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Book online «Taken, Lane L.V. [free novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lane L.V.

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might be his turn now. I pet his silky undamaged ear. “It is not bath time for you,” I say. The ‘bath’ word perks up his good ear. “But Margot will be here soon, and she will take you outside for a walk.” At the mention of ‘walk’ his oversized tail beats double time.

Servants bustle in and out, clearing up the mess we have made, and soon after, Margot arrives. Shep greets her with a happy woof, so excited his whole body wiggles, and his giant tail performs wild circles that batter at my legs and nearly sweep me from my feet.

“He is very eager today,” Margot says with a smile. She is always smiling. Margot is a happy soul. Shep’s tongue lolls out the side of his mouth as she rubs the wiry scruff at the back of his neck. “I will bring him straight back. Did you hear half the castle guard left yesterday bound for the northern borders?”

“Yes,” I say, thinking of my first Alpha’s stern warning. “Hawthorn mentioned it last night.”

“They are bringing some of the younger lads forward for patrol duties,” Margot continues, ever knowledgeable given she has recently wedded the head housekeeper, Artis. “Alphas are running drills with candidates in the courtyard this morning, and the castle is in a flutter! A few have been approved, and Hawthorn has taken them on their first official patrol. I’ll take Shep out the back way. It’s so busy that I might be a bit longer about it, miss.”

They leave together, and I watch them go with a sigh. There was a time when I was allowed to take Shep out, ride, and walk the castle grounds. Now, I’m like a prisoner gazing out the window at what I once had. I cannot see the courtyard from here, but I imagine Shep dancing circles around Margot while she scolds him and cautions him against entering the pigpen.

The window offers views into the distance where the seaport of Darkmouth nestles against the River Tyne’s estuary. My Aunt May has a townhouse there. She mostly lives on their familial estate to the south of Wittner lands. I have visited Darkmouth on a few occasions while I stayed with her. It is a noisy, bustling place, with cobbled streets where vendors of every kind ply their trade. The many ships bring exotic goods from the far corners of the Imperium and other kingdoms across the Lumen Sea.

My aunt is a stickler for perfect gowns, and although she has her own seamstress, she visits a dressmaker in Darkmouth, who, reputedly, has made dresses for the queen.

My chamber door opens as I’m lost in these musings, and a man enters. He is dressed like a servant, but there is something off about him. Also, I have not asked for anything, and nor does he bring anything.

“Yes?” I say in my best imperious tone while glaring at his interruption in a way that would send the hardiest servant bent upon urgent business scurrying.

“Yes,” he says, bobbing his head before closing the door. He is still on the inside.

I blink, for the man is both bold and strange. I do not claim to know every servant here by name. It is the nature of such a large castle and holding that some will come and some will go. But I know most of them, and I do not recognize this man. “What do you want?” I ask, wondering if he is simple. Frowning, I leave the window, intending to take a seat by the fire.

He steps forward, toward me, and I freeze, struck by the oddness of both the man and his clothing. He is dirty and a little scruffy. His trousers do not quite meet his boots, while his jacket is lumpy like it covers something else. He’s still approaching me, and I step back, my alarm mounting. “You should not be here!”

He’s not an Alpha, but I have heard tales that occasional Betas can be affected by Omega pheromones. I dart to my left, intending to run for the door, but he feints, blocking my escape.

Then I notice the red stripe of the Imperium uniform peeking from under his servant’s tunic, but it is dirty and torn.

My lips tremble. There is only one kind of man who would treat the Imperium uniform with such disrespect. That is the kind of man who works for the Blighten.

My nostrils flare as I draw my breath deep, my chest fluttering and palms turning damp. I am a young woman and an Omega. I’m no match for a Beta woman, and certainly not for a Beta man. My eyes dart toward the door, assessing my chances. I cannot believe he hopes to take me from the castle? He would have no chance.

I swallow as we eye one another. Perhaps he does not want to take me. Perhaps he wants to kill me. He takes slow steps, his focus absolute, ready to counter any move I make toward the door.

So I don’t go to the door. Instead, I run for the fireplace where the poker rests on the hearth. I sense his confusion, but too late. The poker is in my hand, and I beat him without mercy. His arm comes up, and I land another swift blow before throwing it at him and bolting for the door.

I hear his curse as I wrench the door open. But I’m off and running down the corridor so fast, my feet feel like they fly.

Terror of what happened grips me by the throat. I expect to see someone who might help me, but as I race along the corridor, I remember that there are drills in the courtyard, and everyone will be there. I can hear the ruffian following, and it spurs me on to greater speed. My boots clatter on the stone stairs that lead to an exit by the kitchens. As I clear the stairwell, I spot Elis, an Alpha who is part of the castle guard.

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