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Rob had gone to see him that morning. A tall, muscular fellowwith short-cropped blond hair and a commanding presence, he’d listened as thetwo had met in his study in his home near the church, and Rob explained therumors of smugglers and the blue light at sea.

“We had some trouble with smugglers earlier this summer,”Howland admitted, leaning back in his chair behind a desk that was far lesscluttered than Rob’s. “That gang was routed, and I haven’t heard of anothermoving in. But I’ll let Larkin Denby, our Riding Surveyor, know about yourconcerns. He can post someone to keep an eye on your pier.”

“I’ll take care of that,” Rob told him.

Howland nodded. “Very well. Just see that you report anyfurther trouble to me.”

 Rob wasn’t used totaking orders any more than Elizabeth was, but he could see the wisdom of itthis time. Still, something about the way the magistrate watched him, as ifmeasuring him for a new suit or assessing his character, made him wonder whatelse the fellow knew about trouble in the area. The mighty Howlands had evertolerated the Peverells when the two families had happened to be in the area atthe same time. Was something more afoot this time?

Now Elizabeth drew in a deep breath beside him, as iffinding the Grand Pump Room soothing. “How lovely. And so many people for thistime of year. I wonder if we’ll find anyone we know.”

Rob tore his gaze off Hester. “Looking for Mr. Donner?”

Elizabeth widened her eyes. “Donner? Why, I suppose he mightbe here. Oh, look. There’s Mrs. Todd.”

He didn’t resist as his sister led him to the desk.

The spa hostess, the younger Mrs. Denby, smiled prettily atthem. “Miss Peverell, my lord. Welcome. We were just talking about you.”

Hester went rigid, which only raised his curiosity.

“Oh?” Elizabeth asked, glancing between them.

The color was draining from Hester’s face. How could he helpher? Perhaps by taking the attention off her.

“Wondering how to reach my tailor to copy my stunning coat?”he asked, flipping the dun-colored tails for effect.

Mrs. Denby laughed. “Your coat is quite exceptional, mylord, but no.”

“I should leave you to your duty, Jesslyn,” Hester put in,only to pick up her skirts and rush across the room as if hounds were nippingat her heels.

“I tend to have that effect on her,” Rob told the hostess asElizabeth frowned after Hester.

Mrs. Denby cocked her head, golden curls catching the light.“And why would that be, sir? You seem to have a ready address and a polisheddemeanor. And there is the matter of your stunning coat.”

Rob chuckled. “Your point, Mrs. Denby. I seem to have putmyself on Mrs. Todd’s bad side.”

She straightened. “I wasn’t aware Mrs. Todd had a bad side.Hester is known for her warm heart and sweet character.”

“I’ll speak to her,” Elizabeth offered. Without waiting forRob’s reply, she headed toward the fountain, where Hester had joined her motherand Lord Featherstone. The three smiled and spoke, as if they were old friendscome to reacquaint themselves. An older woman, Mrs. Tully, if he rememberedcorrectly, swooped away from them like a raven and swung in his direction.

“And what brings you to my spa today, my lord?” Mrs. Denbyasked. “Introductions? Interests?”

The questions were said in a honeyed voice, but he heard thestone beneath them. She expected candid answers. Something inside him wasdetermined to give them to her.

“My sister expressed a desire to join your company,” hesaid. “But I begin to think I had another reason for accompanying her.” Heleaned closer. “Could you convince Mrs. Todd to go riding with me thisafternoon?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he wanted to call themback. He was the viscount. His thoughts must be lofty, learned. His time shouldbe spent improving his properties, his family, and his nation. So why was hisgaze once more drawn to the lady laughing over something his sister had said?

He glanced back at the hostess to find her smiling at him,as if she knew better than he did why he’d made his request.

“I fear it’s too late in the day for such plans,” shecommiserated. “Besides, Mrs. Todd and her mother no longer own riding horses,only a pair to pull their coach. You would have to rent one from the liverystable or bring one of yours to town for her.”

Disappointment bit sharply. “Yes, of course. I have heard itsaid I tend to be too impetuous.”

“Impetuosity can be its own reward,” Mrs. Tully said,joining them. “So can pixie dust.”

Pixie dust? Rob grinned at her. “Right you are. I could usesome of that about now. Any idea where it could be found?”

She leaned closer, grey eyes bright. “For the right inducement,I could lead you to it.”

“Lord Peverell has no need for pixie dust, Aunt,” Mrs. Denbytold her, though she was smiling too. “Like Lark, he knows the value ofspontaneity. But I’m not sure his oldest sister has learned that lesson yet.”

Her aunt nodded, grey curls bouncing. “Far too cautious. Butshe is a teacher. She values learning.”

They were both regarding him now. What exactly were theyencouraging him to do? Half the things he used to enjoy and could teach wouldthoroughly disrupt the peaceful spa, and most would destroy any progress he’dmade with Hester.

“Who could possibly teach the teacher?” he countered.

Mrs. Denby fluttered her lashes. “Why, a gentleman who washoping she might want to learn more about him.”

Rob couldn’t help his chuckle. “Do you number matchmakingamong your skills, Mrs. Denby?”

“The mermaids claim she has some facility,” Mrs. Tullyacknowledged while her niece blushed.

“And I am very fond of both my sisters-in-law,” the spahostess added. “I’m sure you’ve heard Rosemary Denby is to marry the Earl ofHowland next week, my lord.”

“It was the talk of the assembly last night,” he agreed.

“Even the mermaids have mentioned it,” Mrs. Tully put in.

“The earl plans to marry by special license,” Mrs. Denbyexplained, “so there’s no need for the three weeks to call the banns. They willbe married here at St. Andrew’s, with the wedding breakfast to follow in theassembly hall. I imagine there will be dancing afterward.”

She waited, and he realized she had a purpose in telling himall this.

“As the

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