» Other » Paparazzi, Jo Fenton [books under 200 pages .txt] 📗

Book online «Paparazzi, Jo Fenton [books under 200 pages .txt] 📗». Author Jo Fenton

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what were you saying you do?”

Bugger! Why can’t he leave me alone? I pin on a false smile.

“Mostly just a housewife. Looking after my husband and the kids. Shopping, cooking, cleaning. Same old, same old. Have you got a family?”

“I live by myself, in a flat not too far from here. If you ever fancied getting away from the boredom of housewifery for a bit, I could show you a good time.”

“I’m too old for you.” I stand up and drain my glass. “Time to go back in. I need to keep my friend company.” I head for the door into the bar area, but a hand on my wrist stops me halfway there. I turn round. “Excuse me?”

“Come on, Rebecca. You and me. We could do a quick getaway to my flat and be back in time for Troy.”

“Don’t you get it? I’m not interested.” I look pointedly at where he’s holding my wrist. He grips more tightly for a second, then, appearing to see something or someone behind me, releases me. I turn to see Joanna standing there with a tall, attractive man. I recognise him from the newspaper article, and from research done on the internet prior to this evening’s outing.

“Nigel, Penny wants you.” Joanna gestures behind her and waits until Nigel is the other side of the door. “Becky, this is Troy. I’ve told him why we’re here tonight.”

I hold out my right hand to shake, and notice red marks from where Nigel has just been mauling it. Troy looks keenly at my wrist, then at my face, then at the door through which Nigel just departed.

“Nice to meet you, Becky. Sorry to see that prick was hassling you. I reckon I know him from somewhere, but no idea where. Anyway, I think we should speak privately, but maybe not here, and not tonight. Joanna’s just given me her card. Can I come to see you both tomorrow?”

“Sure. What time?” That brief tangle with Nigel has left me feeling weak, and I don’t really want to stay any longer than necessary.

“Probably about two, but I’ll call late morning and confirm the time. I’m gonna have to go now. On stage soon, and I gotta prep. Cheers. See you tomorrow.” He’s gone with a quick wave.

Joanna turns to me. “Are you okay?” She puts an arm round my shoulders. “Come on. Let’s go inside and grab our coats. I think we can go now.”

“Before Troy’s on? Won’t he be upset if we don’t stay? And won’t Penny be angry? She wants to check out possible stalkers.”

“We’ll talk later. It’s fine. Come on.”

Ten minutes later, we’re in a black cab on the way home. It’s ten o’clock – a lot earlier than I thought we’d be leaving.

“I thought we were getting an Uber?”

Joanna grins. “Troy sorted this out for us. He said he wanted us to get home safely, and this is a driver he often uses. He’s nice.”

“Why’s he coming to see us tomorrow?”

“He’s had threats that his family will be hurt. There’s no other information and they’re not asking for anything. He said he’ll tell us more tomorrow.”

“How did he know about us?” I lean against the leather seat back, feeling exhausted and confused.

“Penny pointed him out. He came out to speak to the sound and lighting guys whilst the other band was on. I went over to him when he’d finished and handed him my card, telling him I’d like a chat. To be honest, it surprised me when he looked at the card, but even more so when he manoeuvred me into a corner, asked my name, and said he might have need of our services. He asked to meet you, then we came out to find you being manhandled by that pimply idiot.”

“He was coming on to me and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Do you think it was safe leaving Penny with him?”

“Yes, because Penny left just before we did. She told me she had a headache and was leaving. While I was waiting to speak to Troy, she asked me to tell Nigel that she was going home.”

“But you sent him in to see her. Had she already gone?”

“She was putting her stuff away. I figured she could deliver her own message.”

“Bloody hell, Joanna. We had a duty of care. We should have made sure she got away before he knew. I don’t trust that guy at all. What if he’s the one who’s been stalking her?”

“Shit. I didn’t think of that. But wouldn’t she have recognised him if he was the stalker?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he disguised himself. Can you try to call her?”

Joanna digs out her mobile. I look out of the window. We’re halfway up Cheetham Hill. It’s not too late to turn around if we have to.

There’s a moment’s tension as the phone rings out, then a breathless voice answers. Joanna hits the speaker button.


“Yes, are you okay?”

“I think I was followed again. I was going to get a taxi, but there were loads of people around, and I thought the fresh air might help my head.”

“Are you safe now?”

“Yeah, I’m home. I’ve locked and bolted all the doors and windows. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Joanna looks at me as she ends the call. “Oh my God. I can’t believe we let that happen.”

“At least she’s okay for now. What we need to do tomorrow is ask Troy if he saw Nigel in the audience taking photos.”

Chapter Sixteen

Standing in the shadows, I watch the house in silence. It’s nearly eleven o’clock, and she’ll be alone in that house tonight.

I was here earlier, unseen by anyone, and observed as a little girl hopped into a car, waving to her mum and saying “See you tomorrow”. Sorry, kiddo, but you won’t be seeing your mum tomorrow, or ever again.

The street is quiet. It’s a leafy suburban road in one of the posher parts of Manchester.

I clutch my weapon of choice, a steel blade, currently sheathed

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