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Book online «His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1), SAKINA HUSSAIN [ebook reader with built in dictionary .txt] 📗». Author SAKINA HUSSAIN

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would explain the erratic behaviour and random outbursts. . .

She let out a loud breath in annoyance and stomps over to my wardrobe, pulling open the doors before rooting through it. She's mumbling as she flings jumpers to the floor.

"You're not really helping your case right now. I genuinely think you're having some sort of breakdown." I tell her, watching her in complete awe as she ruins my room. She ignores me and continues rifling through the clothes until she finds what she's looking for, the pregnancy test.

"AHA!" She screams her body finally retreating from inside the wardrobe. She has the digital pregnancy kit in her hands and holds it high in the air, waving it. She turns towards me, throwing the box and my hands instantly reached out to catch it.

"I am not pregnant." I tell her seriously.

"Prove it then."

"You are insane." I chuckle, throwing the kit back at her. "This isn't funny," I add watching as she paces my room back and forth, her hands flying up and down.

"Think about it Emily! You're having sex with Jake, you haven't had a period for months and you were feeling sick the other day at my party!" She stops pacing and turns towards me giving me a hard look. Her eyes are massive right now with concentration as the gears in her head begin ticking away.

"Plus I can feel it," she adds, her eyes drifted back down to my stomach. I let out a scoff at her, rolling my eyes for the millionth time.

"So because I had sex with Jake and I was coincidently sick the other night and I haven't had a period in a while means I'm pregnant?" I ask, repeating her words to her and she nods wildly gesturing towards the pregnancy kit.

"Ivory that's insane! It's just a coincidence! Jake and I are always careful." I explain, throwing my hands up in the air before sitting down on my bed. Ivory walks up to the pregnancy kit and picks it up off the floor before handing it over to me.

"Prove it and I'll shut up about it," she says, her eyes searching mine seriously. I sigh and stand off the bed grabbing the kit and heading for the bathroom with Ivory running close behind me.

"Stay out here," I warn her and she nods letting me close the bathroom door.

"Pregnant? Whatever, she's crazy." I mutter, opening the kit and pulling my jeans down. I squat and pee on the stick effortlessly before putting it to the side and completing my business. Seconds later, I stand up buttoning my jeans and sigh heavily again, unable to believe I'm actually doing this.

I turn to flush before glancing back down at the stick. It still hasn't changed so I drop the toilet lid and sit on it, leaning on my arms and huffing as I wait.

I think about Christmas morning and the gift I've gotten Jake. I smile warmly to myself as I know he'll love it. It's two tickets to the boxing match downtown. He told me weeks ago that he adored boxing and one of his favourite boxers was playing a match after Christmas so I bought him tickets along with a gold chain with little boxing glove pendants on it. It wasn't anything big but I hoped he'd like it, I spent ages wrapping it up in little blue tissue paper completed with a blue ribbon. Blue is his favourite colour.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my daydream and I turn my head towards it, realising Ivory is still waiting outside —

"What does it say?" She hisses loudly through the door and I sigh, standing up to my feet before glancing down at the little stick so I could end this stupid idea of hers once and for all.

"It says not — "


Say what now?

My blood runs cold as I stare at the words before it begins to blur in my vision. I shake the stick repeatedly, staring at the little screen. It doesn't change. I blink, rubbing my eyes furiously before glancing back at it.


I gasp, my heart thumping wildly against my chest until it feels like it's about to break through. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly and pinch my skin on my arms, forcing myself to wake up.

This is just a bad dream, nothing more. I open my eyes slowly, looking down at the test for the third time.



Chapter Seventy Two - Merry Christmas, you filthy animals

There's no way it's true. . . It can't be true.

I grab the little white stick before rushing for the bathroom door, flinging it open. Ivory is stood on the other side, her eyes wide as she takes in my terrified expression. She doesn't have to ask me the question because my face already gives her the answer.

"Oh—my—god, you are pregnant!" She gasps, slapping her hands against her mouth in shock. I run straight past her, unable to comprehend her words right now. I push open the door to my room, feeling my legs buckle under my weight.

My breathing begins to become restricted as a heavy weight lands on my chest. I scan the room quickly, finding the pregnancy box lying on the floor. I lunge for it and turn back around, heading for the bathroom.

"Emily, wait!" Ivory yells after me but I ignore her, the ringing in my ears deafening the sounds around me. I lock myself in the bathroom once again, my chest expanding as I struggle to breathe regularly.

"No. . . This is a mistake. It's just a mistake Emily, don't freak out." I tell myself quietly. I breathe in sharply, squaring my shoulders up bravely. I can do this. I open the box and find one unused pregnancy test lying inside. My fingers fumble for it and I get ready to take the test

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