100,

Horace Walpole in 9

118, 127, 143–4, 146, 162, 164–5,

interaction of malaria and smallpox

179, 200, 209, 223


Scansano 280

interaction of malaria and

Scaravazza, river 182

respiratory diseases 137–9

schizogony 11, 125

main discussion of malaria in

Scotland 22, 152, 156


seasonality 61, 63, 82, 165

Marchiafava’s and Celsus’

Selinus 38

descriptions of malaria 16–17

semitertian fever 14–15, 18–20, 54,

migration to 275–7

137, 209, 221–4, 258

multiple simultaneous infections

see also Plasmodium falciparum


Seneca the Younger 50

plague 273–4

Septimius Severus, emperor 156

population 247, 270–81

Serenus, Quintus 133–4, 224

rickets 141

Sermoneta 58, 119–20, 175, 187, 219

rivalry of doctors 135

Servius, commentator on Virgil 177,

Sardinia exports grain to 92


seasonality of malaria 62

Setia (Sezze) 4, 55–7, 186, 188–9,

sewers 77

247–50, 253–4

tall buildings 96–7

Settefinestre 145, 253

timber requirements 108

Sezze, see Setia

Trevi water and mosquitoes 46

Sicily 36–9, 44, 52, 73, 92, 105, 143,

typhomalarial fever 128

200, 252

winds 74

sickle-cell anaemia 30, 39, 90

see also entries for individual hills and

Sidonius Apollinaris 64, 79


Siena 33, 280

Romulus 50, 201

Sila Forest 109

Roselle 40, 108, 111

Silius Italicus 87, 189

Ross, Ronald 49–50

Sipontum 265

Rovigo 83

Sirius, the Dog-Star 21, 62

Rufus of Ephesus 97

Sixtus V, pope 75, 204

Rutilius Claudius Namatianus 197–8,

slavery 39, 61, 90, 145, 148, 157, 187,


196, 205, 231, 245, 247–58, 271

smallpox 10, 124, 276, 284

Sabato, river 262

Smyrna 140

Sabaudia 5

Soranus 141

Salerno 35, 158

Sorgoni, Angelo 66

salinity 78, 86–7, 89, 239

Spain 44, 85, 196, 242, 266, 276

salmonella 127

Sparta 179

Salpi 115, 214, 264–7

Spartacus 252

Salso Lago, 264

Spina 85

Sambon, Louis 69, 74, 91, 96, 280

splenomegaly 16–17, 119

Samos 52

Spoleto 64, 190, 278

San Giovanni Hospital, Rome 16

sporogony 29, 62, 102, 151

Sangallo, Pietro Paolo da 46

sporozoites 33–4, 329

Santo Spirito Hospital, Rome 16, 148,

Stabiae 278

202, 215

Stia 162



Strabo 41, 69–71, 79, 81, 85, 92, 95,

Torti, Francesco 128, 220

107–9, 179, 182, 188–9, 248–9,

Tournon, M. le Comte De 4, 180,


182, 209, 280

Strozzi, Alessandra Macinghi 153

trachoma 50, 141

Suessa Pometia 177

Trajan, emperor 71, 110, 182

Suetonius 3

transhumance 63, 238–40

Sulla 188

Trastevere 128, 213, 216

sweating sickness 208–9

Treia, river 113

Sybaris 13, 282

Treppio 3, 60, 118, 122, 161, 269, 271

Sydenham, Thomas 15, 19, 133, 152–3

Trevi, Fontana di 46

Sylvester I, pope 231–4

Trinitapoli 267

syphilis 11, 105, 122–4

trypanosomiasis 27

Syracuse 36–8

tuberculosis 2, 10, 50, 57, 117, 121,

Syria 22, 32, 254

135–9, 166, 284

Tungri 157

Tacitus 32, 71, 93, 96, 109–10, 225–6

Tuscania 103

Taranto 94

Tuscany 21, 33, 36, 39, 57, 60, 64, 69,

Tarquinia 33, 63, 192

70, 76, 89, 98, 103, 108–9, 113,

Tarquinius Priscus 77

136, 144, 150, 167, 180, 188–9,

Tarquinius Superbus 178

192–200, 234, 236, 246–8, 252–3,

Tavoliere 105, 255, 267

255, 257, 260, 262, 276, 278, 284

Terence 192

Tusculum 189, 245, 259

Terracina 108, 173, 177–8, 183–4, 189,

typhoid fever 9–10, 11, 121, 127–8, 133


typhomalarial fever 128, 216

tertian fever 9, 11, 14–16, 18–19, 37,

typhus 10, 117–18, 133

52–4, 62, 75, 121, 124, 130, 133,

149, 152–3, 156–7, 220–3

Ufente, river, 182, 190

see also Plasmodium vivax

Umbria 64–8, 102, 105, 109, 145, 150,

Testaccio, Monte 206, 208, 213

197, 205, 230, 269, 278

thalassaemia 22, 32–3, 39, 82–3, 105,

Urban VIII, pope 202

127, 143–5

Theoderic 81, 190

Valchetta, river 113

Theophrastus 48, 62, 73, 105–6, 172,

Val di Chiana 43, 98–100, 183, 260


Valencia 154

Thucydides 36, 249

Valerius Maximus 50

Tiber, river 57, 67–8, 72, 74, 85–7,

Vallerano 140, 148

108–10, 122–3, 190, 192, 196–7,

Vanuatu 155–6

202, 204, 206, 209, 211, 214,

Varro, M. Terentius 55, 57, 60–1, 76,

216–17, 226, 228–30, 235, 257,

95, 97–8, 160, 255–6, 267, 278

259, 281

Vatican 51, 202, 206, 216, 226

Tibullus, Albius 21, 57, 113

Vegetius 279

Tifernum Tiberinum 105, 109, 197,

Veii (Isola Sacra) 40, 77–8, 103, 112,

205, 228, 269–71, 277–8, 282

201, 246

Tiro 219

Velabrum 214

Tivoli 87, 130

Velinus, Lake 76

Tommasi-Crudeli, Corradi 70, 97,

Velletri 77, 177–8

235–6, 280, 282

Venegas, Alonso Messias 202

Torelli, Luigi 236–7

Vespasian, emperor 3



Vesuvius, Mt. 2, 57

Wagner-Jauregg, Julius 12

Vetulonia 40, 111

Walpole, Horace 9

Viareggio 43, 100

water-buffaloes 174, 240

Vibius Sequester 173

William of Malmesbury 227, 267

Villa Borghese 208, 213

winds 57,62, 73–4, 92, 98, 122–3, 138,

villas 55, 57, 63, 67, 69, 77, 87, 95, 111,

216, 228, 262–3, 270

145, 197, 205, 208, 212–13, 228–9,

wine 134, 147, 149, 241,

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