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Book online «Infection Z, Beswick, L. [best ereader for manga txt] 📗». Author Beswick, L.

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door, making us jump and pray the objects in front of the door are enough to keep her out, “Sam let’s go to the principle" she nods and we both run down the hall, out of breath we eventually reach the principal’s office and bang on his door, “girls what’s the meaning of this, shouldn’t you both be in class?” he asks, “sir if we just tell you you’re not going to believe us, you have to see this for yourself" after some convincing he follows us down the hall, “what’s that banging?” he asks, and soon stops dead in his tracks when he sees what’s trying to get inside, “is that Mrs Black?” he questions, “we thought she was off sick but she was wondering about outside, then Mr Smith went to see her and she well, she attacked him” I say walking towards the door towards what was once our English teacher, “Mrs Black stop this at once!” he demands, she continues throwing her body at the door as though her mind is no longer connected anymore. “Samantha and April please come to my office, we’ll make an announcement, everyone else please head to the gym and the rest of the school will soon follow".

Before long the whole school has gathered into the gym and the banging is now a faint background noise, “I have gathered you all here to explain a delicate issue, I just ask that no one panics as everything is under control, one of our teachers Mrs Black has become very unwell, she has attacked a teacher and is attempting to break into the school, it is assumed she is doing this to attack someone else, the police have been called and will be here very soon, please stay here for the time being, call your parents to tell them of the situation, and once Mrs Black has been removed we ask that your parents pick you up, if they are not available I will drive the bus directly to your homes".

The gym fills with loud worried chatter, Damon soon spots me in the crowd and walks over, “are you okay?” He asks and wraps me in a hug, “did you see what happened?” he asks, I nod and explain what we all saw and what followed soon after, Damon is horrified “what’s wrong with her?” he asks with a trembling voice, “we don’t know but Damon, I’m scared that this is connected to all those mysterious deaths we heard about on the news, what if this means it’s here too now" he tries to reassure me with a small smile and a squeeze of my shoulder, but we both know his reassurance is in vain.

There’s suddenly a loud commotion and gunshot sounds, curiosity getting the better of me I peak through a gap in the door down the hallway to the door keeping Mrs Black out that is now wide open with the barricades scattered everywhere, I feel colour drain from my face and nudge my brother telling him of the scene I have just witnessed.

“If those cops weren’t able to keep her out what should we do?” Damon asks with fear in his voice, thankfully since we’re in the gym there’s plenty of things we can use to defend ourselves, first years find hiding spots, some of us grab bats, rackets, and spears and wait in preparation for an attack, others align the door with benches and anything else heavy available.

Soon enough we hear heavy, fast footsteps headed towards the hall, it sounds like more than one pair of feet, we all exchange worried and confused looks.

The sounds get louder until there’s a sudden pounding and scratching at the door, many people jump at the noise and visibly shake from fear, the banging gets louder as the doors shake and we all brace ourselves for the unknown, and it feels like it happens in slow motion, the doors swing open throwing benches all around the gym, followed by a growling sound and an inhuman screech.

Mrs Black with her white eyes and bloodied clothes staggers forward, blood drips from her mouth as she chatters her teeth, she is followed by 3 officers with bloodied bite marks on their skin, they have matching white eyes the same as Mrs Black, no one is sure what to do presented with this unfamiliar situation, silence engulfs the gym until our principle takes a few steps forward, my eyes widen in surprise.

We all watch in anticipation, he stops a few steps in front of Mrs Black and her followers “Mrs Black we have asked you to leave, you’re clearly unwell and you’re frightening the children, we can get you and your friends some help, what do you say" for a moment there’s silent and it almost seems like she thinking over what he’s said, that moment is soon replaced with a bloodbath as Mrs Black and the officers jump onto our principle, their teeth sinking into his flesh and he screams out, the gym is filled with everyone screams as a number of people run around.

These creatures now run after a number of the students feasting on the unlucky ones, “don’t run" Damon warns, I nod and rise my bat in anticipation, soon the creatures spot us and come diving towards us, I smack the bat across their face splattering blood and brains all over the place covering myself, my eyes widen in surprise of my strength, as does Sam and Damon, we all take a stance awaiting for the other creatures to approach but we soon notice they’re gone having followed other students down the hallway.

“So I don’t have much of a plan, just let’s grab a few more items to use as weapons, then we’ll try and get out of here, just walk quietly, keep your eyes peeled for those other... things, and try not to die" says Damon, we all nod in agreement, while

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