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the comforter up just past her waist, turning on her side, and curling into a ball. But to herunfortunate dismay, only minutes later Curtis waltzed into the room and slammed the door, ranting and raving.

Charlotte frowned. “What in the world are you doing here?”

“I figured you’d be home this afternoon, and I wanna talk to you.”

“Well, I don’t wanna talk to you. I’m tired, I’m sleepy, and I wanna be left alone.”

“No, we’re going to deal with this before things stretch too far out of hand.”

Charlotte looked at him and then closed her eyes. “Curtis, why don’t you get out of here?”

“Where were you? And why were you out drinking?”

Her eyes were still shut but she said, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”


“Because I don’t, and because it’s not important.”

“It is important.”

“No. It’s not.”

“Look, Charlotte, I’m really trying here, but I’m also starting to lose my patience.”

Now she opened her eyes and sat straight up. “Oh yeah? Well, I’ve got news for you, Curtis. I started losing my patience themoment you started bringing that daughter of yours here to our house. Then I lost it completely the day Tabitha died and leftCurtina behind for someone else to take care of.”

“No, not someone. Us. She left Curtina with her father and stepmother.”

“No, she left her for you because I’ve already made it clear that I’m not playing mommy on Tabitha’s behalf.”

“You hate Curtina that much?”

Charlotte glared at him.

“So you’re not going to answer me?”

“Like I said, Curtis, I’m really tired, so will you please just leave me alone?”

“No, not until you answer my question.”

“Okay, fine. Yes, I hate her. I hate every inch of her, and I wish like hell that something bad would happen to her. Is thatanswer enough for you?”

Curtis stared back at her with no emotion. He seemed almost shell-shocked and like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.She waited for him to lash back at her, but to her surprise, all he did was leave.

Good, Charlotte thought. Then she repositioned herself in the bed, laid her head back onto the pillow, and closed her eyes. Shewas so glad Curtis was no longer both­ering her and glad she could finally get some rest. She lay there in total comfort,like she had not a care in the world.

Chapter 10

I  love you so, so much, Curtina,” Curtis said, holding his daughter in his arms and squeezing her tightly.

“I love Daddy.”

Curtis didn’t want to put her down, but he knew he had to if he didn’t want to be late for the church business meeting.

“You’d better get going,” Aunt Emma said.

“I know. And thanks a million for having me over for dinner and for taking care of my little princess. I have no idea whatI would do without you.”

“It’s no problem at all, and I’ve already told you I’m glad to do it. You just worry about Charlotte and that marriage ofyours. My niece is as wrong as the day is long, but I know she loves you.”

“Well, she sure has a strange way of showing it.”

“She’s spoiled, stubborn, and full of herself, but you knew that when you married her,” Aunt Emma said, laughing.

Curtis chuckled, but even Aunt Emma’s humor wasn’t enough to brighten his spirits or offer him any hope about his personalfuture. Things were bad. Worse than he’d thought, and now he wished he hadn’t gone home this afternoon. If he hadn’t, he wouldn’thave had to hear her say how much she hated Curtina, and worse, how she wanted something bad to happen to her. Curtis knewCharlotte was upset, but he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to look at her the same. Not after hearing her wish tragedy on aninnocent child. Specifically a child whose father was the man she was married to. He couldn’t imag­ine anyone being so evil,regardless of what the situation might be, and he couldn’t push Charlotte’s words out of his mind. He’d played them over andover on his way back to the church. Then again, while he was trying to work on next Sunday’s sermon, and again while he washaving dinner with Aunt Emma and Curtina. He couldn’t stop thinking about any of what was happening, and his faith in bothCharlotte and their marriage had weakened. He was tired, hurt, and, God help him, thinking of various ways to make himselffeel better. The kind of ways that wouldn’t be very Christian-like.

A couple of hours passed, and while Curtis felt worse than he had earlier, the business meeting was now being called to order.Everyone was there. A large portion of the general congregation, the elders, the associate pastors, all other church officers,the administrative staff, the finance committee, Raven, and of course, all the building committee members.

“Thank you all for coming out this evening,” Curtis said. “This is an exciting time for Deliverance Outreach, and I can’ttell you how excited I am about the progress we’ve made as a church and also with the planning of our future. I’m sad to say,though, I’m not feeling the best this evening, so I’m going to turn everything over to Elder Jamison and Anise Miller.” Anisewas Charlotte’s first cousin and one of the original coordinators when the new church project was first being planned. “ElderJamison?” Curtis continued, offering him the floor.

Elder Jamison went through the agenda point by point, Anise made a few important announcements, and the entire building committeetook questions from the congregation. Curtis sat listening, but also spent most of the hour zoning in and out and thinkingabout his home life. He thought about how far he and Charlotte had come, how well they’d finally been doing, and then he thoughtabout where they were now.

“Well, if there are no more questions,” Elder Jamison said, after another hour had passed, “then I think we can adjourn.”

Soon after, everyone slid out of the pews, shook hands with each other, and headed out of the sanctuary.

“Pastor, are you feeling any better?” Anise asked him. She normally called him Curtis, but whenever they were at church andaround other members,

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