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de Fcndalion du Monaster! de Mouzon, tr. and ed.

Michel Bur (Paris, 1989) Chmnicon Novaliciense, in MGH SS 7 (Hanover, 1846) Collectanea Byumtina II, ed. S. G. Mercati (Ban, 1970)

Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos: De Administrando Imperio, tr. R. J. H. Jenkins

(Dumbarton Oaks, 1967) Corpus Scriptorum Muzarabicorum, ed. J. Gil, 2 vols. (Madrid, 1973) Desiderius of Monte Cassino: Dialogi de Miraculis Sancti Benedicti, in MGH SS 30/2 (Leipzig, 1934)

Documents pour I’Histoire de I’Uglise de Saint-Hilairt de Poitiers (768-1300), ed. L. Redet (Poitiers, 1847)

Donation of Omstantwe, ed. Ernest F. Henderson, in Select Historical Documents of the Middle

Ages (London, 1910), pp. 319-29 Dudo of Saint-Quentin: History of the Normans, tr. Eric Christiansen (Woodbridge,

Egil’s Saga, tr. C. Fell and J. Lucas (London, 1975)

Einhard: The Life of Charlemagne, in Tuv Lives of Charlemagne, tr. Lewis Thorpe (London, 1969)

Encomium Emmae Regime, tr. Alistair Campbell (Cambridge, 1998)

Erchempert: Historia Langabardorum Berevefrtanwnjm (

erchempert.html) Eucherius of Lyon: The Passion of the Martyrs (Van Berchem, pp. 55-9) Eusebius: Eusebius’ Life ofConslantine, tr. Averil Cameron and Stuart G. Hall (Oxford,

Eusebius: In Praise of the Emperor Qmstantine (

Courses/texts/eusebius/euseprai.html) Ex Miraculis Sancti Alexii, in MGH SS 4 (Hanover, 1841) Flodoard: Armies, ed. Philippe Lauer (Paris. 1905)

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G. Lugli (Rome, 1960) Fulbert of Chartres: The Utters & Poems of Fulbert ofChartres, ed. F. Behrends (Oxford, 1976)

Fulcher ofChartres: The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Sources,

ed. Edward Peters (Philadelphia, 1998) Gallus Anonymus: The Deeds of the Princes of the Poles, tr. Paul W. Knoll and Frank

Shaer (Budapest, 2003) Geoffrey of Malaterra: De Rebus Gestis Rogerii Calabriae el Siciliae Comitis el Roberti

Guiscardi Fratris Eius, ed. E. Pontieri (Bologna, 1927) Gerbert of Aurillac: Acta Concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum, in MGH SS 3 (Hanover, 1838)

Gerbert of Aurillac: The Letters of Gerbert with his Papal Privileges as Sylvester II, tr. Harriet

Pratt Lattin (New York. 1961) Gesta Consilium Andegavorvm: Qmmiques des Comles d’Aitjou et des Seigneurs d’Amboise, ed. L

Halphen and R. Poupardin (Paris, 1913) Gilo: Vita Sancli Hugonis Abbatis, ed. H. E. J. Cowdrey, in Studi Gregoriani 11,1978 Glaber, Rodulfus: Optra, ed. John. France, Neithard Bulst and Paul Reynolds

(Oxford. 1989) Gregory I: Homiliantm in Evengelia, in PL 76 Gregory I: Moralium Libri, in PL 75 Gregory I: Regulae Pastoralis Liber, in PL T)

Gregory VII: The ‘Epistolae Vaginites’ of Pope Gregory VII, tr. H. E J. Cowdrey (Oxford, 1972) Gregory VII: The Register of Pope Gregory VII1073-1085, tr. H. E. J. Cowdrey (Oxford, 2002)

Guibert de Nogent: A Monk’s Confession: The Memoirs ofGuibert of NogeM, tr. Paul J.

Archambault (Philadelphia, 1995) Guibert de Nogent: The Deeds of God through the Franks: A Translation of Guibert de Nog/utt’s

Gesta Dei per Francos, tr. R. Levine (Woodbridge, 1996) Hariulf: Gesta Ecclesiae Centulensis, in Ckrotiique de I’Abbaye de Saint-Riquier, ed. F. Lot (Paris, 1894)

Heltand: The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel, tr. G. Ronald Murphy (Oxford, 1992) Henry n, in MGH Diplomala Regum et Impemtorum Gemaniae 3, ed. H. Bresslau, H. Bloch

and R. Holtzmann (Hanover, 1900-3) Henry IV: Die Briefe Heinrichs IV, in MGH Deutsdtes Mittelalter 1 (Leipzig, 1937) Henry of Huntingdon: The History of the English People 1000-1154, tr. Diana Greenway (Oxford, 1996)

Hermann of Reichenau: Chronical de Sex Aetatibus Mimdi, in MGH SS 5 (Hanover, 1844) Hildebert: Vita Sancti Hugonis, in PL 159, cols. 857-94

Hrotsvit of Gandersheim: Pelagia, in Opera Omnia, ed. Walter Berschin (Munich, 2001) Hugh of Cluny: Two Studies in Cluniac History 1049-1126, ed. H. E. J. Cowdrey (Rome, 1978)

Ibn Hazm: The Ring of the Dove: A Treatise on the Art and Practice of Arab Lore, tr. A. J.

Arberry (London, 1997) Inventio el Miracula Sancti Vulfranni, ed. Dom). Laporte (Rouen, 1938) Itinera Hiemsolymitana el Descriptions Terrae Sanctae, ed. T. Tobler and A. Molinier

(OsnabrUck, 1966) John Canaparius: Vita Sancli Adalberti, in MGH SS 4 (Hanover, 1841) John the Deacon: Chronicon Venetum, ed. G. Monticolo (Rome, 1890) John of Fecamp: Epistola ad Leonem IX, in PL 143, cols. 797-800 john of St Arnoul: La Vie de Jean. Abte de Gone, ed. Michel Parisse (Paris, 1999) John of Salerno: St Odo of Cluny: Being the Life of St Odo of Cluny by John of Salerno and the life

of St Gerald of Aurillac by St Odo, tr. G. Sitwell (London, 1958) john Skylitzes: Synopsis Hisloriarum, ed. I. Thurn (Berlin, 1973) Jordanes: The Gothic History of Jordanes, tr. Charles C. Mierow (Princeton, 1915)

Lactantius: De Mortibus Persecutorum, ed. J. L. Creed (Oxford, 1984) Lampert of Hersfeld: Annates, in MGHSRG3S (Hanover, 1894) Landulf Senior: Historia Mediolanensis, in MGH SS 8 (Hanover, 1848) Laxdaela Saga, tr. Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Falsson (London, 1969) Leo VI: Tactica, in PG 107, cols. 419—1094

Leo of Synada: The Correspondence of Leo, Metropolitan of Syrnda & Syncellus, ed. M. P.

Vinson (Washington, DC, 1985) Leo the Deacon: The History of Leo the Deacon: Byzantine Military Expansion in the Tenth

Century, tr. Alice-Mary Talbot and Dennis F. Sullivan (Washington, DC, 2005) Lex Salica, in MGH Leges Nationum Germanicarum 4/2 (Hanover, 1969) Liber Miraculorum Sancte Fidis, ed. A. Bouillet (Paris, 1897) Liber Tramitis Aexi Odilcnis Abbatis, ed. P. Dinter (Siegburg, 1980) Life of King Edaard who Rests at Westminster, tr. F. Barlow (Oxford, 1992) Life of Pope Leo IX, in The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century, tr. and ed. I. S. Robinson (Manchester, 2004)

Liudprand of Cremona: Antapodosis and History of Otto, in The Works of Liudprand of

Cremona, tr. F. A. Wright (London, 1930) Liudprand of Cremona: Relatio de Legatione Constantinopolitana (The Mission to

Constantinople), ed. Brian Scott (Bristol, 1993) Leo ofVercelli: ‘Panegyric on Otto III’, in Kaiser, Rom und Renovatio, by P. E. Schramm, pp. 62—4

Louis IV: Recueil des Actes de Louis IV, Roi de France (936-954), ed. P. Lauer (Paris. 1914) Michael Psellus: Fourteen Byzantine Rulers, tr. E. R. A. Sewter (London, 1966) Milo Crispin: Vita Beati Lanfranci Cantuariensium Archiepiscopi, in PL 150, cols. 53-4 Odo of Cluny: Collationes, in PL 133

Orderic Vitalis: The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, tr. Mar jorie Chibnall, 6 vols.

(Oxford, 1968-80) Ottar the Black: Kmtsdrapa, in EHD, pp. 335-6

Otto I: Diplomata, in MGH Diplomata Region et Imperatorum Gemtaniae 1 (Hanover,

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