An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith [e book reader pdf TXT] 📗
- Author: Adam Smith
- Performer: 0226763749
Book online «An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith [e book reader pdf TXT] 📗». Author Adam Smith
the greatest possible, its doctrine seems to be in every respect
as just as it is generous and liberal. Its followers are very
numerous ; and as men are fond of paradoxes, and of appearing to
understand what surpasses the comprehensions of ordinary people,
the paradox which it maintains, concerning the unproductive
nature of manufacturing labour, has not, perhaps, contributed a
little to increase the number of its admirers. They have for some
years past made a pretty considerable sect, distinguished in the
French republic of letters by the name of the Economists. Their
works have certainly been of some service to their country; not
only by bringing into general discussion, many subjects which had
never been well examined before, but by influencing, in some
measure, the public administration in favour of agriculture. It
has been in consequence of their representations, accordingly,
that the agriculture of France has been delivered from several of
the oppressions which it before laboured under. The term, during
which such a lease can be granted, as will be valid against every
future purchaser or proprietor of the land, has been prolonged
from nine to twentyseven years. The ancient provincial
restraints upon the transportation of corn from one province of
the kingdom to another, have been entirely taken away; and the
liberty of exporting it to all foreign countries, has been
established as the common law of the kingdom in all ordinary
cases. This sect, in their works, which are very numerous, and
which treat not only of what is properly called Political
Economy, or of the nature and causes or the wealth of nations,
but of every other branch of the system of civil government, all
follow implicitly, and without any sensible variation, the
doctrine of Mr. Qttesnai. There is, upon this account, little
variety in the greater part of their works. The most distinct and
best connected account of this doctrine is to be found in a
little book written by Mr. Mercier de la Riviere, some time
intendant of Martinico, entitled, The natural and essential Order
of Political Societies. The admiration of this whole sect for
their master, who was himself a man of the greatest modesty and
simplicity, is not inferior to that of any of the ancient
philosophers for the founders of their respective systems. ‘There
have been since the world began,’ says a very diligent and
respectable author, the Marquis de Mirabeau, ‘three great
inventions which have principally given stability to political
societies, independent of many other inventions which have
enriched and adorned them. The first is the invention of writing,
which alone gives human nature the power of transmitting, without
alteration, its laws, its contracts, its annals, and its
discoveries. The second is the invention of money, which binds
together all the relations between civilized societies. The third
is the economical table, the result of the other two, which
completes them both by perfecting their object ; the great
discovery of our age, but of which our posterity will reap the
As the political economy of the nations of modern Europe has been
more favourable to manufactures and foreign trade, the industry
of the towns, than to agriculture, the industry of the country;
so that of other nations has followed a different plan, and has
been more favourable to agriculture than to manufactures and
foreign trade.
The policy of China favours agriculture more than all other
employments. In China, the condition of a labourer is said to be
as much superior to that of an artificer, as in most parts of
Europe that of an artificer is to that of a labourer. In China,
the great ambition of every man is to get possession of a little
bit of land, either in property or in lease ; and leases are
there said to be granted upon very moderate terms, and to be
sufficiently secured to the lessees. The Chinese have little
respect for foreign trade. Your beggarly commerce ! was the
language in which the mandarins of Pekin used to talk to Mr. De
Lange, the Russian envoy, concerning it {See the Journal of Mr.
De Lange, in Bell’s Travels, vol. ii. p. 258, 276, 293.}. Except
with Japan, the Chinese carry on, themselves, and in their own
bottoms, little or no foreign trade ; and it is only into one or
two ports of their kingdom that they even admit the ships of
foreign nations. Foreign trade, therefore, is, in China, every
way confined within a much narrower circle than that to which it
would naturally extend itself, if more freedom was allowed to it,
either in their own ships, or in those of foreign nations.
Manufactures, as in a small bulk they frequently contain a great
value, and can upon that account be transported at less expense
from one country to another than most parts of rude produce, are,
in almost all countries, the principal support of foreign trade.
In countries, besides, less extensive, and less favourably
circumstanced for inferior commerce than China, they generally
require the support of foreign trade. Without an extensive
foreign market, they could not well flourish, either in countries
so moderately extensive as to afford but a narrow home market, or
in countries where the communication between one province and
another was so difficult, as to render it impossible for the
goods of any particular place to enjoy the whole of that home
market which the country could afford. The perfection of
manufacturing industry, it must be remembered, depends altogether
upon the division of labour ; and the degree to which the
division of labour can be introduced into any manufacture, is
necessarily regulated, it has already been shewn, by the extent
of the market. But the great extent of the empire of China, the
vast multitude of its inhabitants, the variety of climate, and
consequently of productions in its different provinces, and the
easy communication by means of water-carriage between the greater
part of them, render the home market of that country of so great
extent, as to be alone sufficient to support very great
manufactures, and to admit of very considerable subdivisions of
labour. The home market of China is, perhaps, in extent, not much
inferior to the market of all the different countries of Europe
put together. A more extensive foreign trade, however, which to
this great home market added the foreign market of all the rest
of the world, especially if any considerable part of this trade
was carried on in Chinese ships, could scarce fail to increase
very much the manufactures of China, and to improve very much the
productive powers of its manufacturing industry. By a more
extensive navigation, the Chinese would naturally learn the art
of using and constructing, themselves, all the different machines
made use of in other countries, as well as the other improvements
of art and industry which are practised in all the different
parts of the world. Upon their present plan, they have little
opportunity of improving themselves by the example of any other
nation, except that of the Japanese.
The policy of ancient Egypt, too, and that of the Gentoo
government of Indostan, seem to have favoured agriculture more
than all other employments.
Both in ancient Egypt and Indostan, the whole body of the people
was divided into different casts or tribes each of which was
confined, from father to son, to a particular employment, or
class of employments. The son of a priest was necessarily a
priest; the son of a soldier, a soldier; the son of a labourer, a
labourer ; the son of a weaver, a weaver ; the son of a tailor, a
tailor, etc. In both countries, the cast of the priests holds the
highest rank, and that of the soldiers the next; and in both
countries the cast of the farmers and labourers was superior to
the casts of merchants and manufacturers.
The government of both countries was particularly attentive to
the interest of agriculture. The works constructed by the ancient
sovereigns of Egypt, for the proper distribution of the waters of
the Nile, were famous in antiquity, and the ruined remains of
some of them are still the admiration of travellers. Those of the
same kind which were constructed by the ancient sovereigns of
Indostan, for the proper distribution of the waters of the
Ganges, as well as of many other rivers, though they have been
less celebrated, seem to have been equally great. Both countries,
accordingly, though subject occasionally to dearths, have been
famous for their great fertility. Though both were extremely
populous, yet, in years of moderate plenty, they were both able
to export great quantities of grain to their neighbours.
The ancient Egyptians had a superstitious aversion to the sea;
and as the Gentoo religion does not permit its followers to light
a fire, nor consequently to dress any victuals, upon the water,
it, in effect, prohibits them from all distant sea voyages.
Both the Egyptians and Indians must have depended almost
altogether upon the navigation of other nations for the
exportation of their surplus produce; and this dependency, as it
must have confined the market, so it must have discouraged the
increase of this surplus produce. It must have discouraged, too,
the increase of the manufactured produce, more than that of the
rude produce. Manufactures require a much more extensive market
than the most important parts of the rude produce of the land. A
single shoemaker will make more than 300 pairs of shoes in the
year; and his own family will not, perhaps, wear out six pairs.
Unless, therefore, he has the custom of, at least, 50 such
families as his own, he cannot dispose of the whole product of
his own labour. The most numerous class of artificers will
seldom, in a large country, make more than one in 50, or one in a
100, of the whole number of families contained in it. But in such
large countries, as France and England, the number of people
employed in agriculture has, by some authors been computed at a
half, by others at a third and by no author that I know of, at
less that a fifth of the whole inhabitants of the country. But as
the produce of the agriculture of both France and England is, the
far greater part of it, consumed at home, each person employed in
it must, according to these computations, require little more
than the custom of one, two, or, at most, of four such families
as his own, in order to dispose of the whole produce of his own
labour. Agriculture, therefore, can support itself under the
discouragement of a confined market much better than
manufactures. In both ancient Egypt and Indostan, indeed, the
confinement of the foreign market was in some measure compensated
by the conveniency of many inland navigations, which opened, in
the most advantageous manner, the whole extent of the home market
to every part of the produce of every different district of those
countries. The great extent of Indostan, too, rendered the home
market of that country very great, and sufficient to support a
great variety of manufactures. But the small extent of ancient
Egypt, which was never equal to England, must at all times, have
rendered the home market of that country too narrow for
supporting any great variety of manufactures. Bengal accordingly,
the province of Indostan which commonly exports the greatest
quantity of rice, has always been more remarkable for the
exportation of a great variety of manufactures, than for that of
its grain. Ancient Egypt, on the contrary, though it exported
some manufactures, fine linen in particular, as well as some
other goods, was always most distinguished for its great
exportation of grain. It was long the granary of the Roman
The sovereigns of China, of ancient Egypt, and of the different
kindoms into which Indostan has,
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