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much better, Augusta. In fact, my young nephew, Bobbie Russell, is here and wants to say hello to you. I’m putting you on speakerphone.”

“Ma’am, it’s lovely to talk with you and I can’t thank you enough for your helpfulness with my aunt,” Bobbie said. “I was with her during the episode, and I can assure you that your prayerful intervention made all the difference.”

Like Augusta, Bobbie was also darned good at disguising the real intent of this conversation!

“Augusta,” I said, “I’m sorry I can’t keep our meeting, but my doctor thinks it would be unwise for me to travel right away. However, Bobbie expressed interest in making a short hop up to Stevens Point and getting together with you. He knows everything that’s happened and could fill you in.”

“Oh, that would be just lovely, dear. How kind of you, Bobbie.”

I could picture the twinkle in her eyes as she spoke.

“My pleasure, Augusta,” he told her. “I’ll be in the area tomorrow. Why don’t we plan to meet for lunch? I’ll call you when I arrive in town. Maybe I can even help you with that pesky bank statement that Aunt Terry told me about. You know, the one that your friend worked on with you?” She promised to find it and bring it along and we ended the call.

I turned to my partner in all but the legalities of getting licensed. I never anticipated how quickly Bobbie would integrate into this side of my life, but his grasp of the business grew daily and the revenues he generated by taking routine work off my hands could not be ignored. I would invite Bobbie to add his name to the letterhead and website, once he got his license. “Angelina Bonaparte, Senior Investigator” followed by “Bobbie Russell, Associate Investigator.” It had a nice ring.


The conference room door opened and a tiny Asian woman preceded Susan into the outer office. Bobbie and I stood, out of respect for her age. “Angie, you remember Mrs. Ellingsworth?” Susan asked.

Susan filled me in on the Ellingsworth love life after I first met the lady. “If she owned a football team,” Susan told me, “the second string would be on the field by now.” I rounded the desk to extend my hand. “You look lovely, as usual.” I recognized the Zac Posen sheath. It was one I lusted after for my own wardrobe. Over seventy and fashionable, a difficult combination to pull off.

“Ms. Bonaparte, I can say the same of you.” The upper class British accent and twinkling almond eyes were a lethal combination. She turned to Bobbie, her gaze appreciative. “And this is?”

“My assistant, Bobbie Russell.”

Bobbie slowly lowered his head to her extended hand and kissed it.

“Ahh, young man, I can see that you are trouble of the nicest kind,” Mrs. Ellingsworth purred. “You must come to one of my at-homes. Soon.”

“That would be a true pleasure, ma’am.”

After her client left us, Susan turned to me and Bobbie, and laid the break-up mantra on us. “We need to talk.”

Had I somehow offended her?

Chapter 11

For when two beings who are not friends are near each other there is no meeting, and when friends are far apart there is no separation. — Simone Weil

I locked the outer door and the three of us settled in the conference room. Susan’s eyebrows were drawn in and her mouth was slightly clenched, giving her a puckered chin. Something was stressing my friend and officemate. I asked, “Susan, are you feeling unwell?”

After a long inhalation, she said, “This is hard, Angie. I’ve decided to relocate my business. I’m getting a lot more clients and I need more space and privacy. I found a nice suite at a reasonable rent near St. Paul and Water. I didn’t have time to talk it over with you before now. The owner is a family friend, so he’s cutting me a deal.” Her words came out in a rush, then she stopped and studied my face for a moment. “I’ll really miss you.” Her chin began to wobble.

I felt a moment of sadness for the end of our close association. Of course, we’d stay in touch, but it wouldn’t be the same. Still, the regret was tempered with relief. “You know I’ll miss you, too, Susan, but with Bobbie on board, I’ve been thinking that I need to start looking. Now I won’t have to. The current premises will be fine for us, once you move. So it’s all good.”

Her brows and shoulders relaxed. “Thanks for understanding. I’ll pay my share until our current lease expires.”

“No need,” I said. “I want the space and you’re saving me the hassle of a move.”

Bobbie piped in. “I know you two are close and I hate to think that my presence is forcing you out, Susan.”

“No, this has more to do with timing and business expansion than with you being here, Bobbie. I decided to take on a part-time accountant to help with routine audits. I’ve been turning down work because my plate is too full. Seeing how you and Angie complement each other gave me the idea.”

We looked at floor plans on Susan’s tablet. Bobbie assured her that his partner Steve’s contacts could get her deals on office furnishings. Since Susan would take her desk and distinctive shoji-front storage units, I mentioned that we would need a second desk, too, something that would pick up on my sleeker modern style.

“I’ll have my own desk?” Bobbie asked, his voice a bit breathless. “You’re keeping me on?”

I lightly punched his arm. “For now,” I said with a smile. This wasn’t the right time to talk about his future at AB Investigations. “You still have to put in your time and get licensed.”

“I won’t let you down!” He reached to hug me, but stopped. “Is it unprofessional to hug your boss?”

“I think your boss approves,” I told him, “but not in front of a client.”

“Of course not,” he said as we hugged. Then I hugged Susan. Then she and

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