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Book online «The Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare [english readers .TXT] 📗». Author William Shakespeare

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not this my Cambio? Bianca Cambio is changed into Lucentio. Lucentio

Love wrought these miracles. Bianca’s love
Made me exchange my state with Tranio,
While he did bear my countenance in the town;
And happily I have arrived at the last
Unto the wished haven of my bliss.
What Tranio did, myself enforced him to;
Then pardon him, sweet father, for my sake.

Vincentio I’ll slit the villain’s nose, that would have sent me to the gaol. Baptista But do you hear, sir? have you married my daughter without asking my good will? Vincentio Fear not, Baptista; we will content you, go to: but I will in, to be revenged for this villany. Exit. Baptista And I, to sound the depth of this knavery. Exit. Lucentio Look not pale, Bianca; thy father will not frown. Exeunt Lucentio and Bianca. Gremio

My cake is dough; but I’ll in among the rest,
Out of hope of all, but my share of the feast. Exit.

Katharina Husband, let’s follow, to see the end of this ado. Petruchio First kiss me, Kate, and we will. Katharina What, in the midst of the street? Petruchio What, art thou ashamed of me? Katharina No, sir, God forbid; but ashamed to kiss. Petruchio Why, then let’s home again. Come, sirrah, let’s away. Katharina Nay, I will give thee a kiss: now pray thee, love, stay. Petruchio

Is not this well? Come, my sweet Kate:
Better once than never, for never too late. Exeunt.

Scene II

Padua. Lucentio’s house.

Enter Baptista, Vincentio, Gremio, the Pedant, Lucentio, Bianca, Petruchio, Katharina, Hortensio, and Widow, Tranio, Biondello, and Grumio: the Serving-men with Tranio bringing in a banquet. Lucentio

At last, though long, our jarring notes agree:
And time it is, when raging war is done,
To smile at scapes and perils overblown.
My fair Bianca, bid my father welcome,
While I with self-same kindness welcome thine.
Brother Petruchio, sister Katharina,
And thou, Hortensio, with thy loving widow,
Feast with the best, and welcome to my house:
My banquet is to close our stomachs up,
After our great good cheer. Pray you, sit down;
For now we sit to chat as well as eat.

Petruchio Nothing but sit and sit, and eat and eat! Baptista Padua affords this kindness, son Petruchio. Petruchio Padua affords nothing but what is kind. Hortensio For both our sakes, I would that word were true. Petruchio Now, for my life, Hortensio fears his widow. Widow Then never trust me, if I be afeard. Petruchio

You are very sensible, and yet you miss my sense:
I mean, Hortensio is afeard of you.

Widow He that is giddy thinks the world turns round. Petruchio Roundly replied. Katharina Mistress, how mean you that? Widow Thus I conceive by him. Petruchio Conceives by me! How likes Hortensio that? Hortensio My widow says, thus she conceives her tale. Petruchio Very well mended. Kiss him for that, good widow. Katharina

“He that is giddy thinks the world turns round:”
I pray you, tell me what you meant by that.


Your husband, being troubled with a shrew,
Measures my husband’s sorrow by his woe:
And now you know my meaning,

Katharina A very mean meaning. Widow Right, I mean you. Katharina And I am mean indeed, respecting you. Petruchio To her, Kate! Hortensio To her, widow! Petruchio A hundred marks, my Kate does put her down. Hortensio That’s my office. Petruchio Spoke like an officer: ha’ to thee, lad! Drinks to Hortensio. Baptista How likes Gremio these quick-witted folks? Gremio Believe me, sir, they butt together well. Bianca

Head, and butt! an hasty-witted body
Would say your head and butt were head and horn.

Vincentio Ay, mistress bride, hath that awaken’d you? Bianca Ay, but not frighted me; therefore I’ll sleep again. Petruchio

Nay, that you shall not: since you have begun,
Have at you for a bitter jest or two!


Am I your bird? I mean to shift my bush;
And then pursue me as you draw your bow.
You are welcome all. Exeunt Bianca, Katharina, and Widow.


She hath prevented me. Here, Signior Tranio.
This bird you aim’d at, though you hit her not;
Therefore a health to all that shot and miss’d.


O, sir, Lucentio slipp’d me like his greyhound,
Which runs himself and catches for his master.

Petruchio A good swift simile, but something currish. Tranio

’Tis well, sir, that you hunted for yourself:
’Tis thought your deer does hold you at a bay.

Baptista O ho, Petruchio! Tranio hits you now. Lucentio I thank thee for that gird, good Tranio. Hortensio Confess, confess, hath he not hit you here? Petruchio

A’ has a little gall’d me, I confess;
And, as the jest did glance away from me,
’Tis ten to one it maim’d you two outright.


Now, in good sadness, son Petruchio,
I think thou hast the veriest shrew of all.


Well, I say no: and therefore for assurance
Let’s each one send unto his wife;
And he whose wife is most obedient
To come at first when he doth send for her,
Shall win the wager which we will propose.

Hortensio Content. What is the wager? Lucentio Twenty crowns. Petruchio

Twenty crowns!
I’ll venture so much of my hawk or hound,
But twenty times so much upon my wife.

Lucentio A hundred then. Hortensio Content. Petruchio A match! ’tis done. Hortensio Who shall begin? Lucentio

That will I.
Go, Biondello, bid your mistress come to me.

Biondello I go. Exit. Baptista Son, I’ll be your half, Bianca comes. Lucentio I’ll have no halves; I’ll bear it all myself. Re-enter Biondello. How now! what news? Biondello

Sir, my mistress sends you word
That she is busy and she cannot come.


How! she is busy and she cannot come!
Is that an answer?


Ay, and a kind one too:
Pray God, sir, your wife send you not a worse.

Petruchio I hope, better. Hortensio

Sirrah Biondello, go and entreat my wife
To come to me forthwith. Exit Biondello.


O, ho! entreat her!
Nay, then she must needs come.


I am afraid, sir,
Do what you can, yours will not be entreated.

Re-enter Biondello. Now, where’s my wife? Biondello

She says you have some goodly jest in hand:
She will not come; she bids you come to her.


Worse and worse; she will not

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