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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@27889@27889-h@27889-h-32.htm.html#Pg_332" tag="{}a">332. that lit the battle's wreck, 570. vital spark of heavenly, 334. words so full of subtile, 196. Flames, throng their paly, 92. yet from those, no light, 223. Flaming meteor, harmless, 261. youth, 140. Flanders received our yoke, 220. swore terribly in, 378. Flash and outbreak of a fiery mind, 133. of the lightning, 561. Flashes of merriment, 144. of silence, occasional, 461. Flat and unprofitable, 128. as pancakes, 173. burglary as ever was committed, 53. despair, our final hope is, 226. sea sunk, in the, 244. that 's, 86. Flatter knaves, to, 290. Neptune for his trident, 103. Flattered, being then most, 111. to tears this aged man, 575. whom all the world hath, 26. Flatterers besieged, by, 327. he hates, 111. Flattering painter, a, 399. tale, hope told a, 683. unction to your soul, 141. Flattery, I come not to hear such, 101. imitation is the sincerest, 675. is the food of fools, 290. never lost on poet's ear, 487. soothe the cold ear of death, 384. to name a coward, 463. Flaunting extravagant quean, 442. Flax, smoking, 834. Flaxen was his poll, 142. Flea has smaller fleas, 290. in his ear, 184, 771. that 's a valiant, 91. Fleas, great, have little, 290. little fleas have lesser, 290. that on him prey, 290. Fled, I waked she, 252. like a passing thought, 447. murmuring, 234. Flee when no man pursueth, 829. Fleet, all in the Downs the, 348. is a glance of the mind, 416. Fleets, ten thousand, 547. Fleetest, brightest still the, 522. Fleeting as 't is fair, 535. is the estate of man, 753. show, the world is all a, 524. some, good, 394. Flesh and blood can't bear it, 351. and blood, strong as, 477. and blood, to ears of, 131. and the devil, the world, 850. collop of thy own, 14. fair and unpolluted, 144. going the way of all, 181. his virgin sword, 346. how art thou fishified, 107. is grass, all, 834. is heir to, the shocks that, 135. is weak, but the, 841. little breath little, 749. nor good red herring, 13. of my flesh, 812. of thy flesh, 784. one of the, 656. service to the, 754. take off my, 461. that this too solid, would melt, 127. thorn in the, 846. weariness of the, 832. will not out of the, 19. will quiver; the, 312. Fleshed thy maiden sword, 87. Fleshpots, when we sat by the, 813. Flies an eagle flight, 109. close mouth catches no, 787. in amber, 168. of estate and sunneshine, 204. preyed on half-starved, 413. the higher pitch, 93. Flight, attained by sudden, 616. brighten as they take their, 307. flies an eagle, 109. of ages, once in the, 496. of common souls, above the, 393. of future days, 227. of years, unmeasured by the, 497. selfsame, the selfsame way, 60. Flighty purpose never is o'ertook, 123. Fling away ambition, 100. [948]but a stone the giant dies, 354. Flint, everlasting, 107. weariness can snore upon the, 160. Flinty and steel couch of war, 151. Flirtation, that significant word, 353. Float double swan and shadow, 474. Floating bulwark of our island, 392. Flock however watched, no, 615. tainted wether of the, 64. Flocks, my father feeds his, 392. Flogging in schools, 372. Flood and field, accidents by, 150. bridge that arched the, 599. leap into this angry, 110. of mortal ills prevailing, 770. seems motionless as ice, yon, 473. shadow lies floating on the, 640. taken at the, 115. Floods, bathe in fiery, 48. passions are likened best to, 25. Floor, modest front of this small, 259. nicely sanded, 397. of heaven is thick inlaid, 65. Florence, ungrateful, 545. Flounder, squat as a, 771. Flourish in immortal youth, 299. princes and lords may, 396. Flourished, whilst bloody treason, 114. Flout the sky, banners, 115. Flow gently sweet Afton, 449. how well so e'er it, 327. like thee, could I, 257. of soul, feast of reason and, 328. Flower, amaranthine, 482. and bee, summer cometh with, 571. born to blush unseen, 385. bright consummate, 235. bright golden, 245. dear common, 657. death lurks in every, 535. every, enjoys the air, 466. every leaf and every, 235. every opening, 302. first, of the earth, 522. gives scent to every, 414. glistering with dew, 233. herself a fairer, 232. it fell upon a little western, 58. lightly like a, 634. look like the innocent, 117. lovely little, is free, 487. man a, he dies, 366. meanest, that blows, 478. near the lark's nest, every, 486. no daintie, or herbe, 28. no sooner blown but blasted, 251. no stronger than a, 162. O fairest, 251. of floures, 6. of glorious beauty, 276. of sweetest smell, 485. of the field, as a, 823. of wickedness, 651. of wifly patience, 4. offered in the bud, 301. pleasure like the midnight, 520. proved a beauteous, 106. safety, pluck this, 84. that sad embroidery wears, 248. that smiles to-day, 202. the sculptured, 573. Flowers, all the sweetest, 28. and fruits of love, 555. appear on the earth, 832. are lovely love is flower-like, 503. are springing, sweet, 524. azure moss and, 565. baptism o'er the, 202. bitter o'er the, 540. buy my, O buy I pray, 607. chaliced, 159. charities scattered like, 481. clouds that shed May, 233. cover with leaves and, 181. crown old winter's head with, 259. earth laughs in, 598. from Dis' waggon, 77. have their time to wither, 570. in the mede, of all the, 6. most can raise the, 629. no path of, leads to glory, 797. nosegay of culled, 779. of all hue, 232. of the forest, 393. only treads on, 464. Proserpine gathering, 232. purple with vernal, 247. shut of evening, 239. so blue and golden, 613. some bitter o'er the, 540. soonest awake to the, 520. sweeter in the air, breath of, 167. that do best perfume the air, 167. that grows beside the way, 657. that in the forest grew, 28. that skirt the eternal frost, 501. to feed on, 30. when spring unlocks the, 535. white and red, 6. worthy of Paradise, 232. Flower-de-luce, 78. Floweret of the vale, meanest, 386. pluck ere it close, 805. Flowery meads in May, 199. oratory he despised, 304. Flowing cups pass swiftly round, 259. cups, remembered in, 92. fees and fat contentions, 253. limb in pleasure drowns, 357. with milk and honey, 813. Flown with insolence and wine, 224. Flows all that charms, 502. in fit words, sense, 268. Fluctuation, world-wide, 634. Flung rose flung odours, 238. Flush as May, 139. Flushing his brow, 575. Flutes and soft recorders, 225. to the tune of, 157. Fluttered your Volscians in Corioli, 103. Fly betimes, then, 200. busy curious thirsty, 671. from pleasure, I, 368. hiss for the, 833. in the rivers of Egypt, 833. is hell, which way I, 231. [949]like a youthful hart or roe, 302. not yet 't is just the hour, 520. O could I, I 'd fly with thee, 438. of the coach, 797. or I can run, I can, 246. said a spider to a, 605. that sips treacle, 348. those that, may fight again, 215. those that run away and, 212. to drown a, 306. which way shall I, 231. within a bead of amber, 203. Flying all abroad, 23. chariot, 424. old time is still a, 202. Foam is amber, whose, 257. o'er the dark sea's, 653. of perilous seas, 575. on the river, like the, 491. wiped away the weeds and, 598.
Foe, Byzantium's conquering, 545. censure from a, 339. ever sworn the, 459. grim death my son and, 229. heat not a furnace for your, 98. insolent, 150. is now before us, 675. let in the, 242. manly, give me the, 464. met my dearest, in heaven, 128. overcome but half his, 225. the, they come, 543. to love, unrelenting, 358. to make one worthy man my, 327. to meet the insulting, 443. to tyrants, this hand sworn, 459. was in his soul a friend, each, 338. where breathes the, 574. with his feet to the, 514. Foes, long inveterate, 269. thrice he routed all his, 271. to comfort friends and, 400. Foemen worthy of their steel, 491. Fog in my throat, to feel the, 650. or fire by lake or fen, 244. Foggy cloud, sits in a, 123. Foibles, misery from our, 437. Fold, like the wolf on the, 551. Folded arms, lord of, 55. tail, horror of his, 251. Folding of the hands, 825. Folio, whole volumes in, 55. Folk, a world of, 6. to gon on pilgrimages, 1. Folks, ancestors good kind of, 440. on shore, unhappy, 510. Follies, count o'er their youthful, 492. may
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