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id="Fn_846-1"/>[846:1] Φθείρουσιν ἤθη χρήσθ' ὁμιλίαι κακαί.—Menander (341 b. c.). (Dübner's edition of his "Fragments," appended to Aristophanes in Didot's Bibliotheca Græca, p. 102, line 101.)

[849:1] Usually quoted, "The tongue is an unruly member."



  We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done.

Morning Prayer.

  The noble army of martyrs.

Morning Prayer.

  Afflicted, or distressed, in mind, body, or estate.

Prayer for all Conditions of Men.

  Have mercy upon us miserable sinners.

The Litany.

  From envy, hatred, and malice, and all uncharitableness.

The Litany.

  The world, the flesh, and the devil.

The Litany.

  The kindly fruits of the earth.

The Litany.

  Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest.

Collect for the Second Sunday in Advent.

  Renounce the Devil and all his works.

Baptism of Infants.

  Grant that the old Adam in these persons may be so buried, that the new man may be raised up in them.

Baptism of those of Riper Years.

  The pomps and vanity of this wicked world.


  To keep my hands from picking and stealing.


  To do my duty in that state of life unto which it shall please God to call me.


  An outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.


  Let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.

Solemnization of Matrimony.

  To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.

Solemnization of Matrimony.


  To love, cherish, and to obey.

Solemnization of Matrimony.

  With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.[851:1]

Solemnization of Matrimony.

  In the midst of life we are in death.[851:2]

The Burial Service.

  Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection.

The Burial Service.

  Whose service is perfect freedom.

Collect for Peace.

  Show thy servant the light of thy countenance.

The Psalter. Psalm xxxi. 18.

  But it was even thou, my companion, my guide, and mine own familiar friend.

The Psalter. Psalm lv. 14.

  Men to be of one mind in an house.

The Psalter. Psalm lxviii. 6.

  The iron entered into his soul.

The Psalter. Psalm cv. 18.

  The dew of thy birth is of the womb of the morning.

The Psalter. Psalm cx. 3.


[851:1] With this ring I thee wed, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.—Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America.

[851:2] This is derived from a Latin antiphon, said to have been composed by Notker, a monk of St. Gall, in 911, while watching some workmen building a bridge at Martinsbrücke, in peril of their lives. It forms the ground-work of Luther's antiphon "De Morte."


Untimely grave.

Psalm vii.

And though he promise to his loss,

He makes his promise good.

Psalm xv. 5.

The sweet remembrance of the just

Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust.

Psalm cxii. 6.


[851:3] Nahum Tate, 1652-1715; Nicholas Brady, 1659-1726.



All the brothers were valiant, and all the sisters virtuous.

  From the inscription on the tomb of the Duchess of Newcastle in Westminster Abbey.

Am I not a man and a brother?

  From a medallion by Wedgwood (1787), representing a negro in chains, with one knee on the ground, and both hands lifted up to heaven. This was adopted as a characteristic seal by the Antislavery Society of London.

Anything for a quiet life.

  Title of a play by Middleton.

Art and part.

  A Scotch law-phrase,—an accessory before and after the fact. A man is said to be art and part of a crime when he contrives the manner of the deed, and concurs with and encourages those who commit the crime, although he does not put his own hand to the actual execution of it.—Scott: Tales of a Grandfather, chap. xxii. (Execution of Morton.)

Art preservative of all arts.

  From the inscription upon the façade of the house at Harlem formerly occupied by Laurent Koster (or Coster), who is charged, among others, with the invention of printing. Mention is first made of this inscription about 1628:—

Memoriæ Sacrum


Ars artium omnium


Hic primum inventa

Circa Annum mccccxl.

As gingerly.

  Chapman: May Day. Shakespeare: Two Gentlemen of Verona.

Be sure you are right, then go ahead.

  The motto of David Crockett in the war of 1812.

[853] Before you could say Jack Robinson.

  This current phrase is said to be derived from a humorous song by Hudson, a tobacconist in Shoe Lane, London. He was a professional song-writer and vocalist, who used to be engaged to sing at supper-rooms and theatrical houses.

A warke it ys as easie to be done

As tys to saye Jacke! robys on.

Halliwell: Archæological Dictionary. (Cited from an old Play.)

Begging the question.

  This is a common logical fallacy, petitio principii; and the first explanation of the phrase is to be found in Aristotle's "Topica," viii. 13, where the five ways of begging the question are set forth. The earliest English work in which the expression is found is "The Arte of Logike plainlie set forth in our English Tongue, &c." (1584.)

Better to wear out than to rust out.

  When a friend told Bishop Cumberland (1632-1718) he would wear himself out by his incessant application, "It is better," replied the Bishop, "to wear out than to rust out."—Horne: Sermon on the Duty of Contending for the Truth.

  Boswell: Tour to the Hebrides, p. 18, note.

Beware of a man of one book.

  When St. Thomas Aquinas was asked in what manner a man might best become learned, he answered, "By reading one book." The homo unius libri is indeed proverbially formidable to all conversational figurantes.—Southey: The Doctor, p. 164.

Bitter end.

  This phrase is nearly without meaning as it is used. The true phrase, "better end," is used properly to designate a crisis, or the moment of an extremity. When in a gale a vessel has paid out all her cable, her cable has run out to the "better end,"—the end which is secured within the vessel and little used. Robinson Crusoe in describing the terrible storm in Yarmouth Roads says, "We rode with two anchors ahead, and the cables veered out to the better end."

Cockles of the heart.

  Latham says the most probable explanation of this phrase lies (1) in the likeness of a heart to a cockleshell,—the base of the former being compared to the hinge of the latter; (2) in the zoölogical name for the cockle and its congeners being Cardium, from καρδια (heart).

[854] Castles in the air.

  This is a proverbial phrase found throughout English literature, the first instance noted being in Sir Philip Sidney's "Defence of Poesy."

Consistency, thou art a jewel.

  This is one of those popular sayings—like "Be good, and you will be happy," or "Virtue is its own reward"—that, like Topsy, "never was born, only jist growed." From the earliest times it has been the popular tendency to call this or that cardinal virtue, or bright and shining excellence, a jewel, by way of emphasis. For example, Iago says,—

"Good name, in man or woman, dear my lord,

Is the immediate jewel of their souls."

  Shakespeare elsewhere calls experience a "jewel." Miranda says her modesty is the "jewel" in her dower; and in "All 's Well that ends Well," Diana terms her chastity the "jewel" of her house.—R. A. Wight.

  O discretion, thou art a jewel!—The Skylark, a Collection of well-chosen English Songs. (London, 1772.)

  The origin of this expression is unknown. Some wag of the day allayed public curiosity in regard to its source with the information that it is from the ballad of Robin Roughhead in Murtagh's "Collection of Ballads (1754)." It is needless to say that Murtagh is a verbal phantom, and the ballad of Robin Roughhead first appeared in an American newspaper in 1867.

Cotton is King; or, Slavery in the Light of Political Economy.

  This is the title of a book by David Christy (1855).

  The expression "Cotton is king" was used by James Henry Hammond in the United States Senate, March, 1858.

Dead as Chelsea.

  To get Chelsea: to obtain the benefit of that hospital. "Dead as Chelsea, by God!" an exclamation uttered by a grenadier at Fontenoy, on having his leg carried away by a cannon-ball.—Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 1758 (quoted by Brady, "Varieties of Literature," 1826).

Die in the last ditch.

  To William of Orange may be ascribed this saying. When Buckingham urged the inevitable destruction which hung over the United Provinces, and asked him whether he did not see that the commonwealth was ruined, "There is one certain means," replied the Prince, "by which I can be sure never to see my country's ruin,—I will die in the last ditch."—Hume: History of England. (1622.)

[855] Drive a coach and six through an Act of Parliament.

  Macaulay ("History of England," chap. xii.) gives a saying "often in the mouth of Stephen Rice [afterward Chief Baron of the Exchequer], 'I will drive a coach and six through the Act of Settlement.'"

During good behaviour.

  That after the said limitation shall take effect, . . . judge's commissions be made quando se bene gesserit.—Statutes 12 and 13 William III. c. 2, sect. 3.

Eclipse first, the rest nowhere.

  Declared by Captain O'Kelley at Epsom, May 3, 1769.—Annals of Sporting, vol. ii. p. 271.

Emerald Isle.

  Dr. William Drennan (1754-1820) says this expression was first used in a party song called "Erin, to her own Tune," written in 1795. The song appears to have been anonymous.

Era of good feeling.

  The title of an article in the "Boston Centinel," July 12, 1817.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

  It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.—John Philpot Curran: Speech upon the Right of Election, 1790. (Speeches. Dublin, 1808.)

  There is one safeguard known generally to the wise, which is an advantage and security to all, but especially to democracies as against despots. What is it? Distrust.—Demosthenes: Philippic 2, sect. 24.

Fiat justitia ruat cœlum.

  William Watson: Decacordon of Ten Quodlibeticall Questions (1602). Prynne: Fresh Discovery of Prodigious New Wandering-Blazing Stars (second edition, London, 1646). Ward: Simple Cobbler of Aggawam in America (1647).

  Fiat Justitia et ruat Mundus.—Egerton Papers (1552, p. 25). Camden Society (1840). Aikin: Court and Times of James I., vol. ii. p. 500 (1625).

  January 31, 1642, the Duke of Richmond in a speech before the House of Lords used these words: Regnet Justitia et ruat Cœlum. (Old Parliamentary History, vol. x. p. 28.)

[856] Free soil, free men, free speech, Frémont.

  The Republican Party rallying cry in 1856.

Gentle craft.

  According to Brady ("Clavis Calendaria"), this designation arose from the fact that in an old romance a prince of the name of Crispin is made to exercise, in honour of his namesake, Saint Crispin, the

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